A refreshing beginning

“Come on Jacob. Let me see it. I know you want to. I know I certainly do. I’m Cooper, and I admit it. Now you do the same.”

“Ok, I’m Cooper too. But I really don’t think this is such a good idea Sin,” he tried begging off.

“Oh? And why is that Jacob? Are you trying to tell me that watching me get myself off for you, while letting me watch you get off, isn’t a good idea?”

Obviously, he didn’t have an answer for that. I gave him a little push, a little incentive. I reached up, and pulled the tee shirt I had on over my head, almost immediately reaching around to undo the clasp on my bra, freeing my breasts. He watched it fall, looked up, now feasting on my tits as I cupped them together, holding them for him. I then pointed at the photo on the floor just beneath the two of us. “Come on admit it, that’s fucking nasty isn’t it?”

He looked at the photo of my mother and his, tits mashed together, covered in cum-cream, tons of it, or so it seemed anyway.

“Tell me you wouldn’t like to come over here and do that to my tits Jacob. Tell me you haven’t sat in your bedroom late at night and not imagined doing that to me…at least once.”

He finally grinned, stood, and began removing his pants. “Maybe once, or twice,” he smiled nervously. And then I saw that big beautiful cock of his.

No, it wasn’t ginormous, or anything like that. It was plenty big enough to suit any woman’s purpose however, but what it was…was damn fucking hard! I’d seen plenty of stiff dicks, even played with a few of course, but this thing was like a steel rod. I’d never seen anything like it.

“Jesus Jacob, is that thing always that fucking hard?” I actually gasped looking at it. He blushed profusely, obviously not used to hearing a woman, especially me…talk like that.

“I don’t know. I guess. But I am pretty Cooper!” He continued to grin, still staring at my tits, which of course made me smile as I openly stared at his dick.

“Play with it for me,” I asked. “Do it the way you enjoy doing it when you’re all alone. Act like I’m not even here,” I added as I began fingering myself once again, spreading my pussy lips so he could see just how wet, and hard my little clit was.

“Kind of hard to pretend that,” he commented, though it was nice to see his hand slowly working its way down the length of his shaft, teasingly, as opposed to just wanking away on it like I thought he might. “This is more like having a dream, only it’s real,” he moaned softly as his hand came up and over the tip of his prick, palming it briefly, even going so far as to bend it out and away from his stomach, letting it go.

I watched as it snapped back, actually thumping against his chest as hard as it was. Like a coiled spring the way it snapped back, and even wobbled for a bit, throbbing.

“I take it…you like the way that feels when you do that,” I assumed, now thumping my own cunt a bit, letting him see that it wasn’t all about clit twirls and finger-fucking that turned me on too. His eyes opened even wider upon seeing that.

“Same as you…obviously,” he groaned even deeper as his hand slid all the way down his shaft, holding his cock firmly, where he then released it, now cupping his hard tight balls, once more letting me see his prick as it throbbed, bounced, and then oozed what was obviously a nice fat droplet of lubrication. Without even thinking, I took two steps, reaching out, and lifted the dollop of clear liquid from the head of his cock, tasting it.

“Hmmm, nice,” I purred, reaching out to wrap my hand around his dick now, startling him for a moment, though he let go of himself, his own hands coming up to gently finger and caress my hard aching nipples.

“Is…is this, ok?” He asked somewhat worriedly, which made me laugh again at his unnecessary concern.

“Of course it is silly. After all, I am holding your cock aren’t I?”

I stood there, reveling in his hardness, as Jacob stood enthralled with caressing my tits, toying with them as though this was the first time he’d ever touched anyone. “I have to tell you Sin,” he blushed again just saying my nick-name, which seemed to intensify what we were both standing here doing to one another. “I never, ever thought I’d see the day when I actually got to see you naked, let alone…be doing this with you.”

“That makes two of us,” I quivered, biting on my lower lip as his fingers just then sent a hard thrilling jolt through my entire being as he gently pulled, stretching my hard nipples out, holding them there for a moment. I knew my full breasts were heavy in his hands as he jiggled them erotically, just barely holding on to the tips of my nipples. “Oh fuck Jacob, that feels good,” I moaned once again, stepping even closer towards him so that I could rub the head of his hard stiff cock through the wet slippery folds of my sex, teasing myself.

