A refreshing beginning – 2

“See? Now that wasn’t so hard, was it?” He looked sheepishly at me, but then asked me what I thought when I saw them. “Same thing. Wondered what it would feel like to fuck your father.”

“Seriously? You’d…you’d actually fuck dad if you had the chance?”

“Of course I would. Same as you’d enjoy fucking my mother if you could.” It was obvious he was about to say something, but then closed his mouth. He knew I was right…he would if he could.

“Wouldn’t happen anyway,” he said moments later. “Just fantasy talk right?”

“Fantasy, until you make it reality,” I told him more firmly, stroking his cock now, wanting to intensify the pleasure as we continued to talk, pursuing this particular little taboo.

“Like that’s ever going to happen,” he groaned deeply.

“Who knows? There might be a way,” I assured him, having given this a great deal of thought, and now knowing how he truly felt, ready to put my plan into action. “We know that this has been going on for a good number of years, and that all four had gotten really close because of it. More importantly, that aspect of them having lost half of that closeness together will be greatly missed. And while it is…even before they tie the proverbial knot. It’s time to strike while the iron’s hot.

But I’m not going to do that unless you’re truly on board with this. With me. So again Jacob…I’m asking you. If you could…if it truly was possible, would you fuck my mother if you had the opportunity to do so. And with everyone’s complete and total agreement?”

He again thought while I continued stroking his prick, doing so purposely now so as to ensure a truthful response borne out of his own hot sexual desires as I brought him closer and closer towards orgasm.

“It’d have to be…mutually agreeable, amongst everyone. Maybe then,” he left.

“Then leave it up to me to work out the details Jacob. But you need to know, once I put things into motion, there’s no going back.” He nodded his head uncertainly, but he was too fucking close now to argue with me either. “Good…now, how’d you like to cum in my mouth?”

Revelations – Chapter Six

I had purposely slept in, trying to make things easier for mom to have an excuse to come talk to me, in waking me. I knew that Antony had no doubt gone off to work already, as had Jacob. So that left just mom and I alone in the house for a time until I headed off to my own part-time job later that afternoon. And though I had started closing my bedroom door, it had remained unlocked. So when the first wake-up tap came, I was feigning sleep as mom entered, calling out to me.

“Rise and shine sleepy-head, no time to dawdle…I need to get the laundry done.”

I was naked as I slowly rolled out of bed into a sitting position, yawning and stretching, allowing mom to see me in all my glory. And not that I had any thoughts about anything like that, establishing a zone of comfort between us was paramount to having another very open and honest discussion with her. Being in such a vulnerable state, without pause, without inhibitions, would hopefully set the tone and the mood for what was coming. I yawned again, this time for real, likewise running my hand down between my legs as though without thinking. The move wasn’t lost on mom either as she stood there, already grabbing my pillow, removing the pillowcase.

“Late night?” She asked curiously. She knew damn well I hadn’t gone anywhere, but sleeping in this late wasn’t normal for me, unless I’d been up later than usual.

“Sort of,” I responded, looking at the clock on my nightstand, hand still down between my legs, cupping my cunt, though I quickly stood. “Need to pee,” I told her, leaving the room, walking out into the hallway towards the bathroom. I could feel mom’s eyes on me every step of the way, wondering if she’d approach me when I returned, or later. I’d given her enough openings, now it was up to her to see if she’d use any of them.

By the time I had returned from the bathroom, mom had finished stripping the bed, which was again a bit unusual, as most of the time I did it myself. Plus, she was now sitting on it, waiting for me to return.

“Something on your mind?” I asked, seeing that she was waiting for me to return.

“Just curious about something,” she began hesitantly. “I know you didn’t go out last night, though obviously you were still up late doing something. But it has more to do with something you sort of mentioned to me the last time we talked,” she stated…fishing, but there it was. I decided to play with the hook for a bit, before biting, letting her think she was reeling me in. Hopefully that would get her to open up with me a bit as well, and peak her curiosity enough to give some thought to my eventual suggestion.

