Best friends but more than that – part 3

Best friends but more than that – part 3 continues….


Sex with Luis was, quite honestly, amazing. It wasn’t just because we fit so well together either. He was easily one of the most adventurous people in bed I had ever met. He wanted to try everything I was into at least once or twice before he was willing to decide whether he loved or hated it, and way more than half the time he was enamored enough with the feelings to want to do it past the second time.

We had been dating for about a month when I came home from work to Luis in the kitchen, making an amazing meal of steak, potatoes, and fresh green beans and asparagus in garlic butter. He was so thoughtful and caring, and he liked taking care of me. It made my heart want to break out of my chest some days.

Dinner was amazing, and as we were finishing up, I turned my eyes toward him, taking in his form for a minute before biting my lip. “So, I have something I want us to try together, if you’re comfortable with it.”

“What’s that?” he asked me, looking intrigued.

“Sometimes in the bedroom, I like to be completely in charge,” I told him, and I could see his eyes widen a little, his pupils flaring at the thought, before he looked thoughtful.

“How does that work?” he asked after a moment.

“You would call me Sir,” I replied. “You follow my orders, do what I tell you to, and I’m in charge the entire time. You’ll have a safe word in case anything goes too far and you want to stop. It doesn’t have to be Sir either. You could call me Master, Daddy, or anything else like that.”

A shiver went through him and he smiled at me. “I’d love to try it.”

We cleaned up after dinner and then went into the living room. I had him sit down on the couch while I went and got my box of goodies, coming back out. I had recently acquired a few more toys, ones I specifically wanted to use on him. We decided that he would say Red if things got too intense. I explained to him that despite me being the one doing the orders, he was the real one in charge here, because the sub made a choice to submit to their Dom.

I sat down on the chair that was in our living room once I had moved the coffee table out of the way. I had always wanted to use this chair for this, as it looked fancy and was comfortable, but I didn’t want to make Luis uncomfortable. If it was him I was doing this with though, I wasn’t worried.

I took off my shirt and then looked at him, getting myself into the right mindset for that. He looked a little nervous but also excited, and I could see him already hardening in his pants.

“Strip,” I told him, my eyes hard and lustful. “Slowly.”

“Yes, Sir,” he replied and stood up off the couch. He very slowly unbuttoned the shirt he was wearing, revealing his chiseled chest as he did so. Luis deliberately rubbed his hands against his nipples as he started to pull the shirt off, moaning as he did so. He pulled his socks off next before unbuttoning the top button of his pants, pulling the zipper down and then pulling them down to his feet, stepping out of them. I groaned as I watched him put his hands into his boxer briefs, slowly pulling them down, his cock springing free from the restrictive fabric.

Once he was standing in front of me naked, I told him to kneel down on the couch with his arms and head at the back. He looked back at me, waiting for the next thing.

“God, you look so good like that,” I told him, coming over to rub his ass, his back arching to push it out towards me more. “You make me want to just slam my cock right into you.”

“You can, Sir,” he told me with a grin.

“Cheeky,” I said to him and slapped his ass hard, making him lurch forward and put his forehead on the back of the couch as he moaned. “Keep it up, my little brat, and you’ll keep getting punished.”

Luis bit his lip as he looked behind him at me. “Yes, Sir. Sorry, Sir.”

“Good boy,” I replied, rubbing the spot that I had hit soothingly. He leaned into my touch, craving it.

I reached down into my box, pulled out a blind fold and brought it over to put around his eyes. Once I had it settled in and he told me he couldn’t see anything, I went back over to the box and pulled out one of my paddles. It was leather on one side and faux fur on the other, a nice mix of hard and soft.

I turned back to look at Luis, naked and waiting, breathing heavily in excitement as he waited for me, and my cock twitched at the sight. If he could handle a session like this and enjoy it, I might just have to marry the man. I came up to his left side, licking along his neck and up to his ear, making him take a sharp inhale of breath when my tongue touched the inside of his ear.

