A refreshing beginning – 7

I opened my eyes, smiling…stretching. The warmth of sunshine filtering through my window, caressing my exposed breasts as I absentmindedly reached up rubbing my nipples. It was a typical, beautiful Sunday morning, two weeks before the much anticipated wedding. Antony was no doubt off playing golf with his buddies, the smell of coffee already assailing my senses as I rolled out of bed and then padded down the hallway in bare-feet, and naked.

Things had indeed seemingly worked out. It had been a whirlwind of pleasure in so many ways since that first evening we had all spent together. Yes, there’d been others like it, but more times than not, we had simply enjoyed and amused ourselves whenever the opportunity arose, without any of the petty jealousies and fears of doing that.

I think neither Jacob nor I knew where this would eventually take the two of us. Though we certainly loved one another, I don’t think that either one of us was IN love with the other. We’d spent too much of our time together growing up, more like brother and sister, than even friends, let alone the deeper commitment to spend the rest of our lives with one another exclusively, if even then. But for now, we were both perfectly content…as was mom and Antony, even with the wedding only a short time away now.

I made my way upstairs entering the kitchen. Jacob was currently perched on the counter top, mom standing there in front of him, she had her great big titties wrapped around his stiff cock, jerking him off with them.

“Morning!” I smiled happily, walking over towards the coffee maker.

“Morning honey, sleep well?” Mom asked not to miss a beat as she continued to work Jacob’s cock with her breasts. Jacob simply grinning in pleasure.

“Oh yes…very, thank you again,” I stated. Mom had literally fucked me to sleep. The new vibrating strap-on I had purchased a while back was proving its weight in gold for the pleasure it had given us. I began pouring the coffee. “Fresh?” I asked.

“God I hope so,” mom mused increasing the tempo of her breast-bating as she titty-fucked Jacob’s cock.

“Very funny,” I retorted, now stepping over to watch, sipping on my coffee. “And no…in case you’re wondering, I don’t want any cream in my coffee,” I told them both. “But I wouldn’t mind lapping up a bit of cream off of those after he’s finished.”

“I was hoping you would,” mom leered back at me, just as Jacob’s cock began spewing a rather thick copious load all over mom’s tits. Still grinning, he jumped down off the counter, leaving mom to stand there with streamer’s of his spunk already starting to run down onto her belly along with everywhere else.

“Where are you off to in such a hurry?” I asked leaning forward in order to start licking her clean.

“I need to shower, and then meet up with the guys, remember? You promised to meet us at the food court at the Mall around noon, yes?”

“Yes,” I recalled having promised him two days ago. I had ended up giving in to his demand that I keep my promise to him, even though we hadn’t exactly finished playing the game of ‘Blind-man’s Bluff’, but he felt I owed it to him for pulling the stunt on him that we had.

“What’s up?” Mom asked as Jacob hurriedly disappeared downstairs after that, and as I finished licking off a rather long trail of fresh cream that was even then just barely clinging to one of her nipples.

“I promised I’d meet Jacob and two friends of his for lunch, though what they don’t know yet is…I’ll be masturbating right there in front of them while we’re eating. The trick will be to see if I can get myself off, without either one of them figuring out that I am, though even if they do realize it, that’ll be part of the fun too,” I grinned, finally capturing the last trail of semen that Jacob had deposited on mom’s tits.

“Hmm, now that sounds exciting!” Mom laughed, her eyes already taking on that particular ‘look’ that I was still having trouble getting used to. “I don’t suppose they’d mind it too terribly much if I was to tag along?”

“Only if you don’t wear any panties beneath the skirt you’ll be wearing,” I told her.

“Tell you what,” she said, motioning for me to jump up onto the counter where Jacob had been sitting. “You know those bullet vibes I have? The ones with the remote controls?”

I knew them well. And I already knew where she was headed with this too.

“We’ll put them in when we go there. Except that you’ll be in charge of my remote, and I’ll be in charge of yours. How about we put a side-wager on who comes first?”

“It’s a bet,” I said, spreading my legs a bit as mom slid up a chair closer to the counter and began to wonderfully begin licking me. “You always did like a fresh hot muffin in the morning didn’t you?” I teased, as mom was about to answer, placing my hand on the back of her head, forcing her face even closer against my cunt, effectively silencing her. “Don’t bother answering mom. You always told me never to talk with your mouthful,” I said and then closed my eyes and gave myself over to her hungrily searching mouth.


We were in the process of changing positions when she spoke. “Oh, before I forget, I meant to tell you, my sister’s coming to stay with us next weekend, here for the wedding and all, to help out for a bit.”

“Aunt Midge is coming to stay?” I asked excitedly. It had been a while since I had seen her last, the last time in fact just after the accident, and unfortunately, we hadn’t spent as much time together as I would have liked. I had in fact missed her, though we still spoke on the phone as often as we could. Mom’s identical twin sister, so alike her in appearance, and yet so different in personality, or so it seemed anyway. “I guess that means we’re all going to have to be on our best behavior though doesn’t it?”

“Not necessarily,” she said, looking down at me and winking, and then just as I had done, putting her hand on the back of my head, pressing me a bit more firmly against her sopping wet cunt. “Let’s just say she and I had a nice long little chat the other night, about several things. One of which is a bit of a naughty idea we both came up with. It’ll be interesting to see if either Jacob, or Antony is able to figure it out,” she added slyly.

“Oh yeah?” I asked, still licking away, surprised to some extent to be hearing this. “And does she know about…”

“Us?” Mom laughed. “Of course she does honey. I never could lie to her, you know, and I wasn’t about to try and start doing that now either. Let’s just say, we’re a lot more alike than even I realized. Oh…and she also wanted me to tell you, she’s really looking forward to the girls night out we’re going to have…without the boys. Just the three of us,” she moaned as I slipped two fingers inside her cunt, and another in her ass.

“Sounds to me like we need to order another strap-on for the occasion.”

“Already did so honey…already did.”

I was really looking forward to the wedding.


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