Daniel’s new position demands him to do more – 04

Daniel’s new position demands him to do more – 04 continues….

“I guess we’ll find out,” Daniel responded. The fact that Kim had chosen to wear a thin, though colorful print dress didn’t go unnoticed either. She had for a moment stood in the morning sun in such a way that it had highlighted the silhouette of her body beneath. It was clearly evident that she was entirely naked beneath the dress. Even the accent of one of her nipples was clearly shown and defined through the material as she stood there.

“I almost feel overdressed,” Iris had whispered, likewise catching the brief look-see herself. “Maybe I should take off my bra at least,” she quipped.

“That might at least keep Rob from looking over my shoulder all the time,” Daniel laughed back, then adding, “But I really don’t think that’s necessary either. As short as those shorts are you’re wearing, I have a feeling that Rob will be staring at your ass all day anyway.”

It was true, Iris had chosen to wear a very tight fitting pair of white shorts that hinted at a nice well-rounded portion of her ass cheeks. And though she wore a floral printed, red Hawaiian shirt, she had chosen to tie the tails of it into a neat little knot just beneath her breasts, thus creating a bit of a comfortable, sexy-looking halter-top.

“Maybe later, you can lose the bra,” he said, winking at her, already imagining what his wife’s breasts might look like, not as confined as they were now.

They were to be Chauffeured in an open-air vehicle that allowed Rob and Daniel to sit side-by-side, discussing business, while the girls sat behind them soaking in the scenery. It was a beautiful day, and short of the afternoon trade winds bringing in a little rain perhaps, no inclement weather was expected.

They had already visited two sites. Daniel had drawn up some preliminary sketches for review later on that week as Rob walked about, likewise getting a feel for the construction concerns they might face. This was Rob’s gift, and his level of expertise. He could almost calculate in his head the amount of manpower required, and the logistics of supporting any sort of construction.

Their Chauffeur then drove them up to a pad where to their surprise, they found a helicopter waiting for them. Chandler had spared no expense. It was his intention to ensure that everyone not only had a great time while they were here, but as he’d learned over the course of the years, such frills tended to make his executive staff far more productive because of it.

“Where the hell are we going?” Iris wondered, though not even Rob knew as they boarded the helicopter for what they’d been told would be a relatively short flight to their “lunch-stop” location. Minutes later, they were indeed setting down, having followed the topography of a deep ravine that initially even from the air, didn’t seem to exist.

 In the next moment, they were setting down, a short distance away from a small, yet breathtakingly beautiful waterfall, and a luxurious looking beach that surrounded the small pond-like area it fell into. Off to one side was a portable pavilion that had been set up, along with an exotic and traditional Hawaiian lunch, waiting and prepared for them. With the knowledge that the pilot was to return to them in two hours time, they stood there watching the helicopter lift off again, leaving just the four of them to stand there with bemused expressions on their faces.

“Swim first? Or eat?” Rob questioned, already shedding his clothes regardless of the answer. Kim soon followed, giving confirmation to the fact that she wore absolutely nothing beneath her loose fitting dress as she pulled it up and over her head, setting it aside to wear later.

“When in Rome,” Daniel grinned, smiling at his wife, as he now began doing the same, though Iris quickly followed suit.

“I guess it’s swimming…and then?” She laughed, “first…and then we eat.”

“I guess that all depends on what we’ll be eating,” Daniel laughed again, taking his wife’s hand in his as they followed Rob and Kim down towards the water.


They all four swam for a bit in the cool, clear, refreshingly clean water. Eventually however, they began making their way back to the sheltered pavilion again where several neatly folded, large white fluffy towels sat waiting for them. In addition to the table that was spread out with all sorts of fruits as well as other delicacies, there were four comfortable looking, nicely padded lounge chairs. Offering them a chance to lay back and relax after a nice meal perhaps.

Kim of course, had other ideas, which both Daniel as well as Iris had already surmised. Taking Iris by the hand after helping to dry her off, Kim soon led her over to one of the lounge chairs.

“I want to have a small bite to eat…of you,” she almost purred, picking through a small plate of various fruits, which she then carried over to where Iris was now laying.

Both Daniel as well as Rob stood, picking through various things to eat while watching, it was clearly evident what was soon going to occur here.

“She’s been dying to do this all day,” Rob announced knowingly. Daniel noticed as his boss spoke, that he was already sporting an erection too. Obviously, he had been anticipating this upon their arrival.

It wasn’t long before Kim sat there, at first teasing Iris’s nipples with small, sweet succulent pieces of fruit until she had both nipples standing hard. She then suckled, licked and partook of the tropical delicacy she’d created, as Iris lay back, eyes closed, obviously enjoying this.

Eventually, Kim began to explore the rest of Iris’s nude form with a ripe strawberry, running it once again over and around her breasts, down towards her naval before finally placing it at the opening of her sex. Here too, Kim, teased Daniel’s wife, sliding the luscious piece of fruit up and down between her lips before finally situating herself, leaning over, and then licking away all trace of the juice’s path.

“Oh fuck!” Rob groaned softly, his hand already wrapped about his hard cock as he stood there slowly stroking it. “I love watching her eat pussy,” he moaned again. “And I’ve really been looking forward to seeing her eat out your wife.”

Daniel’s new position demands him to do more – 04 will continue in the next page.

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