I moved away again, and this time I came over to his right side, not far from that absolutely perfectly bouncy ass. I got myself ready and then used the leather side to give him a good thwack to the ass cheek.

“Ahh!” he cried out, moving toward the back of the couch more as he jolted forward. “Argh that feels so good, Sir.”

“A little pain slut, are you?” I asked him sensually.

“For you, definitely, Sir,” he replied.

I closed my eyes as my body reacted to that answer, feeling painfully hard now in my pants. I unzipped my pants, pulling them and my boxers down at the same time, letting my hardened member free now so it wouldn’t feel as painful. I came over to his other side again, running the fur side over his ass cheek for a moment, and again he leaned into the sensation, moaning quietly.

I turned the paddle around and hit him hard again with the leather side. He groaned in pleasure, putting his head on his hands on the back of the couch. We did this a few more times, each time his groan getting more desperate for me.

I finally came up to rub his ass with the fur side again, enjoying the little moan that elicited. I pulled my chair over, putting it right in front of him. I sat down, dropping the paddle onto the ground and grabbing his ass roughly with my hands, pulling his cheeks apart so I could see his puckered hole.

I very lightly licked along his crack, purposely not touching his hole yet. He trembled as I did so, and I could see him unconsciously moving closer to me. I smiled and then dove in in earnest, licking at his hole with enthusiasm, loving the musky scent of him. He tasted so good and I wanted him so badly. I was pushing my tongue into his hole, making him tremble and moan loudly, pushing his hips back into my face now.

He whimpered as I pulled away and I smiled at that while I grabbed the lube, getting some on my fingers so I could work on opening him up. I slipped one finger in, getting a little resistance at first, slowly probing it in and out until he was taking it easily before adding another finger.

“F-fuck, Sir,” he groaned at me, earning a grin that he couldn’t see. I slipped one more finger in him, working him open for me, feeling his hole sucking my fingers in now.

I stood and pushed the chair away and pulled the blindfold off of him. He blinked at me for a moment and then looked up at me with lustful eyes. His normally bright green eyes looked darker then. I held out my hand and he took it, getting back up to his feet before I sat down on the couch. I let his eyes move over my naked body for a little bit, wanting him to feel the anticipation of this part.

“What do you want me to do, Sir?” he asked me.

“Bring the lube over here,” I told him and I took it when he did. “Now, I want you on your knees.”

“Yes, Sir,” he replied and immediately fell to his knees. He waited for my permission before he started to tease my cock head with his tongue, slowly swirling his tongue around it until he licked down to my balls. He sucked them into his mouth, and I moaned as I let my head fall back.

He finally came back up and pushed most of my length into his mouth, bobbing up and down while slurping on my cock. I liked the amount of spit he was gathering up on it, exactly what I had wanted him to do. He was reading my mind here, though it wasn’t incredibly hard to figure out. Still, I’d had subs before that needed specific step by step instructions, so it was nice to have him looking ahead at what he figured I was trying to go for.

Once I thought he had done a sufficient job, I put my hand on his jaw, gently making him pull away from me. I held out my hand again and he got up and took it, and I pulled him to me, so that he was straddling my legs on the couch. I got him to spread his legs out a little more and then lined myself up with his hole, bringing my mouth up to his ear.

“Ride me, baby,” I whispered in his ear, and he moaned in response.

He slowly moved down on my cock, his ass more than ready for me. He took a moment to readjust a little once I was all the way in, and then he slowly started to roll his hips. Luis is an athlete, so it wasn’t hard for him to figure out how to ride my dick like a pro.

He had the strength and stamina for it, and he’d spent more than enough time on leg day at the gym. Still, his legs eventually were shaking, more from pleasure than from exhaustion. He was clutching onto my shoulders as I kissed and bit at his neck. He was moaning my name, his ass clenching around me as I kept hitting his prostate.

Best friends but more than that – part 3 will continue in the next page.

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