Weekend outing went out of normal with friends – 06

Our conversation sort of broke down, when Nora thought she’d like to see if she could get one more load out of me, orally. I watched the cabin porch, where Elias was putting it to Carter, bent over and hanging onto the railing. I leaned back, enjoying the distant show and my dear wife’s attention.

Back at the cabin, we finished closing things up, including chaining the rocking chairs to the porch. Elias and I settled in for a relaxing smoke before we hit the road, while the girls walked the perimeter.

The day was beautiful, the prettiest yet. “God, I hate to leave. I could stay up here a month and not get tired of this,” I admitted.

“I know. After I leave I kind of get in the dumps for a day or two. But I know it’s always here waiting for me.” Elias said.

The girls appeared from around the building and I looked at them, both so beautiful, and so naked. I wondered if it would be crass to try to have one last go with Carter.

“I saw that!” Carter laughed pointing. “I can’t believe that all we have to do is walk up to you naked, to get you all hard! You were normal sized, and in the time it took us to walk around and up the porch, you’re ready to go again!”

“So shoot me!” I said. “You both are gorgeous and sexy, and you make my blood boil. Now you know the truth. I see you and I want you.”

Nora was already leaning over caressing Elias’s resurgent hardness. “And you’re no better! Didn’t you just finish doing your wife? What’s this for?”

“One last hurrah?” he asked.

Nora looked over at Carter, her partner in crime. “Do you want to do me a favor and take care of him? It would be a shame to make him ride home like that.”

“I will if you will,” Carter answered, turning her back to me and trying to lower herself by falling onto my ready rod.

We soon had both girls in our laps, their legs splayed out over the arms of the rocking chair, their worn out pussies condemned to one last beating.

Carter leaned back against me, sighing as we rocked back and forth in the chair, both of us facing out across the water, looking at the beauty of the scene. The rocking was wonderful, it allowed me to stay inside of her, and just get a little play from the gentle movement. Her entire, delicious body was open to me, and my hands wandered over her as if they had a mind of their own.

“This is nice,” she said softly.

“Yes, it is.”

She closed her eyes, and we spent several minutes just enjoying our last few minutes at the cabin, and our last few moments of intimacy. The motion was perfect, keeping me hard, but not doing much to get me off.

Suddenly she just sat bolt upright, taking me deeply. “Wow! I just had the most incredible vision.” She looked around to see if our spouses were paying attention. She sounded as excited as a school girl.

“I saw us, just like this, but like 40 years from now. There was a huge house over there,” she pointed to our right, “I mean HUGE, and the woods down there were cleared out for an open field.” She indicated an area down by the water.

“It was so vivid, so real. I saw dozens of people running around down by the water, adults and kids, and all of them were naked. There were two docks, and a big-ass sailboat, and some jet-skis, and all kinds of stuff out there. But the swimming platform was exactly the same, as was our walkway, and even Elias’s silly dirt path. There were even circular stones out on the dirt path, and I knew that each one had someone’s handprints, and there were dozens of them!”

She looked around, as if she could still see it all. “There were trails all through the woods, and a big quad ATV right there,” she pointed off to our left. “And I knew that all of it was ours. The kids, the grandkids, the house, the boats, all of it. It was all ours, all four of us.”

She looked to the side, “We had a flag flying, right there, and the kids knew this building was off limits when Grandma was flying the flag. God! It was so weird! I could almost feel the padding that you added to these very seats, on the arms, so it would be softer on our legs!” She looked at Nora, “And God, you were beautiful! I was so fucking jealous, how could you age to well?”

Elias laughed, “You didn’t eat the tequila worm, did you?”

“Don’t make fun of me, Elias! I’m telling you, I swear, it was like Deja Vu, but in reverse. The whole thing just appeared in my head, and it was like watching a movie of our future!”

“Sounds like a pretty good scene to me,” Nora said. “Great friends, great sex, an army of grandchildren, and enough success to make a mansion out here. I could go for that.”

I heard Elias giggle. “Shit, Liam. Now we’ve really got our work cut out for us. It’ll mean a lot of weekends up here.”

Carter settled down, and leaned back into me, still thoroughly impaled. I started rocking us again, and used my hands on her ass to get a little more action.

“What do you think,” she asked me softly.

“Us, sitting here, forty years from now, just like this?”

“Mmmhmm,” she murmured, moving with me, letting me get just a little more of the old in-and-out going.

“Just like you described?” I asked, caressing her body.

“Exactly,” she said softly.

I turned her head, and kissed her on the lips, tasting her again, feeling the sharpness of her teeth, the moist firmness of her tongue, sharing her breath. She whimpered for me. God, I loved that sound.

“Heaven on Earth.”


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