Straight Guy Working in a Gay Club – 04

I looked at him blankly for a second or two. Was I OK? I hadn’t been hurt. He hadn’t made me do anything. I could have said “no.” So why hadn’t I? Was I going to go meet him after the auction? I was horny, that was for sure. But did I want to do this? Finally realizing that I hadn’t answered him, I replied evenly, “I’m OK.”

I then went back to fixing drinks. As I did, I kept shooting glances over to Jonathan’s booth. He was sitting there relaxed as he casually watched the dancing. I looked back at the drinks, as I passed them out. Robert had come over to me and was staring at me worried. I looked back at him curiously, as I asked, “What?”

He shook his head and said, “I asked if you were OK. Did he do something? Do you want me to get Brian? What’s wrong with you? You never zone out like this.”

I blinked as I went through his questions one at a time. I was OK, but confused. I was horny and he had offers to make me cum better than anyone ever had. I wanted to cum. So what was the problem? I answered honestly, “Yeah, I’m OK.”

He didn’t do anything wrong. It all felt really good. Even when he had squeezed my balls and cock, I hadn’t been in real pain, just discomfort. It had excited me to have him dominate me like that. Why was I excited? I then answered, “He didn’t do anything wrong.”

I didn’t think Brian should get involved. Brian was cool. Like an older brother who looked out for us twinks. He would probably get worried too and probably mad if he thought something was wrong with me. He might even kick Jonathan out of the club. Then I couldn’t meet up with him after the auction. What would I do then? I shook my head and replied, “No, there’s no need to call Brian.”

What was wrong with me? Jonathan had just kissed me, made me rub his hard cock through his pants, groped my ass and crotch, then squeezed my cock and balls until I begged him to suck my cock. He had ordered me to take my cock out of my pants in front of him and other people. Then he sucked my cock for several minutes, better than anyone ever had before, but never let me cum.

And after all of that, he gave me an ultimatum to come back to him after the auction, or else I was on my own. Would he actually suck my cock until I orgasmed or was he playing with me? I was so horny that my balls hurt. Maybe I should get some ice. Finally remembering his last question, I answered automatically and without any emotion, “Jonathan said if I come to find him after the auction, he would make me cum harder than anyone else ever has. I was just trying to decide what to do. What do you think I should do?”

Tim and Robert both blinked and stared at me, before looking at each other and then back at me, as Tim replied, “What do you want to do, Alan?”

I blinked and replied evenly, “I want to cum. I haven’t had sex for months. And I really want to get off.”

Robert nodded, as he replied, “Well, did he give you any specifics or just say that he would make you cum?”

I repeated, “He said he would make me cum.”

Robert nodded and leaned closer, as he whispered, “If you’re OK with that, I say go for it. You’re clearly horny and he’s smoking hot. Just see how you like it. I mean, your cock looks like it’s about to burst out of your shorts. So clearly you’re interested, right?”

I nodded as I answered, “I’m interested. But I don’t know how to do anything with a guy. What if he wants me to suck his cock or fuck me in the ass? What do I do then?”

Tim then asked, “Do you want to suck his cock?”

I shrugged and answered, “I’ve never thought about it really. And he didn’t tell me to.”

Robert and Tim looked at each other again, before looking back at me, as Robert asked, “Do you want him to fuck you in the ass?”

I shrugged again, as I replied, “I liked being rimmed. That was fun. You both like sucking cock and getting fucked in the ass, right? What do you guys think?”

Tim then piped up again and said, “I think you should take the rest of the night and think about it all. You might like sucking cock and getting fucked in the ass. Just take your time and think it over. Then you make a decision.”

I nodded and went back to making drinks. I didn’t really pay attention to the rest of the mini-games. I was pretty much on autopilot the rest of the night. After a while, I took a break, went to the bathroom, and splashed some water on my face. That seemed to help me focus and relax. But I still didn’t know what to do. Finally, Tom announced that the auction was starting.

As a preview, he put a spotlight on each employee as he called out our names and said we did here. I smiled proudly when he announced that I was a bartender and a sexy cage dancer. As the auction started, each employee was called to the main stage so we could strut around, put on a show, flex our muscles, or do whatever we thought would get us the highest bids.

I had calmed down and got my head right by now. So when it was my turn, I made my way to the stage without second-guessing myself. As Tom did his thing on the microphone, I waved, smiled, and walked around the stage. I bent over giving the crowd a nice view of my ass as I shook it enticingly.

As Tom got the bidding going, I trailed my hands up and down my body hoping to get the bidding to go higher. I posed in several different positions that earned me cheers and several loud bids. By the time the bidding ended, I had earned a bid of $2200. It wasn’t as high as a few of the main-stage dancers, but I wasn’t complaining.

Tom again announced that he would handle the details of our date, as I walked off the stage. With so many lights on the stage and the crowd being so loud, I couldn’t tell whose bid had won. I shrugged, figuring I would find out sooner or later. After the last auction was over, most of the employees began walking around and congregating with their favorite customers/best tippers.

Others found their boyfriends/ fuck buddies to play around with. Considering this was a private party and the planned activities were all completed, all of the employees were allowed to join the fun at this point if we wanted to. With my mind made up and my cock still hard as a rock, I made my way over to Jonathan’s booth and said evenly, “Sir, could I interest you in a tour of the “Fun House?”

Jonathan smiled warmly, as he replied, “That sounds like a wonderful idea, boy. Lead the way. I’ll follow that sexy ass anywhere.”

As I walked towards the door, I felt Jonathan’s hand grabbing my ass, as his middle finger slid between my ass cheeks and began teasing my asshole. He pushed me along with his hand as my steps faltered. Once inside, he pushed me up against the wall and kissed me possessively again. Into the kiss, he moaned out, “You know what happens next, don’t you, boy?”

I nodded and moaned back into the kiss, “Yes, sir.”

He moaned as he grabbed my hands and placed one on his crotch to cup his balls, as he forced my other hand down the front of his pants, as he growled, “There you go, boy. Rub my hard cock and balls when I’m kissing you. There’s no need to play coy anymore, is there, boy?”

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