The companion act

I poured myself another Long Island Iced Tea, and headed back to the den to watch the game.

“She’s gonna be in trouble!” I told myself. And decided there and then I was going to mention my concerns to Henry. The last thing I wanted or needed was to spend the next two weeks dodging Tom’s flirtation bullets.


Half an hour later I headed back into the kitchen to fix myself another drink. If anyone needed to slow down, it was me. Though I promised myself I’d nurse this one until dinner time. Glancing out the window towards the pool, I nearly tripped over myself. Henry was sitting up in her lawn chair, Tom sharing it, sitting behind her, though she was rubbing lotion into her sister’s bare back.

Thing was, not only had Henry removed her top, so had Tom. And even from the side, sitting the way that they both were, I had a clear bird’s eye view of their bare breasts. Tom’s definitely larger, fuller…though Henry’s somewhat smaller breasts seemed a bit perkier, giving me a rather sexy smorgasbord of differing titty-flesh to stand there looking at.

What surprised me the most was the fairly large, somewhat darker coloring of Tom’s nipples. Even at this distance I could clearly see the hard little points of her nipples as she moved about. Once or twice, seeing them graze the back of my wife’s bare back, almost as though she was doing it on purpose.

Without initially realizing it, I suddenly looked down, my hard cock pressed fully and tightly against the front of my beige shorts. Worse…a small but growing wet spot beginning to emerge. I knew then I’d soon have to head upstairs to change. But for now at least, I was content to stand there and allow my voyeuristic tendencies to run rampant. I knew better, sure.

Wasn’t I just moments ago reminding myself to stay the hell away from any of Tom’s flirtatious teasings? And now…here I was teasing myself as I reached down, slipping my hand down the front of my shorts, openly fondling myself as I stood there watching the two of them.

Playfully, I watched as Tom completed the oiling of her sister’s back, suddenly reaching around in front, cupping her own sister’s breasts momentarily in her hands. Henry of course immediately reacted, though not in the way I first might have thought. She leaned back into her sister, her own hands coming up to close over her sisters, momentarily holding her hands within her own against her breasts.

It was but a moment, but she then looked over in my direction, standing as she did, forcing Tom to release her hold on her. Tom too turned looking towards the house, that sexy little birthmark angling down towards her nipple, not quite reaching it. I stepped back away from the window, though I’d been cautious enough not to have been standing too close to it in the first place.

Mentally my mind raced, trying to remember in the past what I could see from their vantage point. I felt reasonably safe they hadn’t seen me, especially as I had stepped back even further into the room seeing my wife suddenly turn long before Tom had. But now, Henry grabbed their two empty glasses and began heading my way.

“Shit!” I exclaimed, yanking my hand out of my pants tempted to turn and run from the room. And I would have had plenty of time to spare had I not at that very moment knocked my glass off the counter top, shattering it on the floor. “Fuck!” I now added realizing my dilemma, already stooping to begin picking up the larger pieces of glass just as Henry entered through the door. “Don’t come in any further!” I called out to her, freezing her in place. “I broke a glass!”

She wasn’t barefoot however, and quickly determining it was safe for her to enter further she did so. “I’ll get the broom,” she informed me. Moments later she joined me, sweeping now, though I made effort to remain stooped over as I was, looking for additional shards of glass. When it became obvious I was more in her way than helpful, I stood. And sure enough, Henry almost immediately spotted the now slightly larger wet spot I’d created on the front of my beige shorts. “Spill too?” she now asked, though she chuckled to herself when saying that.

“I came in for a drink,” I said lamely.

“And looked out the window.”

“Yes…and looked out the window.”

“And saw us.”

“And saw you,” I mimicked back, still more flustered than rational, repeating her every word as though that was the most sensible thing to be doing as she continued to lead me.

“And liked what you saw.”

That one stopped me however. Though Henry didn’t give me time to respond, turning to gaze back out the kitchen window herself, forcing me to look as well as she did so.

“She does have nice breasts doesn’t she?” I felt it prudent not to answer that.

“So do you,” I said instead, seeing the smile on her face broaden upon hearing that.

Tom was again laying back in her lawn chair, completely oblivious to the situation inside. I however wasn’t oblivious to the fact that my wife was standing there next to me bare breasted, nor that she had obviously seen my wet spot and knew immediately what I’d been doing, or at the very least, what my cock had been obviously doing. Leaking.

“Wish mine were as large as hers are,” she added turning back to face me, a smile on her face as she reached down, cupping her breasts holding them together.

“They’re big enough,” I responded, tearing my eyes away from the window. Tempted to reach out and fondle her offering.

“She is a tease isn’t she? Even around me,” she added knowingly.

“Yeah, that was ah…a bit interesting to say the least,” I openly admitted. “Surprised she did that.”

“I’m not,” Henry told me. “Even as a kid before she came into her own, she was always jealous of my having breasts, and was constantly walking in on me when I dressed. She’d always take that opportunity to ask me personal intimate questions about myself, wondering when she’d finally grow some…things like that.

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