A pool boy with extra perks of benefits – 02

Read previous parts of pool boy with extra perks of benefits in this link.

I was kneeling behind her working her toned legs. “Spread your legs a little Railey, please.” She opened them a little more than shoulder wide, and I felt her tremble when I coated the inside of her thighs up to her crotch. “I’m not sure. I’ve done it once before, on a different model. It should be a little easier this time. Figure in less than two hours.”

“Before 4:00 then? That would be good.”

I completed down to her ankles and rubbed some lotion into the top of her feet. Then I moved in front of her, watching her eyes tracking me. “Hold your hair back from your face and close your eyes.”

She caught her breath when my fingers touched her face, and she tilted her chin up. I carefully covered her face and neck making sure to get her ears and the top of her cheeks. She looked so damned pretty, I forgot myself and pressed my lips to hers. She jerked away for a moment, then leaned back into me, letting me kiss her, her eyes held tightly shut.

It was a soft tender kiss, my tongue barely outlining her lips. Her mouth opened slightly, and our tongues met briefly. “We should get some chap-stick on your lips, gorgeous.”

“It’s on the table.”

Sure enough. I held her chin still and painted her lips with the cherry lip-balm. I went in for another short kiss, tasting the difference. She responded sweetly, opening her lips to me quicker, her tongue grazing against my teeth.

Again I broke it off, grabbing the tanning lotion and traversing her front, still avoiding those areas I’d most like to be rubbing. I did a thorough job, exploring every square inch of her tanned skin.

“Ready for the rest?” I asked her, putting the 30 aside and reaching for the 50.

“I guess so,” she said nervously.

I dipped my finger into a pool of lotion and drew a line across her back, just a little wider than her existing bikini top line. Loading up my hands with more of the cool cream, I dropped to my knees and placed my hands on her nice round butt cheeks. They flexed cutely under my touch. It was beyond comprehension, and my brain was in imminent danger of sensory overload shutdown. My hands grasped her white globes, squeezing gently, getting a feel for the flexibility, softness, and texture. I moved them, in small slow circles, gradually growing larger, exposing her most private parts to my hungry eyes.

I blanketed them completely, spending as much time on her butt as I had on her complete back and legs. I carefully traced my fingers down her crack, brushing across her sexy little pucker repeatedly.

“That’s a little much, Sam,” she said softly.

“Don’t want you getting your beautiful skin burned. Open your legs,” I told her.

She was trembling as she spread her legs and leaned over, her hands resting on the table. I rubbed the lotion along the sides of her pussy, over and over again, slowly opening her up a bit. Her lips were swollen and I leaned in close, my face inches from her. I traced a finger up her slit, then into her, just enough to feel her silky moistness. She fought a losing battle to stifle a moan.

“Sam, please,” she gasped.

I had three days and countless opportunities ahead of me. That reminder to myself was enough to endow me the patience and restraint to finish without getting too carried away.

I got up and she slowly straightened. I saw a hint of a smile. “Pretty damn thorough,” she observed.

“Always.” I turned her away from the table, lathered up my hands and went at her remarkable tits.

Again, I enjoyed myself, feeling, kneading and fondling her full breasts, leaving no part of them untouched. Her nipples stood bravely at attention, and I played with them a fair amount. She was breathing hard by the time I was finished.

I dropped to my knees, loaded up on the sun-screen, and took care of the smooth white flesh down below. I behaved better this time, covering her thoroughly, but only spending less than a minute on her pussy, once more fingering her lightly before declaring my work done. I managed to stop before any more warnings.

I was hard as a rock, my dick sticking straight out, tenting my bathing shorts obscenely. Railey was keenly aware of it, and reached down, grasping my shaft. “Sure you don’t want your payment now? You look like you really could use it.”

“I want it. Desperately. So let’s hurry and get this motor swapped out, before I lose my mind.”

She giggled. “Got you a little worked up, did we?”

“A little? You’ve got the greatest body I’ve ever been close to. Touching you like that had my heart racing like a NASCAR winner.”

“I guess we better get started.” She leaned closer, “I’m looking forward to paying you off,” she whispered softly.

The difficulty lay in removing the pump assembly from the outer shell. Railey was leaning over the pump, her hands braced against it, all of her weight pressing down on it, to hold it still. Her tits were squeezed out between her upper arms, driving me crazy. I was tugging on the pump, pulling from side to side, trying to wiggle it out, and her tits were responding to my actions by shaking like crazy, making me want to throw everything to the side and gobble them up.

