The get together

This Story is part of The Party Series

This is a new story called “The get together” let’s begin…. Author’s note: From time to time I entertain ideas or suggestions from some of my readers and fans. A while back, I was approached by a couple who had attended a rather wild party. They asked if I couldn’t put into words some of the things they did and experienced.

As they have also asked to remain anonymous, I will honor that request. There is quite a bit of bi-sexuality in this story based on the experiences they encountered at this affair. So for those of you, who find no interest in that, please beware.

I have also chosen to write this in the first person as that is my preferred choice and style of writing, so am writing it from the viewpoint of this intriguing couple who described for me in somewhat explicit detail some of the aspects of the party they attended. Obviously I have taken a little liberty in doing so, using dialogue which I feel will enhance and add to the story, and to the situations as explained and described to me as I began writing this.

For those of you who do read and enMike this work, I hope to hear from you and appreciate your votes and comments. I am likewise sure that they too, would be interested in hearing what you have to say. All individuals portrayed in this tale are of course, over the age of 18.

Joining an Adult site

For quite a while now my wife Kate and I have toyed with the idea of joining an adult site, specifically with the intent of perhaps meeting another couple, or couples we might be compatible with, and with whom we might actually explore a few sexual fantasies the two of us have had. Fantasies we’d very often spoken of candidly with one another, but had never acted upon. We gave it a lot of thought, and then sat down one night together and scripted up a profile that we thought accurately described ourselves, along with a few of our more tame thoughts and desires.

Within the span of a few short hours, we already had several personal notes waiting for us in our in-box, though none so far from anyone close or local. At first, we began to wonder if we ever really would as we had heard a few stories. People (mainly men pretending to be women) or couples whose profiles and pictures didn’t accurately represent who it was they really were.

We had gone in with the intent to be as honest as we could be. We were certainly no Ken and Barbie, though I daresay, my wife Kate at 49 years of age looked easily ten years younger than that, with a body that I thought could compete easily with any mature woman around that age. For myself, I am five years older than my wife. At 54, I already have a full head of almost bright white hair, which had begun turning so before I had even reached 40. A genetic trait perhaps that ran in my family, though Kate thought it made me look very distinguished without looking old.

We both worked out at a local gym twice a week at least, so remained in fairly decent shape, though admittedly again, neither one of us had abs of steel or anything like that. Toned perhaps, though at my age, I was happy just to have that.

More about us. Like I said, my wife Kate looks ten years younger than her true age and that’s no exaggeration. She stands 5’4″ tall, has shoulder length dark brown hair, and an incredible figure though she (like most women perhaps) is constantly complaining about how gravity is beginning to take over.

Personally, I find the gentle hang of her lovely C cup breasts to be most alluring and sensual. They are full, heavy against her ribcage with lovely light tan colored nipples that when erect are very thick and full, a reason why even with a C cup, Kate has often worn pads inside her bra as her nipples tend to show through even with a bra on, and do so considerably.

She has a nice firm ass, though again she considers it too big for her tastes. Personally I like the way she looks in a nice pair of tight fitting jeans and a white blouse which, as already mentioned, usually shows off those lovely full breasts of hers.

For myself, I stand just a fraction under 5’10”. I have hazel colored eyes (as we both do) I tan easily, though now I am trying to be a lot more careful about spending quite as much time out in the sun as I used to. Again being honest, I am as they say average in the endowment department. I don’t have a monster cock, though Kate (and girlfriends in the past) never had any reason to complain. Kate’s always said it’s not what you have, but how you use it.

Hopefully she’s not just saying that because I’m her husband, though her quiet vocal expressions of pleasure whenever we’ve made love are a pretty fair testament to that fact.

Oh and by way of introduction. My name is John.

First Meet

It was several days after we’d placed our ad before we actually had someone reasonably local to where we actually lived, who contacted us. After a few brief exchanges back and forth, we finally agreed to meet someplace for coffee as a way of meeting one another in a so-called “neutral” environment. Needless to say, Kate and I were both anxious as well as nervous…though likewise excited. We had hopeful expectations, but had already decided not to get our hopes up, especially for a first time encounter with another like-minded couple.

What surprised me about Kate was when she came down the stairs after primping in front of the mirror for the last hour before joining me. Dressed casually of course, she was wearing one of my favorite outfits. A nice tight pair of form fitting jeans, and a lovely white blouse, though I immediately noticed she’d gone without the usual pads in making any attempt at covering up her large thick nipples should they become aroused. The reason I knew this was because I could see them already. She was aroused. Nervous yes, but obviously excited too.

