A refreshing beginning

“There’s an envelope or something that’s stuck to the bottom of the drawer there,” he pointed. I held it up looking. It wasn’t just stuck, it was very carefully taped and sealed to the bottom of the desk drawer.

“Must be something important for dad to have put it here,” I guessed, though there was no outward indication of what it was. Just a plain brown manila envelope, though it was fairly thick as I began prying the tape off, peeling it away from the drawer, now curious as to what it might possibly contain. We’d already found most of the important legal documents weeks ago, which dad had kept in a fireproof safe.

So whatever this was, was even more important than that perhaps, or at the very least, something he didn’t want anyone else ever finding out about. Including me. I was actually excited as opposed to being apprehensive or nervous about it as I finally tore it away, and then fought with the clasp, eventually opening it.

I reached inside, drawing out what appeared to be a rather large handful of photographs, most of which were actually old black and whites. And then my jaw dropped, as did Jacob as we sat there looking down at the collection now spread out in front of us. It was his parents and mine. And they were all naked, in all of them. But more importantly, they were obviously having sex with one another.

“That’s my father. With your…”

“Mother,” I answered for him, each of us with eyes glued to the photo, not even comprehending that there was a plethora of others stacked just below that one that we hadn’t really looked at yet.

The fact this particular photo, along with many others, was in black and white, told us these had been taken many years earlier, not to mention the fact that our parents likewise looked very young. Obviously, this has been going on for a very, very long time now. I was at first shocked and surprised of course, as was Dan. But as I sat there half mesmerized, glaring at the photo, I began to see something else in it as well. And that simple revelation surprised me even more.

The look on mom’s face was pure bliss. Orgasmic, which told me as I looked at her, at Antony as he stood behind her, fucking her doggy-style, that she was in the very midst of an orgasm, which someone…either my dad, or Dan’s mom had captured on camera.

I was certainly no prude. And I had certainly seen enough porn by now as well. And though this would certainly be considered pornographic in every sense of the word, to me…it was much more than that. It was almost artistic! Well very erotic anyway. More so than just being called porn. What I saw was sexy, beautiful, hot and erotic as hell. And I wasn’t the only one who saw it that way either. Sure, at first, we were both shocked and surprised, but as we began to carefully, almost reverently look through the stack of photos one by one, we found ourselves savoring each and every one that we came across.

“Wow, look at this one!” Jacob said, holding it up in front of us at arm’s length, which interestingly enough, made us both feel like we were there with them, looking on. Neither Jacob nor I could tell if this was my father’s cock, or his. But the photo clearly showed mom, and Jackie licking whose-ever cock it was, simultaneously, together…and quite obviously enjoying it too.

I turned the picture over, looking at the back, as I suspected, these old black and whites were actually dated. Whoever had developed them, which raised an entirely different set of questions, which we’d probably never know the answer to, placed all this at nearly twenty years ago, which meant that Jacob and I both were only two or three years old at the time.

“Jesus,” he said again, picking out another. “And this one’s dated a couple of years after that one…so this really has been going on, for a very long time now!” As interesting as that little bit of knowledge was, I was still more enthralled with what I was looking at, and only now coming to realize the depths of what this all meant. I sat looking at what was obviously my mother’s breasts, pressed up nipple to nipple with Jackie’s tits. Two large, fairly thick cocks of similar proportions came into the photo at complementary angles on either side.

By the looks of it, and the evidence forever captured there, they had just finished dumping a mutually combined, impressive load of cum on both my mother’s, and Jacob’s mother’s tits. I felt the first signs of arousal suddenly dampening the area between my own legs, and wondered if looking at these was having the same effect on Jacob. I glanced over and down, and saw the sign of a tell-tale bulge pressing against his almost too-tight shorts. Obviously, it was.

“Holy fuck!” I exclaimed upon seeing the next one. “Never in a million years,” I said aloud, though Jacob was himself speechless, his eyes bugging out, and his mouth actually open. Mom and Jackie were in a sexy looking “69” going down on one another.

The next few were similar variations of that, only with dad now fucking Jackie from behind in one, and then in another, with mom alternately sucking on Antony’s cock, and still licking Jackie’s pussy. There were other, somewhat tamer, milder photos of the girls posing together, cupping one another’s breasts smiling at the camera. Though there was one of the two of them, kneeling side-by-side, asses and cunts towards the camera, each of them looking back over their shoulders, winking.

“They…were really having fun weren’t they?” I asked, not really asking a question, merely stating the obvious.

“No shit!” Jacob laughed nervously, now starting to spread the photos out and around us in a bit of a semicircle, grouping them more by date and age than anything else.

“No, I mean…looking at these Jacob. You can see, they really were having fun together, you can see it in their eyes. They loved and really cared for one another. It wasn’t just the sex, though the sex is obviously hot. Just look how totally free and uninhibited they are with one another. You can tell, there’s no jealousy in any of these. No uncertainty in their expressions. All you can see is excitement and joy, and true unbridled bliss.

That’s what I’m talking about here Jacob. This isn’t just pornographic stuff we’re looking at here. This is pure eroticism at its finest.

I watched as Jacob rocked back on his heels, nearly falling over as he handed over a small stack of colored photos to me. “This one is dated a couple of months before the accident,” he exclaimed. I noticed it was dated just before Halloween, and that there were even Halloween decorations in the background. But more importantly, we now saw that there were other people in the photos as well. It wasn’t just the four of them having fun together any more. There had obviously been others too.

New unexpected desires – Chapter ThreeWe had looked at every single one of them, but I was far from finished. I began looking through them again, a bit more carefully this time even. I looked at others, compared, finally distinguishing who was who, simply by the appearance of their sex organs when faces weren’t easily distinguishable. But I was again looking at expressions, the knowing, loving smiles on their faces, the joy in their eyes…the obvious excitement.

And it quite naturally made me excited too. By now I was a sopping wet mess down there.

“What are you doing?” Jacob asked.

“What’s it look like I’m doing?” I had popped open the top button on my shorts, slipping my hand down beneath the waistband of the panties I had on. “I’m Cooper. Tell me you’re not!”

Jacob stuttered, words failing him. “But…but,”

“But what?” I glanced over at him, where there had been a bulge earlier, it was even more pronounced, but more importantly, there was a sizable wet spot now too. “Tell me you’ve never once fantasized about seeing me masturbate,” I spoke boldly, guessing…but pretty confident I was correct in my assumptions.

“I didn’t say, I mean…I never, what I mean is,”

“So have you? Or haven’t you?” I asked quite obviously, fingering myself now, though I now stood, actually tugging my shorts off down around my ankles, along with the white cotton panties I happened to be wearing. Once again, Jacob was speechless, though his eyes were now glued to my puffy, swollen bare pussy lips, with my finger buried to the hilt inside myself as I stood there. “Well?”

He looked towards the unlocked door, nervously. I laughed.

“You’re mom.”

“Soon to be…OUR mom,” I reminded him. “She hasn’t been in here since,” I said, not needing to complete the sentence. “And she won’t come running up here now either. So quit worrying. Now…answer my question. And don’t try being shy about it, or lying to me either Jacob. You know damn good and well, I could always tell when you were trying to lie to me or not tell me the whole truth.”

“Well…sure, yeah, of course I did, not all the time damn it, I mean it’s not like…Jesus Sin!” He said in exasperation, and then laughed, realizing what he’d just said and how ludicrous that sounded. I laughed with him, still looking at the photos, and then him again.

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