“God that’s nasty hot!” He moaned in kind, leaning his head, now capturing one of my nipples, sweetly sucking it.

“Yes it is,” slapping his prick against my clit, pressing the massive head of it against myself, so wanting to stick it inside at this point, though knowing now was not the time or the place to be doing that, as much as I was tempted to. “Cum on me Jacob,” I begged him. “I want to see you squirt, see you cum, watch you spray my tits, just like the way my dad and yours did to our mothers!”

Maybe it was the thought of that, a reminder, as we both once again stared down at the erotically tiled floor there below us. Photos of our parents engaged in just about every sex-act and position imaginable, though it was again the one of mom and Jackie, pressing their cum-covered tits against one another that finally did it.

“Oh fuck! Sin! Sin!” He cried out, and then unleashed a torrent of cream that in moments completely saturated my breasts. I don’t even remember doing anything to myself, and yet…my own delicious orgasm seemed to coincide with his as my body shook with one of the most intense, amazing orgasms I’d ever had.

One Step at a time – Chapter Four

Not too surprisingly, the same roll of tape that had once been used to secure the thick, fat manila envelope to the bottom of the drawer was still in the room. I’d been using it to tape shut a few other boxes of odds and ends with. Not knowing if mom was even aware of dad’s hiding this here or not, I didn’t want to risk taking any chances. I knew without any doubt that dad’s old roll-top desk top was coming with us anyway.

He had given it to me, the one thing I had always said I wanted if he ever decided to get rid of it. So if nothing else, even if mom wasn’t aware of where he’d hidden this cache of photos, they’d be safe enough right where they were.

We hurriedly finished up for the day, and then left the room. Jacob was again all shy and nervous once more however, perhaps feeling a bit guilty at this point, though no doubt confused about what any of this now meant, or what repercussions or changes it would bring about in our own relationship. I decided it would be prudent of me to assure him that things had indeed changed between us…in a good way.

Later on that evening. But right now, I had other pressing matters and concerns to attend to. One of which was having a fairly intimate conversation with mom, and trying to not let on that I now knew what I did when we had it. I was curious to see what she had to say about a few things, and confirm what I was already beginning to think about.

“Meet me in your old bedroom at midnight,” I told Jacob, giving him a kiss on the cheek, though I quickly added another to his lips, kissing him far more intimately before stepping away, leaving him.

It was an interesting situation for now. With Jacob and Antony living with us, their home remained furnished, yet vacant. It was the ideal, and perfect place for the two of us to go, and have some time totally alone together. Sneaking out of the house later would prove easy enough to do without being heard. And then easier still, opening the door and simply going inside, since Jacob still obviously had a key. He looked at me curiously, somewhat worried perhaps. I wasn’t about to leave him that way either.

“Just make sure that things are as hard as they were a while ago. I’m not nearly finished with it yet,” I told him. I left him with a big shit-eating grin on his face as I headed downstairs to mom’s room where I hoped we could have a little chat.


I found her downstairs in her bedroom where she was refolding clothes, putting things away. Mom had emptied out half her dresser drawers, making room for some of Antony’s things. “Mom? Are you busy?” I sprawled out on top of her bed, something I had done in the past whenever I had a question, and wanted some close, personal “mommy-time” as I called it back then. She smiled without even facing me.

I think she enjoyed those moments just as much as I did. And the fact that it had been a while since we’d had one of these moments, simply added to that.

“Never so busy that we can’t talk honey,” she answered, continuing to fold her delicates, a rather impressive collection of panties, garters, bras and the like, many of which I don’t remember seeing before. They certainly weren’t her normal, standard every day attire that I usually saw her wearing.

“What’s up? What’s on your mind?” She now asked to close one drawer, opening another, though she quickly closed that, realizing perhaps that it held things that might not be appropriate, or perhaps, merely awkward in my seeing. The fact of the matter was, I already knew what that particular drawer held in the back. I’d secretly borrowed one or two of her sex-toys in the past, before I’d finally gone out and gotten my own little assortment of pleasure-pricks.

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