A refreshing beginning – 2

“Oh right…like that hurt!” Mom scolded, though by her tone of voice, she too was again trying to hold in a chuckle of her own. “Seriously Antony, do you think they’re…you know, doing it?”

“Wouldn’t surprise me, as close as the two of them have always been, they are after all pretty much grown up, and free to choose and decide what’s best for themselves in that department. But if you’re really worried, or just curious about it…why don’t you just come out and ask her?”

There was a long silent pause. Mom was no doubt thinking about it, though I wish I could have seen the expression on her face while she was. “Just like that. Ask her if she and Jacob are doing the nasty.”

“Well I wouldn’t put it quite that way,” Antony chuckled again. “But yeah. You told me that the two of you have had some fairly intimate discussions in the past, not to mention having this one…talking about my dick no less, so yeah…I think it wouldn’t be any less inappropriate for you to ask her about her love-life. I mean…after all. That might be something we need to think about and take into consideration here before we do all this formally , don’t you think?”

“Yeah, I guess you’re right. Maybe I should. I’ll see if I can’t find a way, the right time…to bring it up sometime tomorrow.”

It was all I needed to hear. Smiling, I retreated back to the safety of my bedroom in order to get ready. I had less than thirty minutes before Jacob and I would be meeting up over at his place. And I also knew, I now needed to get a few answers from him myself. I had come to my own basic conclusions about a few things, but for any of this to ever work, or even have the least bit of chance to work between him and I…I had to know with certainty, where his head was at. It was time to administer my own brand of truth serum.


Jacob was waiting for me at the back door when I arrived. And though the house was pitch black of course, there was at least a full moon out, so it gave us just enough light to see by as we ascended the dark stairs leading up to his old room. Once inside, we even opened the curtains so there would be even more light as I hurriedly shimmied out of the nightgown I had thrown on before coming here.

“Get naked,” I told him, which he soon did, and as we then settled down on top of his bare mattress, facing one another, sitting Indian style. This time he didn’t even flinch when I reached over, taking his nearly hard dick in hand as I started to fondle it. It was steely-hard in seconds. He reached over, likewise touching my breasts again, which I allowed, as it not only felt nice, but would no doubt enhance his arousal level, which I was trying to quickly escalate here.

“Hmm, that feels…good!” He moaned pleasurably as I sat there gently running my thumb back and forth over the sensitive ridge of his cock head. What I was hoping for, soon ran slick between my fingers. “Oh god!” He moaned again, actually shivering.

“Ok Jacob, here’s how this works,” I began, though he wasn’t quite coherent enough to understand what I had meant by that yet. “You like how this feels, yes?”

“Yes,” he moaned pleasurably, simply enjoying it…though his fingers continued to dance wonderfully on my nipples as well, distracting me just a little.

“Very good. Now then…if you want to keep feeling this, and enjoying it, then you’re going to answer my questions truthfully. That’s why I’m using this truth serum here, your fuck juice…to make your cock feel as good as I’m making it, so that you will.”

“Will what?” He now asked, obviously still confused, not yet understanding my purpose here.

“I want to know what you think about things, and I want you to tell me the truth Jacob, no matter what. The moment I think you’re lying to me, or not telling me the whole truth…then this stops. But as long as you answer my questions honestly, then I keep pleasing you…all the way,” I added. “Understand?”

“No…not really, what questions?” I quit playing with his dick, and scooted back, forcing him to remove his hands from my breasts.

“I ask the questions. You answer. Not the other way around here, understood?”

“Ok, ok…whatever,” he sighed anxiously. “What do you want to know?” I moved back to sit in front of him again, not at all surprised when he reached up, once more capturing my breasts, though my own hand immediately went back to what I’d been doing to him.

“Tell me what you thought when you first saw those photos of our parents fooling around together. Did that bother you that they were? Or did it arouse you when you realized they always had been doing that?”

I could tell he was actually thinking about it when he answered. “Well at first, it was more surprising than shocking really. I mean, no…I wasn’t disgusted, or anything like that no. And sure…especially looking at them, seeing them…it was arousing yes. Why?”

“I ask the questions here, remember?” I said letting go of his dick again.

“Oh come on Sin…be a sport. I answered your question, at least answer mine too. Only fair.”

“We’ll see,” I responded back to that. “As long as we stay on topic here and don’t head off in some other direction, maybe I will. Just be truthful with me…remember that.”

“Ok. So…you’re gonna answer my “why ” question?”

“In a minute…maybe. But first, tell me this, and then we’ll see. When you first saw my mom naked, what did you think when you did? And again Jacob…be honest with me about it.”

Although he appeared to be thinking, the answer was already there. I could see it in his eyes, and I knew he was trying to find the right words to say, knowing that I would know if he were to lie to me. But he was known to hedge his bet a little, not telling the full truth in times past.

“Well, I thought she looked hot. Damn sexy in fact,” he added hoping that was enough. But it wasn’t.

“Those are just the surface words Jacob. Not what I was looking for and you know it.” I stopped thumbing his prick, leaning back and away from him, once more forcing him to relinquish my breasts. “Try again. Tell me what you were really thinking deep down inside when you looked at the photos, when you actually saw mom’s cunt, when you saw how sweet her breasts looked, especially with your mother sucking on them, while your dad knelt behind…fucking her.”

He swallowed, and then spoke nervously. “I was thinking…that I wish I was fucking her too,” he finally admitted. I grinned, laughed.

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