A refreshing beginning – 5

I had purposely saved organizing the desk for last, waiting for mom to come in and begin helping me, where together hopefully…we’d discover the photo’s. I wasn’t too terribly worried about her reactions at this point, regarding the physical contents anyway, we’d already shared and discussed the fact that she and dad had had intimate, close relations with Antony and Jackie over the course of the years.

The only real concern I had was whether or not it would cause mom grief…seeing them remembering them in a sad way, as opposed to the erotic, sensual images in the way that I saw them.

“Well, you’ve made pretty good progress,” mom said coming into my room. “Are you sure you still need my help?”

I had purposely pulled the desk out away from the wall, only two possible options for it to actually work. “Well I certainly do with moving this around,” I informed her. “Not quite sure where it will look and work the best though,” I said standing back looking…trying to decide.

“I think over in the alcove, facing that way,” mom suggested. “You’ll be a lot closer to the window for one thing, so you can still look out while you’re studying.” I agreed with her of course, which I’d already decided on earlier. And earlier, in anticipation of having to push the large heavy oak desk into place, I’d already removed several of the drawers, making it somewhat lighter. It was then that I removed the last two drawers, including the one with the envelope securely taped beneath it.

Pulling it out, I held it up as though to carry it and place it off to one side. Sure enough, mom saw the manila envelope hidden beneath it. “Wait…Maria, what’s that? There’s something stuck,” she questioned walking over as I turned the drawer over, and quickly pulled off the envelope.

“How strange,” I said, peeling off the tape, and then undoing the clasp…already reaching in as I think realization suddenly started to dawn on her. But it was already too late.


“Wow…mom!” I glanced up at her grinning. “Would you look at these!” I said excitedly. Before she could even respond, I had dumped out the entire contents onto my bed, already spreading out the provocative photos. “Ohh, this one’s naughty hot!” I exclaimed, holding it up, looking at it. It was the one of Jackie and mom, cum-covered tits pressing up against one another. Resigned, mom came over sitting down on the edge of the bed next to me, glancing at it now as well.

“Well, I guess you pretty much knew anyway,” she stated simply. “And here’s the proof…obviously. Always wondered where your father had put these for safe-keeping. I guess now I know.” She smiled though, now holding onto the photo, looking at it. “Yes…I guess it is, isn’t it?” She chuckled only slightly embarrassed, remembering.

“Yeah, too bad the boys aren’t home. I’d be willing to bet we could talk them into doing this for us!” I teased.

“Yeah right,” she said, now thumbing through some of the others. “That’ll be the day.”

“Oh, and this one…this one is DAMN sexy mother. I love this one! Look at you two, looking back over your shoulders winking at the camera.”

“That’s not all that’s winking!” Mom laughed looking at the image, her pussy and Jackie’s openly on display, their neither lips looking puffy and swollen, even in black and white. “God do I remember that night well!” She added to that. “That was the night…the first night, that she and I actually ate one another out.”

“Ooh, do tell!” I said staring at the photo again, and then spotting the one showing them actually doing that. “Is this then?” I asked. Mom smiled, nodding her head. “Yes it was. Amazing what a little girl-girl action can do to a man. Both men…” she chuckled. Your father, and Antony too, came several times that night. Just about the time they thought they were done for, Jackie and I would do something to one another again, and low and behold..

.they’d both end up standing there with stiff hard cocks, almost as though they were teenagers again or something. I don’t think I have had that many orgasms in one night…either before, or since then.”

“Hey…let’s do something,” I exclaimed, hopping off the bed, already pulling the tee shirt I had on up and over my head.

“Maria?!” Mom questioned dramatically, wondering what I was up to.

“Nothing major,” I challenged. “But look how hot that is, how hot you two look. I want to see what you and I look like, posing the exact same way!”

Mom shook her head no.

“Ah come on mom…please? Lets’ look, let’s see what we look like together!” I was already crawling up onto the bed again, naked now, with my pussy facing towards her in all its hot-naughty glory. “Please?” I pleaded once again, and then delighted when mom stood, and began unbuttoning the blouse she was wearing.

“I can’t believe the wickedly naughty things you convince me into doing with you,” she stated, as I giggled excitedly, once again jumping off the bed in order to fetch my digital camera. I can set it up right over here, it should be at just about the perfect height and distance as this one,” I said one again examining the old photo, readjusting things just slightly, before jumping back up onto the bed again. I had the small little remote in my hand that would tell the camera when we were ready to take the picture as mom made one last effort in going against this. Or rather against anything else happening.

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