After some discussion, we had agreed to meet Thomas and Grace (yes their real names) which had been the introduction for some comic relief on both of our parts, deciding that the best place was a truck stop located approximately thirty minutes away for both of us. It was the perfect place to meet, sit…have a cup of coffee and a piece of pie perhaps, and simply get to know one another. They were already waiting for us when we arrived, recognizing us almost immediately (by my white hair) and waving us over to where they had already been seated.

Thomas was my wife’s age, though to be honest, he looked closer to my own. By his semi rugged features, it was obvious he worked hard (as we soon learned) working as a construction worker for many years. His wife Grace was a fiery looking redhead, somewhere in her mid forties, with far larger tits than even my wife had.

And though not trying to make too obvious a comparison here, she was built a little like Dolly Parton, similar frame perhaps, though her breasts weren’t quite as large as Dolly’s are, but you get the idea. Grace was very warm and friendly from the get-go, standing, giving each of us a very affectionate hug and a kiss before sitting down to join them. As we soon learned, they’d been in the “life-style” as they called it for a number of years now, though they didn’t consider themselves constant swingers, and had in fact remained pretty exclusive to a small group of special friends.

The only reason they had even decided to contact us was the fact one group of friends had moved away, and they’d been looking for another “perfect” couple that might be interested in joining their small little group. We spent the next solid hour getting to know one another better, and slowly but surely, Kate and I became very comfortable in getting to know them. When they suggested that we go out into their motorhome (which they had arrived in) for a drink perhaps, we hesitated only briefly before deciding to do so.

After all, we were in a truck stop, so there wasn’t much of an expectation that things would really go anywhere, even in their motorhome. Boy were we in for a nice surprise.

Our first sexual dalliance

The motorhome was spectacular with all the amenities. They explained that they enMikeed traveling a lot, driving across the country, and had gone all out in purchasing the motorhome we were now sitting in. Even sitting there in the truck stop, it felt more like we were visiting them at their place, though they assured us they also had a very nice “country-style” home on a twenty-acre piece of property that allowed them some seclusion and privacy for their more intimate parties and adventures. We sat sipping wine, getting more and more relaxed. Kate and I both enMikeed their company, and in no real hurry to call it a night just yet.

Already we could feel and sense some underlying overtones of sexual electricity in the air, especially when Thomas asked if either Kate or I would enMike looking at his wife’s tits. Obviously she was as proud of them as her husband was, already beginning to undo the blouse she was wearing before either Kate or I had had a chance to nod our heads yes, though we both did.

Another side note here. Aside from a couple of brief, curious encounters when she was a teenager, Kate had never really been with a woman before, not fully anyway. Aside from masturbating, and being masturbated by a close girl friend, and then a year later doing the same with a distant cousin, that had been the extent of her woman to woman experiences. Though she had confessed going in, she was certainly interested in exploring that further. Something I was certainly anxious to see for several reasons.

Like a lot of men perhaps, the thought of seeing two women together had always been high on my “jerk-off” list. And with the potential of one day actually seeing my wife do so, I was of course very supportive and all for it.

There was however one aspect of problematic concern for me when we’d agreed to meet Thomas and Grace in the beginning. And that had been the small note in their profile under sexual preferences, that listed them as being a “bi-sexual” couple. Even as we sat sipping our drinks, watching Grace as she happily peeled off her blouse, now sitting there in just her bra, was the fact that Thomas, rugged and quite manly looking as he obviously did, and was…could be in any way shape or form…bi-sexual.

A topic that I know both my wife and I wanted to address with them at some point, but only when the situation felt right would either one of us do so. Obviously it would be easier for Kate to bring that up with Grace, and hope from there there’d be an opening to find out more about Thomas’s thoughts regarding that.

I had never considered myself a prude, or judgmental. If anything, I was fairly open-minded about most subjects, though to be honest about it, this wasn’t one I had entertained or thought too much about. Years earlier, I’d have probably even found the thought totally absurd, if not downright disgusting. But now, age perhaps, and an entirely different attitude about such things, especially as I did work with a guy who was completely and totally gay.

I had surprised myself, finding him to be quite likable and friendly, and never once had he made me feel uncomfortable in knowing that, knowing he was gay. Nor was he as they say stereotypical in that regard either. If you didn’t know he was gay…you wouldn’t know. Plain and simply.

But, until that opportunity presented itself, I was content to sit there sipping the fairly decent red wine and now openly and freely ogling Grace’s tits as she now removed her bra showing herself off for us.

