Intruder made Adam and his mom do weird activities – 01

Hey guys this is an incest story about an intruder who made Adam and his mother to engage in sexual activities. This story comes in 4 parts and I want you guys to read all the 4 parts to get maximum use of it. Enjoy

As soon as I pulled onto our street I knew mom was by the pool. Not that I could see past the wooden fence surrounding our backyard, but I didn’t have to. The fact my best friend Hunter, who lived next door, was on his porch with a couple of his friends looking into my yard was a dead giveaway. In a way it ticked me off, but then again, who could blame them? Fact was my mother was not only pretty damn hot, but lately had taken to wearing some revealing bathing suits when she went swimming.

No, not a bathing suit; that would be the fairly modest one piece she used to don when at the pool. What my mother was wearing these days was a bikini and a damn skimpy one. So skimpy I was getting uncomfortable looking at her. Parking in the driveway next to Dad’s red camri I shut off the car and frowned at my last thought. Saying I was uncomfortable looking at mom lately wasn’t really the right word. If I was to be honest with myself the word was horny.

The last few weeks Mom had been dressing much sexier, flaunting what I had always figured was a nice body, but I’d had no idea how nice. However even though I had been well aware my mother was, for lack of a better word, a cougar, I had never seen her as anything but my mom.

But the last month or so something had changed and I found myself looking at her more like an extremely desirable Milf rather than a parent. I sat back and tapped the steering wheel nervously as I recalled the way my cock had been stirring in my pants whenever I sat by the pool with her or when we watched TV and she lay on the couch with her long legs stretched out.

Even as I stared at those well shaped legs I told myself this was my mother, but that thought wasn’t enough to stop the disturbing images of her doing very un-mother like things from entering my mind. The fact mom had become much more affectionate with me wasn’t helping matters.

Last night was a perfect example. Dad had to work late and as we sat on the couch watching the Sox game, Mom slid over and grabbed my arm and draped it over her shoulder as if she were my girlfriend. That might not have been so bad had she been wearing more than the inappropriately short black silk robe she had been parading around in at night.

The material was thin and she had placed my hand dangerously close to her left breast. I could feel her soft stomach beneath the robe, but more alarming was I could feel her nipple, her hard nipple, pressing into my arm. I had tried to move, but looking up at me with her big blue eyes she’d asked, “You don’t like being close to me?” Those words had been followed with her tradeAdam pout that she had been using on dad and me for as long as I could remember.

When I was a kid I would always give in to the pout because Mom said it meant she was sad. I always figured that’s how it worked on dad as well. When I got older and started thinking about and eventually having sex, I realized it worked on dad because mom had amazing lips.

Full and soft, I knew what that pout made my father think of. I sighed as I wondered what dad would think if he knew that several times in the last couple of weeks his son had envisioned those lips doing exactly what they did for him.

No sooner had that thought entered my mind I was confronted with the image of my mother on her knees looking up at me. Her blue eyes were wide and her lips pushed into that irresistible pout. That pout was hovering just over the swollen head of my cock and as I reached down and ran my hands through her long red hair, those lips parted and…

“Stop it!” I snapped. Pushing that twisted visual from my mind, I looked into my own blue eyes in the rear view mirror and whispered, “You’re a sick bastard and you need help, Adam.”

Help was something I was seriously considering. Perving on your mother just wasn’t normal and the university did have free, and hopefully confidential, counseling. Still I was unsure whether or not I would be able to tell someone, even a professional, that last night I’d had a wet dream of my mother slipping into my bed and fucking me or that I had taken to watching mother son porn videos and jerking off to them.

I forced myself to get out of the car and walk quickly along the fence in order to clear my head before I began replaying that dream. As I approached the gate to the yard I looked up and saw Hunter and company still gawking and yelled loudly, “Hey Hunter, what are you guys looking at?”

Hunter jerked his head around to look at me, then almost as quickly looked back into the yard. He put his hand up and gave an awkward wave at my mother who I had figured had looked up, and even from where I was I could see him turning red. He stood up and after saying something to his friends they entered his house.

Hunter was the last to do so and looking down at me, flipped me off and mouthed the word “Asshole!” I smiled and waved at him, then frowned when I heard mom call out, “Hey Adam, come sit by the pool with me!”

I put my hand on the gate, then recalling the look of lust on Hunter’s face, and my recent issues; I decided I didn’t need to see my mother right now. Pretending I didn’t hear her, I walked past the gate and entered through the front door. As soon as I did I felt my stomach sink. There were two suitcases in the hallway which meant dad was going on the road.

For years my father had been an inside sales rep for a company that manufactured custom car parts, but due to my starting college had taken a position in the outside sales division to make some extra commissions. I felt bad because he was now traveling two to three days a week and I knew it was hard on him and mom who even after twenty years of marriage were very close.

In fact from the multitude of times I’d had to avoid the hallway at night and crank the music up in my room the two were very close. Not that I could blame dad, hell if I had a girlfriend as hot as my mother I’d never let her out of the bed.

That thought was cut off when it hit me that dad starting the new job was right about the time mom had started dressing differently. Was she trying to keep my father happier when he was here because she thought he would stray? Or maybe just trying to make his time at home more enjoyable?

As I entered the living room and made my way into the kitchen I figured that was not only a good explanation for her new wardrobe, but could explain her increased affection for me. Maybe she was lonely without dad around. The two of them were downright sickening with the way they were all over each other so perhaps she was…what was the word, needy?