I kept looking up at her as the plastic separated, a few millimeters at a time.

“What?” she asked, catching my eye.

I was honest. “Your incredible tits are driving me crazy.”

She giggled and gave a little shimmy. “Oh, these old things?”

“Damn you’re hot, woman.”

She smiled, then leaned forward, her weight still pressing downward, but about a foot closer. “Hot for my pool-boy.”

She was killing me. With a growl I yanked hard and the two pieces separated, almost landing me on my butt.

She laughed out loud. “I see what you mean by incentive. If we get this done by four, I’ll let you play with my tits while I’m paying you off.”

She left me, with the excuse that she was going to clean up. I started the disassembly, and watched her lay out in the sun, chatting on the phone, completely naked. I wanted to throw the tools aside and jump on her.

At 3:44 I was attaching the last of the bolts. “Done. Now to see if it was done right,” I called out to her, mesmerized as she walked toward me, her body glistening in the sun. She was wiping herself down with a towel and casually wrapped it around her waist.

I pulled out my test wiring harness, and plugged it in. With a flick of a switch, the pump came to life. “Ta-da! Three-hundred thirty two dollars, and 3 hours later, we have ignition.”

She smiled at me. “The pool company wanted $1600 parts and labor to replace the pump.”

“I guess you’re getting your money’s worth.”

“And I imagine it’s time to make sure you’re rewarded for coming to my rescue.”

I didn’t have any witty response for her, and thankfully didn’t need one. She lowered my shorts, freeing my aching erection. Within a few moments she had me reclining on one of the loungers, sitting next to me, her hand holding my cock.

Her hand glided up and down my shaft, silky soft against my tender skin. She grabbed a bottle of tanning oil, and drenched me, her hand sliding freely. I closed my eyes, as near to heaven as I was ever likely to get. “God, please, let me die now.”

She giggled. “Now that would be a shame, since we still haven’t gotten to the good part.” Her fingers gripped a little tighter, as if trying to draw my essence outward. “I’ve felt so guilty for the last few hours, seeing you working so hard, that huge bulge in your shorts never going down. You’ve been hard on me since you got back from the store, haven’t you?”

“A lot longer than that,” I confessed. “Years longer.”

“Then it’s about time I did something about it, isn’t it?”

I groaned for her, thrusting back against her hand. “This is incredible. Just like that.”

“Hard to believe I let you talk me into doing this for you every week for the rest of the summer. Can you even imagine anything like it? Now every single week, I’m responsible for making sure that first we prime this monster of yours, and then we milk it dry.”

She moved up the chair, until she was sitting beside my waist. “You’ve always liked my titties, haven’t you, Sam?”

“Always,” I managed to groan.

“You can touch them, if you like.”

I reached out and cupped her tit in my hand. So beautiful. So perfect. With a loud groan I came for her. She continued stroking me, drawing forth every last drop. “Wow, Sam! You came a lot! Been saving up for me?”

I twitched when her hand cupped my sensitive head and twisted softly. “Since last night.”

She reached for a towel and wiped me down, before handing me the rest of my Bud. “I hope I didn’t disappoint you. But you better get going if you’re going to finish in time to give me another lotion treatment.”

It took a good bit longer to get the pump reinstalled. Close to an hour, including wiring and testing. I stood up and called out to Railey who was laying out under the late afternoon sun, watching me, when she wasn’t texting her friends. “Done. Time for the test.”

She got up, and walked toward me, her naked body still an amazing vision. She giggled as she got closer. “Hard again? Already?”

“Still,” I laughed with her.

I leaned over and hit the filter button. The pump kicked on, and I heard the tell-tale hum and rhythm of the priming before the water from the bottom of the pool started to flow into the pump.

“Phase 1 is done. You’ve got a working pump again.”

“Not a moment too soon. I’m overdue for another layer of suntan lotion.” She walked over to her lounger, straightened out her towel, and laid down on her belly.

I peeled off my sweaty shirt and walked over to the faucet so I could clean my hands and face. I splashed the water over my body a bit to cool off, then retrieved the suntan lotion from the porch.

A pool boy with extra perks of benefits – 02 will continue in the next page.

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