A refreshing beginning – 6

I had indeed been thinking about it, wondering how I might eventually work things around to include Antony. What happened between mother and I, had merely escalated the need to. The opportunity to do so however likewise presented itself with plans already being made the day before. Antony was planning on doing a simple barbeque out on the new patio so that he could break in the brand new barbeque he’d just purchased. After which, we had all been planning to spend some time relaxing, soaking in the hot-tub together.

As Jacob unfortunately had to work late again at the motel, he wouldn’t be available to join us, but I had other plans as far as he was concerned anyway. His turn will come tomorrow.

Mom was a bit nervous throughout dinner, but I had repeatedly assured her that everything would turn out just fine, and to try and relax…enjoy herself in the meantime. Since we were eating outdoors, and with the hot-tub next on the agenda, I had chosen to wear a skimpy white bikini that barely contained even my medium sized breasts. I figured by putting them on display, Antony would no doubt take whatever opportunities he could manage to look at my tits, though I had also convinced mom into doing the same.

She too was wearing a rather revealing bikini, and looked damn good in it. However with her breasts much larger than my own, simply moving one way or the other threatened to spill hers out, which again kept Antony plenty busy as he ogled the two of us over dinner.

The fact I had noticed a rather sizable bulge appearing at one point, told me that he was indeed becoming aroused by our appearance, and would no doubt be looking forward to our hot-tubbing together. But I had a nice surprise in store for him there as well, something that mom had already agreed to go along with since it was something they had actually discussed prior to now.

I helped Antony remove the cover from the top of the tub while mom headed back inside the house to grab us a few towels. We had just finished doing that when mom returned, naked, carrying the towels out to place them on the built-in rack inside the gazebo. I gave a brief knowing smile as Antony turned watching her approach, already reaching behind to undo my own bikini top. It fell down my arms just as he turned back around facing me.

“I’ll ah…grab another bottle of wine and some plastic wine glasses,” he explained heading off back towards the house.

“Notice the bulge?”

“I did,” grinning at mom as I then slipped off my bikini bottoms, slipping down into the tub. “So this is officially now, a ‘no-clothes’ hot-tub,” I exclaimed as mom climbed in behind me, sitting in an opposite corner so that no matter where Antony sat, he’d be sandwiched between us. I had come out earlier stashing away the manila envelope behind the tub, now placing it and its contents on top of the bar that ran along one side of the tub. Inside, I had paper-clipped a few of the photos to one another, the ones we had taken, to several of the older black and whites.

“You’re sure about this?” Mom asked, still a bit nervously. “Is this the best way to spring it on him?”

“Relax mom, everything’s going to be just fine,” I responded nodding towards the back doors as Antony came strolling out, a bottle of wine in one hand, three wine glasses in the other. He had a large fluffy towel wrapped around his waist, but it did little if anything to disguise the fact he was sporting an erection.

I purposely sat up so as to greet him as he came over towards the bar, ensuring that my breasts were exposed well above the water.

“Mind giving me a hand here? I’m a bit indisposed,” he said, jokingly holding out the glasses towards me. Ignoring them, I reached out, pulling on his towel instead as it fell away. His hard stiff dick pointing in my direction as he stood there in surprise looking at me, and then at mother.

“What did you have in mind?” I teased, finally accepting the glasses from him, putting those down on the bar-top.

“Not at the time, but I certainly do now!” He joked back, once more looking towards mom for any sign of disapproval here. Obviously there was none as she laughed, already pouring some wine into the glasses as Antony walked around, climbing the few short steps before settling down into the tub with us. Passing out the glasses, I soon raised mine.

“A toast!” I proclaimed. “To New Beginnings!”

“To New beginnings!” Both mom and Antony replied, and though our glasses certainly didn’t clink, we touched them together anyway, sipping afterwards.

“What’s this?” Antony asked, only then spotting the rather thick manila envelope sitting on the bar top, already reaching for it to see what was inside.

“Sin and I discovered these while we were finishing up in her bedroom today,” mom said as the two of us slid over closer to him in order to see as he did. I had purposely placed the older, more explicit photos on top, with the one’s we’d done, and which were paper clipped on the bottom. Antony’s eyes bulged the moment he saw the first one, immediately looking up, his mouth open. “She’s known now for a while,” mom continued,

“No surprise she figured it out.” And then Antony spoke, finding his voice.

“And…you’re ok with this?” He asked once again, staring at the photos, starting to thumb through them one by one…no doubt remembering.

“What do you think?” I asked, reaching over beneath the water, my hand suddenly wrapping itself around his blood-engorged cock. “I think it’s fucking hot as hell. Always figured the four of you were pretty close, even back then. And now I can see why,” I grinned wickedly. Antony looked over towards mom, and then down through the water at my hand as I continued to playfully fondle him.

“We ah…thought we’d surprise you with something,” mom said a bit sheepishly just as Antony discovered the first set of paper clipped photos, the one where mom and I were kneeling down looking back over our shoulders at the camera, winking…pussies winking as we did.

“Look familiar?” I asked. “I thought that was a really hot, sexy photo of mom and Jackie, so I told her I wanted to pose in one just like it. I have to tell you Antony, she was very reluctant to do so, until I convinced her you’d enjoy seeing it…seeing us. I think, by the feel of this, that you do right? Unless of course I’m mistaken here.”

“Ah no. I’m just pleasantly surprised. So…you knew?”

“Let’s just say I suspected. But seeing these more or less confirmed all that,” I continued to grin.

“And you’re…you’re ok with all this? Really?”

I continued to fondle his cock by way of an answer, “Oh hell yes…and so’s mom,” I said winking at her, seeing the look of relief on her face as she winked back at me.

“Holy fuck!” Antony exclaimed seconds later as he began to understand what we had done here, first seeing the black and white photos, and then the new, most recent ones of mom and I trying to copy them. He had just reached the one where mom and Jackie were in a nasty-looking “69” with one another, first staring at it, and then up at us as his fingers even then pulled away the paper clip holding the second photo in place, though there was a lot more than just one.

“Is this what I hope…what I think it is?” He corrected me. I lifted both eyebrows at him, and then held his hand before he could actually look at the rest of them.

“Before you do look and see if we did or didn’t, you need to answer one question for us first. Would it bother you if we did?”

He chuckled, looking back and forth between the two of us, placing mom’s hand down around his dick alongside mine. “What do you think?” I let go of my other hand, allowing him to retrieve the first photo, whistling as he did. “Nice! Way fucking nice!” He groaned audibly. “So does this mean you two..”

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