Like I said, Grace actually did have a nice rack, a bit larger than Kate’s were, and also heavy and full against her chest without sagging down to her knees or anything. Her nipples were considerably smaller though, yet nice and hard and well erect as Thomas reached over and playfully fingered one of them.

“She loves having her tits played with, and sucked on,” he informed us as he continued to do so, Grace grinning hotly, enMikeing the exhibitionistic moment, as we all were. Needless to say, I wasn’t too terribly surprised when I felt myself growing erect, sitting there watching this. Now glancing over towards Kate, her own nipples truly obvious now, having made their full appearance, poking through the front of her blouse, even through the bra she was wearing as though about to bore a hole through it. It was noticeable enough, that even Grace commented upon seeing them too.

“Wow Kate, you’ve got really large nipples…may we see?” Grace asked.

I was pleased when Kate hardly even hesitated when answering, let alone reaching up to begin undoing the blouse she was wearing. “Sure…why not?” She giggled a little nervously, but I caught the catch in her tone of voice, telling me just how aroused she truly was at the moment. I still held no expectations that there was much that would be going on, not tonight anyway, and certainly not sitting in the parking lot of a truck stop. But…just the thought, and the thrill of both girls showing off their breasts was exciting enough, especially when I,

like what Thomas was doing, reached over to give one of my wife’s hard extended nipples a little playful fingering. She moaned as I did that, having rather sensitive nipples. Not so much so you couldn’t play with them, but sensitive enough that I had actually managed to make her orgasm just by sucking on them in the past.

Tit tickling

“Wow, I love your nipples! May I?” Grace asked, looking over towards my wife. If I hadn’t been hard before, I sure as hell was now, hoping that Kate would say yes, and thus invite Grace over to touch them herself. I sat back, sliding over so that Grace had a place to sit as Kate slid over closer to me on the nice long bench seat we were sitting on. Both women were bare breasted sitting beside one another now as Grace began thumbing, cupping, and tenderly caressing my wife’s tits, just as Kate now began doing to Grace’s.

I thought I was going to bust a nut here, just sitting there watching the two of them, which must have been the same reaction to it that Thomas was having, though he expressed his thoughts verbally.

“Fuck that’s hot!” He exclaimed unashamedly, and then surprised both Kate and I when he asked if either one of us would have a problem with him openly jerking himself off while watching this.

“Ah no…be my guest,” I said, surprising Kate I think as she glanced over towards me, though by the look on her face, she was just as curious as I was in seeing him actually do that. Without any nervousness, or fanfare, Thomas unzipped, and allowed his slacks to drop down around his ankles, along with his boxer shorts. He was hard and stiff, though I was somewhat pleased to see that he too didn’t have or own a monster cock either.

It was similar in size and shape to my own as he now sat back, slowly stroking it, working it up and down while watching the girls as they continued to sit there and fondle one another’s breasts, though Grace soon added another unexpected delight to this when she leaned over and began gently sucking on one of them.

“I love seeing that. And your wife has such amazing nipples!” Thomas said as he squeezed his cock, producing a rather noticeable drop of pre-lube juice, smearing that now around his rather bulbous cock head, making it glisten a little as he continued toying with himself. And then Kate shocked the shit out of me.

“Why don’t you join him honey?” She asked. “I’m sure that Grace would love seeing that nice hard cock of yours too, wouldn’t you?” She then asked, turning towards Grace.

“Hell yes…but only if John’s comfortable enough to do so, after all…we’ve just met, and we don’t want to scare the two of you off here either,” she said. “Though you’d best get used to the fact that Thomas’s a bit of an exhibitionist, as well as a voyeur too. He loves jerking himself off, and he loves it when people, men or women…watch him doing that. But he also loves seeing men or women doing it too. So…if you’re comfortable enough John, I hope you will. I know we’d both enMike seeing that.”

I had never jerked off in front of anyone, save for Kate on occasion, but even then, only a handful of times where I’d actually done so through ejaculation. And only once before that, when watching a friend of mine fuck his girlfriend had I been horny enough to actually stand there and do so while watching them go at it. Beyond that…my experience in that area was fairly limited. But I found myself aroused well enough now,

and comfortable now…to unzip, and likewise push my jeans down around my ankles. As I usually went commando whenever I wore Levis, I didn’t have any shorts on, so the sudden sudden emergence of my own cock was a delight to them both upon seeing it.

The get together will continue on the next page

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