A refreshing beginning – 3

At least she was smiling. “It was that,” she said, actually reaching down between her legs, still feeling the small river of her female cum juice as it continued to trickle down the inside of her thighs. “Good thing I didn’t put clean sheets on the bed yet huh?” she giggled, though turning serious again as she rolled over looking at me directly. “But you really think I should tell Antony about this?”

“If it was me, I know I would be a mom. Like I said, I have a pretty good feeling about these things. And I am willing to bet, he will find it damn sexy and erotic, as long as you tell him about it now, and not wait too long in doing so.”

“I’ll think about it,” she said, finally rolling out of bed, but not before surprising me, as she gave my right breast a quick little kiss. “God, you make me feel naughty,” she said. “Whose kid are you anyway?” I laughed at that.

“I think we’re a lot more alike than you even realize mother,” I grinned once more, reaching up to begin toying with my still aroused nipples again. “Now, unless you want to stick around and watch me get off again,” I leered. She hesitated for a moment, as though she might, and then gathered up her clothes and the laundry she’d tossed off to one side.

“Don’t tempt me,” she said and then swiftly headed out of my bedroom.

Things indeed were going pretty much according to plan.

Temptations – Chapter Eight

It was too soon yet to know if mom had actually mentioned anything to Antony yet about what we’d done. But I figured she would eventually, if and when she finally decided. In the meantime, it was time to put another aspect of my dirty little plan into effect, especially as she was primed for it.

I once again waited until I was sure that both Antony and Jacob had left for the day, and then made my way down to the kitchen area. It was early yet, so I knew mom would no doubt be relaxing over an early morning coffee outside. Sure enough, I could see her through the kitchen window out on the patio, pouring myself a cup, and then casually strolling outside to join her.

I actually startled her, and then saw why as she hurriedly adjusted herself. I pretended not to have noticed anything, keeping a straight face, and making no mention of what I was now suspicious of. But it was again the perfect opportunity to plant another suggestion, especially if she was indeed Cooper…which I was guessing having almost caught her, that she certainly was.

Although she was wearing a robe, I had noticed it parted as I stepped out of the sliding glass doors. The way she moved suddenly, her hand quickly closing it, though she’d not had time to actually redo the sash on it, told me what I needed to know. She’d obviously been toying with herself. Perhaps not seriously, but enough that she was indeed obviously still aroused.

“Morning sweetie,” she addressed me as I came over to join her, sitting my cup of coffee on the table separating us. There was a slight flush in her cheeks, not enough to give her away, but enough to know.

“Morning mom. Sleep well?”

“Very…thanks. And you?”

“Oh yeah, sweet dreams. Really sweet dreams,” I winked. Her cheeks reddened even more, though she quickly tried to bring up another subject, rather than the obvious one.

“By the way. You and Jacob will be on your own for dinner tonight. Antony has to work late, and I told him I’d meet him in town and at least have dinner with him. So I won’t be home until around eight or so.”

Hearing that gave me another idea. And I began to wonder if this might not be the best time to try and implement that, again part of my overall plan here. And though I wasn’t sure if she’d actually go for it, there was no time like the present to bring it up either.

“Cool. Jacob and I were planning on spending some time together this evening anyway, so that will certainly make things a lot easier for us,” I hinted.

“Oh? Doing what?” Mom fished, obviously interested, even if she was pretending not to know what I was talking about.

“Let me put it this way. If you want to see it, now’s the chance. I can assure you, he’d never know, and you’d finally be able to see what I’ve been talking about.”

She was just Cooper enough she didn’t even hesitate really, nor did she pretend she didn’t know what I was suggesting either. “And how would you manage that?” She asked instead.

“You said you’d be home around eight right? Well I’ll tell Jacob that you told me you were meeting Antony for dinner…AND a movie tonight, so that you both won’t be home until really late. Then…I’ll make sure we’re in my room fooling around. You’ll come home early, and the story, if we even need it later, is that Antony told you over dinner that he had to go back to work, sorry about the movie part. So you come home early. And then you come up stairs to let me know you’re actually home, except of course you see us together in bed. Chances are, Jacob will never even know you saw us if we do this right.”

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