A refreshing beginning – 5

I looked at her, seeking approval and permission, but it was obvious she was fine with that, even letting go of Antony’s cock so that I could in turn now fondle it, smearing my own sweet juice up and down his throbbing hard shaft.

“Now you need to taste it,” she said. Reaching up to briefly remove the ball-gag from his mouth, though warning him when she did. “Remember the rules…no talking, or you sit here alone until I feel like you’ve been punished enough.” Antony remained silent, breathing deeply in relief, grateful perhaps that the ball gag had been temporarily removed. She again reached down, coating her fingers, and then lifted them to his mouth, smearing her creamy essence against his lips before allowing him to then suck the remaining residue off her fingers.

“More?” She asked, stepping back, once again nodding towards me. Antony’s prick bounced wildly in response. I grinned, repeating the actions, lifting my own cum-covered fingers up to his lips, letting him taste my own sweet girly juice, and then allowing him to likewise suck and lick it off. “Good boy. Did you like that?” Mom asked.

“Yes!” Antony groaned, quickly shutting up, realizing he had spoken however, to which mom immediately responded.

“Bad boy!” She charged. “You broke the rules! And for that, you’re going to have to lay her all alone for a while and think about the consequences of having done that!” She again motioned to me, pointing towards the door. I quietly tip-toed out of the room as mom reinserted the ball gag into his mouth, turning up the music just a bit, and then following me out into the hallway, only then closing the door.

I giggled quietly, sharing a secret laugh with her as we hurriedly made our way down the hall and back up the stairs again into the sitting room.


“Godmother, you’re wicked! Really, really wicked you know that?” I finally burst out laughing, no fear of being overheard as she had likewise shut the upstairs door. With the music playing downstairs, and both doors closed, I knew that poor Antony was alone with his thoughts, though I was also quite sure that even that was stimulating to him, wondering what mom might now be up to.

“What can I say?” She asked uninhibitedly cupping her breast, toying with her nipple right there in front of me as we sat down on the couch together for a moment, giggling like school girls again. “It’s been a very long time since I’ve felt like this…thanks to you,” she told me. “It’s…nice, feeling alive again,” she then added a bit more somberly.

“Well I for one am glad to see it mother. You are acting more like your old self here, but I’m even more pleased that you’re sharing this with me, allowing me to see this side of yourself that so reminds me of me,” I said leaning over to give her an affectionate kiss on the cheek, and then another on her mouth. Feeling my hard stiff nipples briefly graze her own as we did that.

“Fuck!” Mom groaned audibly. “I swear it’s Sin,” she again said using my nickname, and even emphasizing the connotation and meaning of saying it that way. “It’s moments like this that I really do wish you weren’t my daughter, if you know what I mean.”

“Well I for one, don’t mind that you are mother,” I replied reaching out to grasp her tender breast, kneading it softly, feeling the exquisite softness of her tit, the hard almost rubbery like nipple now captured between my fingers as I scissored it, teasing it. She allowed my ministrations a moment longer, and then forced my hand away, somewhat reluctantly.

“But I am,” she simply said with a longing look in her eyes, “We’ve been naughty enough as it is, without making things even more complicated,” she sighed resignedly. I was pleased to see her hand replace mine however, once again fondling and caressing her own breast, as I began doing the same to myself, watching her.

“So how long is his punishment?” I asked. Mom looked at the clock on the wall.

“At least another ten minutes. Give him something to think about, wondering what I’m up to, what’s going to happen next,” she chuckled with a very evil laugh. “Trust me, he likes it when I torture him like this. You think his cock’s all hard and purple now, wait until I’ve really driven him nuts, not to mention how much, and how hard he shoots when he cums after a marathon teasing like this.”

“So I take it, you’ve done this before?”

“A few times yes,” she freely admitted. “Not often…we like to keep this as one of those special times, though he has likewise done the same thing for me too. Jackie used to go…” Mom caught herself, realizing she’d just about spilled the beans about the four of them, though the words were already too late to take back.

“Crazy?” I finished for her, letting her know I was perfectly ok with that. “And speaking of which, I still want to hear all the naughty juicy details about you two sometime too mother. What was it like licking another woman’s cunt anyway? Do you enjoy doing that? Do you enjoy having another woman eating your pussy at the same time?”

Mom laughed, blushing just a bit, but the cat was now out of the proverbial bag here. “Yes…very much. We had grown very close with one another obviously over the course of the years. So in time, things just seemed to quite naturally happen. She was the first woman I had ever been with, ever done anything with, and from what I understand, though she’d had some limited experience, I had been her first real female lover as well.”

“I bet daddy enjoyed watching you two,” I spoke. “I know I sure as hell would have.” Mom again blushed, but there was no sense trying to hide the obvious now.

“So…you’re not shocked by any of that?” She asked.

“Shocked? Hell no mother! And not even surprised really. I keep telling you, we’re a lot alike, and if I know me…then I have a pretty good idea of who you really are as well. So to think you could enjoy the pleasures of other people, though more specifically, Antony and Jackie, and that dad was obviously into that as well, doesn’t bother me in the least. In fact, I envy you. I honestly do wish that I could enjoy that intimate closeness the way you did.

” I was hinting here, wondering perhaps if she’d catch my meaning, though content to merely plant the seeds and see if they took root more than anything else.

“Aren’t we sort of doing that now in a way?” She answered back, giggling nervously however, and once more glancing at the clock. “I think…he’s been punished long enough,” she said standing. “Well sort of”, she added to that. “Now it’s time to really drive him nuts. Come on, follow me and do what I’m about to do for him. He really loves it whenever I do that.”

“Do what?”

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