A refreshing beginning – 7

“Cool!” he grinned enthusiastically. “When do we begin?” It was five minutes to eight.

“Now!” I replied in kind, and immediately blindfolded him, as well as tying his wrists, though not yet securing them together. That wouldn’t happen until I got him outside, and into the chair. I wasn’t sure what kind of incentive mom would be using on Antony, but knowing her…I’m sure it would be equally enticing.

Now sitting in his chair, being quiet as a mouse, blindfolded and now bound with his arms firmly secured behind him, I proceeded to tantalize and tease, though purposely holding back just a bit, keeping him entertained and focused on me. Right on time and schedule, mom came out of the house leading Antony by his bindings, he too blindfolded and all set to go.

This next phase being the most critical as we could be so easily found out. Even now I was having to be as quiet as I could, while supposedly teasing Jacob. Mom hurriedly secured Antony to his chair, and then we switched places. Me now teasing Antony’s hard straining cock, and mom doing the same thing to Jacob’s.

With a nod of the head towards one another, it was now time. As mom climbed up into Jacob’s lap, I did the same thing to Antony. And then with another nod of the head, the two of us simultaneously slid down over their straining cocks until they were both buried balls deep inside of us. We fucked them slowly, for a moment more, letting them savor the juiciness of our cunts, wondering as we did that, if they’d now be able to tell. I in fact thought that Antony was becoming a bit suspicious, curious, so I again nodded at mom. It was now time for the big reveal.

As one, we lifted their blindfolds from off their faces. There was of course an awkward moment of shock and surprise as reality as to what we’d done sank in. And then Antony laughed, almost relieved we had, as well as Jacob who showed his own amusement at what we’d pulled on them commenting and saying: “You tricked us!” Using his best Sméagol imitation from Lord of the Rings, which was honestly pretty good.

“Yes, we did. I hope you’re not too mad at us,” mom said though she continued to slither up and down Jacob’s hard firm shaft, just as I was still doing to Antony.

“I guess we should have figured the two of you would find a way to get the two of us together, and past our own stupid shyness at being seen in front of one another,” Antony admitted. Jacob was now looking over at me as I rode up and down his father’s cock, making sure he could see it in fact as it slid nicely up inside of me, and then back out again.

“Ok, I admit, that is pretty hot,” he commented, and then once more turned back around towards mom. “But since the cat’s out of the bag now, would you mind freeing my hands? I really would like to play with those nice fat tits of yours while you’re fucking me.”

Good old Jacob. He really was a titty-man, though so was his father, as Antony too had already begun nuzzling my breasts, enjoying the feel of my nice slippery pussy as I gyrated and ground against him pleasurably as he continued doing that.

“Not until you’ve given me your cum first,” mom informed him. “I’m not going anywhere, or doing anything else, until you do.”

“Me either!” I agreed, and then added to that. “And afterwards, after the two of you do…you can watch mom and I lick it all out of one another.”

Talk about (almost) premature ejaculations!


The chairs weren’t the only props that mom and I had prepared well ahead of time. We had also filled up two king-sized air beds, laying them out, side by side along with plenty of thick comfy blankets and pillows. It was our hope that once we’d sprung our surprise on the boys, that we’d end up enjoying our own miniature orgy. And now, it looked like we were about to get our wish. Watching mom and I devour one another, licking out all that fresh hot cream the guys had deposited inside us, left them standing there watching with renewed arousal.

It didn’t take long for either one of them to be sporting wood once again. And it was actually quite erotic to see the two of them stroking themselves, occasionally stealing quick, cursory glances at one another as they did. The initial reluctance, embarrassment and awkwardness, now a thing of the past. Neither one of them had anything to be ashamed of as they secretly eye-balled one another. I was damn glad we hadn’t actually brought out a measuring tape by the time the two of them were ready to go, as randy as they both were.

“Well? Anyone have any requests they’d like to make?” I asked. “Because now’s your chance!” I giggled hopefully. I could see that the guys both did by the looks in their eyes as they glanced at one another and then at us. Though neither one of them appeared to want to be the first to say anything. Though they had obviously overcome their shyness in exposing themselves in front of one another, they were still reluctant to be the first to express their hidden desires.

“Oh for heaven’s sake!” Mom spoke out moments after that. “I sure as hell do! Jacob? Get over here and lay down. Sin? You put some of that lubrication on Antony’s cock for me…make sure you get it all nice and slick,” she grinned looking back at him. “You baby, are going to fuck my ass while Jacob’s fucking my pussy. Get the picture?”

They both did, grinning like Cheshire cats as Jacob came over and immediately positioned himself there on our massive outdoor play bed. With plenty of accessories at hand, I immediately applied a liberal amount of lubrication to Antony’s hard dick, enjoying the effort in doing so, just as Antony was doing. When at last ready, as mom had already consumed Jacob’s prick inside herself, sitting on top of him, Antony walked over and then knelt down behind her as mom lifted up just a bit, pausing in her coupling in order to permit Antony’s access into her tight little ass.

For myself, I was perfectly content to watch this for a moment. I had never had the pleasure of experiencing what was termed a “DP” myself, though in time, I had every intention of doing so. But for now at least, it was titillating to just stand there and watch, take in the mechanics of it all, and delight myself finger-wise as I stood there looking on. It took some doing, but eventually all three of them seemed to get into a workable rhyth.

Having just climaxed a short time ago, neither one of the guys was in any real hurry to do so again, though mom was rapidly approaching oblivion herself. I swear her eyes looked crossed as she seemed to seize up for a moment, thrashing wildly, as her cry of release suddenly split the air, actually startling me for a moment.

“Go mom!” I exclaimed, laughing hysterically as the boys pummeled her from above and below in perfect coordinated rhythm now as she rode the crest of the orgasmic wave she was being carried away on.

“Oh fuck, enough! Enough!” Mom finally exclaimed, disengaging herself, rolling off and away from the two of them, still shaking uncontrollably, and for a moment even curling up into a bit of a fetal ball as the spasms of her orgasm gradually subsided.

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