Business woman and cam girl on special vacation – part 4

Par 4 of Business woman and cam girl on special vacation is here and continued… “Yes,” I said. “They were. I told you about not really being experienced at… lesbianing.” “Hehe, yeah, you mentioned.” Isabel clung a little tighter to me. “I’m not experienced at much at all, really.” “In […] Read More… from Business woman and cam girl on special vacation – part 4

Business woman and cam girl on special vacation – part 3

Part 3 of Business woman and cam girl on special vacation continues.. Isabel glanced at me, giving me a small shrug and a lopsided grin. I was feeling quite horny and stupid now. Not unlike her chat, it seemed. “Tell them I might even play with myself while you get […] Read More… from Business woman and cam girl on special vacation – part 3

Business woman and cam girl on special vacation – part 2

Part 2 of Business woman and cam girl on special vacation begins here “I don’t know if I want to answer that,” I said. “That’s fine. I think I know already anyway.” “You do not!” “Do too.” “How can you even I don’t know? I mean… I think boobs are […] Read More… from Business woman and cam girl on special vacation – part 2

Business woman and cam girl on special vacation – part 1

This is a story about a Business woman and cam girl meeting on a vacation, a great lesbian story. I didn’t have many expectations for my stay at the cottage. Some rest, some relaxation, some lazing around, maybe some swimming if I was feeling ambitious. I hadn’t even been there […] Read More… from Business woman and cam girl on special vacation – part 1

I love her family; but one of them too much – part 5

Read previous parts of I love her family; but one of them too much in this link. “Of course, Kate. I’ve got you. What would I want with her?” That seemed to settle things a bit, but it was shortly after that Grandma announced it was bedtime, lockin’ up the […] Read More… from I love her family; but one of them too much – part 5

 I love her family; but one of them too much – part 2

Read previous parts of I love her family; but one of them too much in this link. The cleaning crew came in twice a week, and worked around her. As soon as they left, she’d start cleaning behind them. I wasn’t sure if having cleaners was a great idea, she […] Read More… from  I love her family; but one of them too much – part 2

Not getting caught is the interesting part – 02

Read Not getting caught is the interesting part 01 in this link. I almost died when she reached behind her and took my hard rod in her hand. She bent it forward, and sat on me just behind it. When she released it, I could feel it pressing against her. […] Read More… from Not getting caught is the interesting part – 02