Comments of Luna made things special – 02

Comments of Luna made things special – 02 continues…. Mia kicked off her boots and crawled onto the bed, pushing her breasts against Luna’s chest and riding her down onto her back. Her lips found Luna’s and her tongue forced its way into her mouth. Mia had always been a […] Read More… from Comments of Luna made things special – 02

Comments of Luna made things special – 01

A new story called ‘Comments of Luna made things special’ in the category of lesbian and here it begins.. Luna sat on the edge of her bed feeling more awkward than she ever could remember. She looked down at her legs, encased in the white silk stockings and shuddered. Her […] Read More… from Comments of Luna made things special – 01

New life, new beginnings and new love – 02

 New life, new beginnings and new love – 02 continues… I loved today. I’ve heard you share in so many meetings, and it’s made me long to know even more about you. Hopefully, when we’re more comfortable together, you’ll let me in.” But Zoe was comfortable. Very comfortable. That, she […] Read More… from New life, new beginnings and new love – 02

John’s change when Stanley made into his life – 03

John’s change when Stanley made into his life – 03 continues… Stanley swung his arm companionably around my shoulders, leading me to the door. “Don’t worry. I’m sure the class will go easy on you so you won’t go home with too many bruises today.” My ever present glare swung […] Read More… from John’s change when Stanley made into his life – 03

John’s change when Stanley made into his life – 02

John’s change when Stanley made into his life – 02 continues…. My tongue darted out at the blood still seeping from my lip as I started to laugh softly. However quiet I think I may have been, apparently the teacher heard it over the two loudmouths to my right. His […] Read More… from John’s change when Stanley made into his life – 02

We are back together for good – part 2

We are back together for good – part 2 continues…… “Yes, so I did. My sources tell me you have considerable military experience, you also spent a few years on the circuit after leaving the Army, am I right?” Aiden nodded. “I run my own security company, Foster Corporate Solutions, […] Read More… from We are back together for good – part 2