“Oh? And what was that?” Instead of dressing, or even making an attempt to, I sat down on the edge of the bed next to her, though sitting slightly at an angle so I could face her. I saw her eyes briefly look over my nude form, though she quickly averted her gaze as though trying to ignore the obvious as she looked up into my eyes instead.

“After what you said, I was wondering…how long have you and Jacob been sleeping together?”

I wasn’t about to tell her we hadn’t actually had intercourse yet. I was in fact saving that little prize as further insurance for Jacob. Already telling him last night after he damn near drowned me when he came in my mouth, that I also wanted to fuck him, in the worst way. But not until we had a nice long evening to ourselves, when we could truly enjoy doing that without having to rush through it.

But even more importantly, only when we also had both my mother, and his father’s blessing when we did. I know I was likewise hedging my bet a little by inferring that we already had. But there was still a chance they could actually ask us to cease fooling around with one another, which would then toss my entire plan right out the window.

“Not long, only a few weeks actually,” I told her. But I have to say mom, I hope for your sake that Antony’s as affectionate and attentive as Jacob is. If he is…then no wonder you’re always walking around with a smile on your face. Especially if Antony’s cock is anything at all like Jacob’s is.”

There…I had opened another door for her, wondering if she’d step through it or not. Her mouth partially opened as though trying to find the words, struggling with asking them, or discussing something else instead. I was betting on the former.

“Well, like I told you. Antony IS a good lover yes, in different ways than your father,” she again stressed as though the thought of that might bother, or upset me. “But one doesn’t need a gigantic cock to satisfy a woman either. In fact, I prefer that a man doesn’t, so long as he knows what to do with it.”

“Oh I couldn’t agree more mom!” I said excitedly as though reminiscing about it. “Even Jacob’s cock isn’t as big as a couple of others I’ve seen. But what it is…is nice and thick, and damn fucking hard!”


I laughed, interrupting her before she could finish, finishing for her. “Green. I know. But you wanted to know didn’t you? I mean really? Isn’t that what these fun, naughty little chats are all about? Sharing confidences, even secrets at times? And I’ll be honest with you about something else too mom, since we are hopefully being honest with one another here. Just talking about it gets me all Cooper and aroused again. Which I’m getting now, imagining what Antony probably looks like, if he looks anything at all like Jacob, and vice versa. You know? Haven’t you been wondering about that too?”

I had painted her into a bit of a corner here. Mom was tongue-tied, trying to answer my question without making it sound like she’d actually been wondering what Jacob’s hard cock looked like. “Only when you mentioned it the first time,” she settled on saying. She then straightened her posture some, trying to regain some control here, though I noticed her eyes wandered down, though I had purposely drawn them to where I was hoping she’d look, once again pretending to be off in thought for a moment, and totally unaware of what I was even doing to myself as one hand came up to capture and encircle one of my rock-hard extended nipples.

“Well I have to tell you mom, it really is amazing. Never seen one that can get that steely-hard before like Jacob’s can. And not like it’s a monster dick either mom, but it truly is beautiful. And you know what else?” I asked only then pretending I was suddenly aware of what I’d been doing to myself as I once again dropped my hand.

“Wha…ah what?” Mom muttered her eyes still locked on my hard erect nipples for a moment before forcing herself to look up at me again. “What?” She said again. The color in her cheeks told me she was becoming as aroused by all this as I was. Plus…she was fidgeting a little too. It was time to strike while I had her off guard and vulnerable to the idea.

“He told me, while I was sucking his cock last night…that,”

“You were…”

“Yeah, sucking that hard stiff fucking cock, oh mom…I really do wish you could see it, it truly is amazing! Anyway…while I was sucking on it, licking it…he actually told me that he hoped that I would grow up to look just like you do now in a few years.”

“He did not!”

“Oh yes he did.”

“While you were sucking him, he said that.”

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