When I made love with an Indian girl

Hello, everyone, This is an experience of love with an Indian girl. I am a 35-year-old American currently staying in Australia. This happened in Sydney. Comments and critiques are welcome for this story.

I regularly play tennis in a club with my friends. One evening, I was sitting alone as my partner could not come at the last minute. I was looking at other courts to ask someone to play with me. But there were no extra players. I was just hitting the ball against the wall and suddenly someone called me.

Rani: Excuse me, are you not playing?

It was a mid aged Indian lady who might be in her 35-40, she was a fair, average sized good looking woman. I did not think anything bad when I met her for the first time.

Jack: No, my partner could not come.

Rani: Oh that’s bad. By the way, I am Rani.

Jack: I am Jack.. (shaking hands with her). Nice to meet you.

Rani: Nice to meet you too. My son, who is 6 now, has joined this club and he is getting trained.

Jack: Oh that’s nice. It’s good they get trained at this age. So, do you play?

Rani: no (big laugh). I have been seeing you every week and you have improved a lot on your game.

Jack: Yes, I was a beginner but playing regularly improved my game.

Rani: That’s great. Shall we have a coffee? Or are you looking for someone to play with?

Jack: no, let’s have.. (something struck me not to miss)

I was just following her to the club cafe and she ordered 2 coffees and sat at a table nearby.

Rani: so, what do you do for work?

Jack: I work as a financial advisor in xx company. How about you?

Rani: I’m on a career break now and looking after kids. My husband has his own company and he has clients worldwide.

Jack: It’s good to have a career break for women. I didn’t realize you noticed me.

Rani: You are not handsome or good looking. I noticed your game.

Jack: I was shocked and she read my face.

Rani: I could have been more polite, but that’s the truth

Jack: That’s ok (hesitantly..I was thinking, how the hell can she talk like that..)

We were chatting about her suburb, local traffic changes. It was time for her to leave as her son’s training was over.She took my number and told thanks for the chat. He came over and met me and they both then left.

That night I was searching facebook for her profile and I found it. But I could not see her pics or posts as she has restricted it.

After a couple of days, I got a text from a number saying, “Don’t search me on facebook. Rani”

I was surprised how she knew it. I replied saying, “ok I won’t”. Then she didn’t text back. I saved her number and saw her dp on WhatsApp. Wow, she was gorgeous. I pinged her “hello” on WhatsApp.

Jack: hello

Rani: hi, tell me

Jack: just thought of saying hello

Rani: don’t try to flirt..we are not teens.

Jack: ha ha.. right.. let’s be open

Rani: what? Where is this conversation going

Jack: you should know why you took my number

Rani: yes I know as you don’t have the courage to take my number

Jack: That’s a universal rule.. girls can take guys’ number and not the vice versa.

Rani: whatever.. What’s up for the weekend?

Jack: nothing (thinking I might get to see her). What about you?

Rani: I am getting guests on both the days and then school holidays for kids.

Jack: Oh nice. .Are you taking the kids somewhere?

Rani: kids and my husband are going to India on a short trip to visit families.

Jack: Why are you not going?

Rani: I have to help my husband with his office work before he comes back

Jack: that’s so good of you (thinking I might get her to meet)

Rani: What about you?

Jack: Nothing great. Just shopping.

Rani: ok, let’s catch up on Monday evening

Jack: sure

I could not spend the weekend without thinking about her. Around 4 pm Monday, I texted her to ask for time and place. She told me she would pick me up from the station around 6 pm.

I reached the station and bought a wine bottle and some chocolates. There she was, waiting in her car and called me by waving her hands. She was in jeans and a t-shirt showing her curvy assets. I got in and she moved as the place was just “kiss and ride” (A car park at a railway station, airport, etc. for the dropping off and picking up of passengers).

We reached her place and it was a nice and beautiful 2 Bhk unit. I gave her the wine and chocolates and she said no formalities.

Rani: How was the day?

Jack: very hectic.. I need a break and I’m going to take leave tomorrow.

Rani: oh, is it? Let’s have a coffee.

Jack: sure thanks

She went to the kitchen to prepare coffee. I just followed her asking for help.

Jack: Any help I could do?

Rani: no I am just preparing coffee.I can’t cook. Let’s order dinner outside

Jack: sure.

Just stood near her and I could feel her aroma.

Jack: what perfume was that

Rani: Bvlgari

Jack: nice (moved an inch closer to her)

Rani: Can you take sugar from there?

Jack: Sure, I will put in the sugar.

Rani: no, I will do it (she held my hand and stopped it)

Jack: let’s do together (I held her hand back)

Rani: naughty

I blushed and moved my left hand around her waist. She smiled at me. We then had coffee and she switched on the TV and sat near me.It was playing “Hate Story 3”.I just looked at her and asked were you watching porn. She told this is not porn and laughed.

I told her, let’s watch porn. She did not agree first but then she was ok. I was searching for Indian maid sex. She looked at me asked, “you dirty, what are you searching for?!”

I said, let’s watch this. The movie started and the dialogues were funny and we both were laughing.

Our shoulders were touching each other. An intense scene started in the movie and she was sitting erect. I touched her thigh and she did not react. I put my arm around her shoulder and she just leaned on me.

I kissed her on the head and her breathing started heavy. I moved my hand from shoulder to her armpits and then to her boobs. She just closed her eyes.

I took her face with my other hand and planted a kiss on her forehead. Her lips opened widely. I bit her lips and then she took control over my lips. She was just playing around with my lips while her hands were on my chest. I could not resist and I started squeezing her boobs over her shirt.

When I made love with an Indian girl will continue in the next page.

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