A refreshing beginning – 7

No one did, which was a pleasure to see, though Jacob did raise a simple clarifying question. “So in other words, we can still enjoy one another singly without it always being a…”

“An orgy,” I finished smiling. “Yes, I think so Jacob. I think that’s exactly what Antony was saying here. So for example, should you come walking past, or into my room and find Antony fucking the hell out of me at the time, there’s to be no signs of jealousy or animosity towards anyone else in the house. Right Antony?”

“Right!” He concurred. “Sure, I think that from time to time we’ll all obviously want to play like we’re doing now. But I don’t want to see this turn into a constant requirement, say…once a week perhaps?”

“Oh at the very least,” mom chuckled. “Or as often as we’re all in the mood for. But by the same token, I also feel that NO ONE should ever feel obligated to participate if they’re not in the mood either.”

I laughed at that. “I don’t know about anyone else, but I sure as hell know where I will come home and find the three of you similarly engaged, mood or no mood…I’d sure as hell be in one shortly after that!”

That again raised a round of mutual laughter as we all agreed, though likewise agreeing that a one on one wasn’t an invite, or an expectation for anyone to join in, without being asked to do so either. Which we all again, quickly agreed to.

Having thoroughly cleared the air of any misconceptions or thoughts, things quickly returned to where they had been, though we soon found ourselves enjoying a bit of one on one with one another, all the while looking on at everyone else and what they were doing while we did. Which proved to be even more erotic on many levels than when the four of us were busy crawling all over one another in a heap.

Two hours later, I was finally fucked out, as was mom…though we’d both been pleasured and satisfied in more ways than either one of us could actually count.

“So Jacob, you’re really the only one that didn’t actually come up with something specific they still wanted to do. Anything come to mind yet?” Mom asked him.

“Well there IS one thing,” he grinned mischievously. I already had a pretty good idea of what that might be, which he confirmed moments later.

I had once walked into his room, looking for a particular pair of panties of mine that I knew damn good and well he had borrowed for other purposes than what they were designed for. He was in fact at that very moment, laying in bed, cock in hand, pleasuring himself with them. But as he did, and was…I also noticed he had spread out a few of the erotic photos we had so long ago now discovered together. One in particular, which he seemed to really get off on…while looking at.

“Grab the camera off the table over there,” I said pointing…guessing, though he grinned broadly confirming my suspicions.

Mom looked at me curiously. “You and I are about to play titty-tag with one another, while the boys jerk off over the two of us,” I stated. Both mom and Antony immediately realize Jacob’s intent and desire.

“So, he really liked that one did he?” She laughed as Jacob rejoined us, carrying the camera in one hand, and his massive hard cock in the other, already working it.

“More than once,” I winked. “Which by now is probably close to being ruined, so I do hope you have other copies,” I asked.

Antony smiled, nodding. “Oh yeah, several…and in fact, probably a few others you two haven’t seen,” he added to that, which amazingly, caused mom to blush just a little.

“I have a feeling we’re all going to need to have another sit down at some point,” I laughed back, curious as hell now.

“Couldn’t agree more,” mom concurred. “But we’ll save all that for another time. Right now…you and I have some titty-touching to do.”

We were soon doing that, rubbing our tits and nipples against one another’s with the guys standing beside us, looking on…jacking themselves off while they did. It wasn’t long before they were both spraying our breasts liberally with fresh loads of cream, saturating them to the point that we were soon making lotion out of all that spunk, and finished up by actually massaging it into one another long after they had both finished.

“What did you have in mind?” I asked Jacob. “Get plenty of photos?”

“Oh yeah…lots!” He was grinning.

“Just make sure we get plenty of copies for everyone,” I added. “Sometimes, I like to just sit back and selfishly enjoy myself too ya know,” I winked.

Being plumb “tuckered out” as mom put it, we soon after crawled into the king sized beds out there beneath the stars, and fell soundlessly to sleep, curled up in one another’s arms. Though my last thoughts before I did, was how happy I felt, how satisfied, and how hopeful I was that the days ahead would prove out to be even more than that.


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