Opening the fridge and popping open a Coke, I shook my head; dad leaving was not going to help my dilemma with my mother. The nights he was gone were the ones mom seemed to act more like an attention starved girlfriend. I chugged the Coke and as I tossed the can into the trash, nodded in agreement with myself; dad’s weekly trips were the cause of her behavior.

Unfortunately dad had talked about doing this for at least six months and all I could do was hope mom would get used to it and go back to being normal. I was going to head upstairs to study when my phone beeped telling me I had a text. I removed it from my pocket and saw it was from mom.

“It’s not nice to ignore your mother; come swim with me!”

I glanced over at the glass doors that led out back and saw mom sitting on the edge of the pool across from me, a towel wrapped around her. Seeing me looking, she beckoned me with her finger. I swallowed hard and with an air of resignation walked out onto the deck. I was wearing shorts and a plain white t-shirt and figured I would tell mom I didn’t feel like changing and just sit outside with her for a little while, then use studying as an excuse to bail.

When I went down the stairs of the deck and approached the pool mom stood up and tossed the towel off. Oh, fuck me; I thought when I saw what was beneath it. Mom was wearing a red bikini that seemed as if it were little more than lingerie. Mom was pretty ample in the chest department and the skimpy top looked as if it could barely contain her.

The material of the top covered little more than half of her tits and even from across the pool I could see the tops of her smooth creamy breasts and forced my eyes downward.

That was a big mistake as the bottom of the suit, if possible , was even more revealing. The suit looked more like a thong which tied around her hips leaving her entire leg exposed. The small patch of red cloth between her legs didn’t leave any margin for error and if the damn thing moved to either side even a little her pussy…

I closed my eyes and told myself the words pussy and mother should never be used in the same sentence. I heard a splash and opened my eyes to see mom had jumped in and was swimming towards me.

My heart pounded as I watched her body stretched out under the water as she propelled herself using those long well shaped legs. The water of the pool was crystal clear and I could see the back of the bikini was just as flimsy as the front. I found myself staring at the firm well rounded cheeks of her ass as she approached and with a feeling of alarm became aware of my cock beginning to twitch between my legs.

Mom reached my side and came up from under the water, rested her forearms on the edge of the pool and smiled up at me.

“Hi baby, how was school?”

“Umm, it was okay.” I managed to get out as my eyes locked onto her chest.

The bathing suit had slid slightly to the side as she had risen from the water and as I stared down at her breasts I could see the light pink skin surrounding her nipples.

“You okay, baby?”

“Yeah, sure!” I answered as I jerked my eyes up to her face.

Although there was nothing sexual about the neck up, staring at my mother’s features was not helping. At forty one, mom was still damn beautiful. Her features were smooth and unmarred by even the smallest wrinkles. Her big baby blue eyes were wide and bright and of course there were those perfect lips.

Mom’s long red hair was plastered to her face and the smooth skin of her shoulders. Like many redheads, mom’s skin was fair and even with some color from swimming was still much lighter than my own tanned flesh.

“Baby?” she cut into my thoughts.

Mom calling me baby was another new thing that had started in the last few weeks. Initially I didn’t mind it, in fact even though I had just turned nineteen I found it kind of endearing. Now that I had been having inappropriate thoughts, the idea of her calling me baby had a far from innocent sound to it.

“Hey, you in there?”

“Hey!” I cried out as mom punctuated that question by reaching into the pool and splashing water on my legs.

“Well you looked like you were daydreaming.” She gave me an odd smile, “What you thinking about baby?”

“Uh, nothing, I have a lot of homework to do and I was just trying to figure it out.”

“You just got home, take some time to relax and work later.” She indicated the pool. “Come on in, the water’s perfect!”

“I…I don’t have my suit on.”

“Just take your shirt and shoes off and jump in, you’re only wearing shorts.”

“Nah, I really need to be…” I stopped as mom put on the pout and looking up at me with those big eyes asked,

“Please, baby?”

I looked down at those eyes and that little girl pouted and was struck by the recurring image of her doing that between my legs. I stepped back so quickly I tripped over my own foot and fell backwards. Luckily I had been standing in front of one of the lounge chairs and sat down heavily into it. Mom clapped her hands.

“Smooth!” she laughed.

Despite my nervousness, seeing her flash that huge smile and hearing her laugh caused me to smile back and I shrugged, “I do what I can.”

“Well, show me another smooth move and dive in!”

“Only one performance a day.” I told her with a forced laugh. “Really, mom, I don’t feel like swimming right now.”

“Fine, I guess I’ll just have to come get you then.”

“No, that’s….”

I trailed off and started as, hauling herself up out of the pool, mom crawled towards me on her hands and knees. She was staring into my eyes and I sat there, unable to look away as she approached. Her tits were hanging down and threatening to spill out of the top and I could see straight down between the pink skin of her nipples.

Mom’s absurdly fine ass was up in the air and this time my cock didn’t twitch, but grew one from before. Mom was smiling as she approached, but it seemed different; more playful, as if she knew I was looking.

Don’t be stupid, I told myself as I tried to inconspicuously place my hands in my lap to cover my now fully hard cock. Mom came up to the chair and to my horror, knelt there between my legs looking up at me.

“Come on, baby.” She said in what I could only describe as a purr, “Come play with me.”

“P…play with you?” I stammered wondering if I had somehow fallen asleep and this was just another sick incestuous dream.

“Yeah, in the pool, we can play volleyball like we used to all the time.”

‘Oh.” I nodded.

Intruder made Adam and his mom do strange activities – 01 will continue in the next page.

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