A refreshing beginning – 3

“They’re just big enough that your father used to push them together like this, and then suck on the nipples together simultaneously. Whenever he did that, I never failed to have an orgasm if he kept it up for very long.”

I was sure that was the truth too. I am sure he had and did. But the way she had said it, and the look on her face when she first did, told me she was thinking about an entirely different way.

“Guess I’ll never know. My boobs aren’t quite big enough to do that,” I said cupping my own again, trying to make my nipples touch, but they weren’t quite making it. “Guess I’m just too damn little! Another reason is that I wish my boobs were as nice as yours are, and hope one day that they will be.”

“Oh baby…you have gorgeous breasts! And don’t be in any hurry for them to sag like mine do. You’ve got too many years ahead of you yet before you need to start thinking about that. Once again I reached over and gently thumbed one of her nipples. This time she allowed it, briefly, before chuckling nervously and pulling away again. “OK, enough’s enough. I think you’ve seen me long enough to give Jacob a general description here,” she said standing.

“No, not yet!” I called out. “I need you to do just one more little thing for me first.”

“Now what?”

“I need to see your clit, and see if it’s bigger, or as little as mine is,” I said, actually spreading my legs, looking down at myself, and purposely unsheathing my tiny, yet hard little clitoris. I knew damn good and well where mom was looking, even hearing the sudden catch and intake of her breath. I looked up at her and said, “So…show me.”

I was a little surprised when she just suddenly moved one foot over a bit, stepping…her hands coming down between her legs, fingers spreading herself. Sure enough, her likewise amazing clit popping out, again…twice the size at least of my own. Had she been standing any closer, I’d have been too fucking tempted to actually snake my tongue out and give it a lick. “Wow…it’s beautiful!” I once more assured her, and then actually fell back onto the bed, looking at her, legs spread, finger-tip slowly encircling my own smaller, but very sensitive and very aroused clit. “That’s hot!” I mewled pleasurably.

“Maria! What are you doing?”

“I’m masturbating. Looking at you mom. Sorry…but I can’t help it. I need to cum now, enjoy this while I can. Please mom, please…touch yourself for me too. Let me see how you like to pleasure yourself. I promise…this stays strictly between us. No one will ever know. Just this once mom…I need to see you, watch you…see how you do it, while you watch me.” I pinched my clit between two fingers, pulling on it, almost as though I were jacking it off. And then grinned silently to myself, as mom started doing the exact same thing to her very aroused…very swollen and very, very hard looking clit.


Mom wasn’t exactly a squirter, more like a white-sauce dribbler. Same as me. But a lot more of it, at least this time anyway. Watching her cum, hearing her…seeing the expression on her face, you know…the “O” look that no one ever wants anyone else to see necessarily? That one? Well it was awesome! I don’t think I’d ever seen anything more erotic in my entire life, especially as it was live, happening right there in front of me.

And then the sauce…oh my god the sauce that suddenly began to spill from the recess of mom’s pussy, the sounds it made as she continued to stand there frigging herself, before losing all strength in her legs, collapsing down on the bed next to me. I had come with her too. The moment I saw her, heard her…I exploded. My own orgasm washed over me with a vengeance, causing me to see stars as I swam through the universe of ecstasy.

We lay there side-by-side, actually holding hands now, trying to collect our respective breaths.

“I mean it Maria. No one, and I mean NO ONE ever hears about this! Promise me! I should have never let this happen in the first place!” She added to that, trying to sound angry, but failing miserably as her flushed, heated panting continued.

“Ok, I promise. I won’t. But, you really should tell Antony about it.”

“What? Are you nuts?”

“Seriously mom. You shouldn’t start out keeping secrets from him, no way to start a marriage for one thing. But for another, I’m willing to bet he wouldn’t have a problem with any of this, especially if you told him fairly soon. Explain everything.”


“Yeah, everything. I’m willing to bet he’ll even get off on it, knowing that we did this. Provided you tell him about it now, and not wait…or worse, inadvertently let it slip that it happened so many years from now. That could pose a problem. But think about it mom. What’s so bad about this anyway? Nothing really if you think about it. We just had a very special mother/daughter moment is all. Sure, we watched one another get off, what’s the big deal in that? No harm, no foul. It was hot, naughty…and damn fun now wasn’t it?”

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