The companion act

it was my job to see they were weeded and looking pristine in appearance. This was my time as well, early in the morning while it was still cool and pleasant enough to be doing so. Even as I weeded almost automatically, I was lost in thought…thoughts I knew damn well I shouldn’t be imagining, entertaining. Especially now. And yet…there I was, doing just that. So absorbed in my thoughts I once again didn’t hear Tom’s approach, jumping again now upon hearing the sound of her voice so unexpectedly.


“Jesus!” I yelped like a pup, almost falling over causing her to laugh.

“Sorry…didn’t mean to scare you.”

“You didn’t…scare me. Startled me a little, yes,” I said with a bit of irritation in my tone of voice, not really meaning to. “Thanks,” I then added far more politely, accepting the cup of freshly brewed coffee she handed me as she stood there sipping her own.

“You’re welcome,” she responded, not taking offense at my tone as I’d already softened it with a smile.

“Sleep well?” I asked, sipping my own cup.

“Well enough I guess. Different…sleeping in another bed, one you’re not used to…and alone.”

“I can well imagine,” I told her, only then taking a brief glimpse of her as she looked about the yard enjoying the rare fresh breeze of the still cool morning air. Damned if her appearance, even innocent as it was, or was meant to be…didn’t get to me still. Though Henry usually slept in a thin pullover satiny, or even silk shift to bed at night, she sometimes wore nothing more than one of my old tee-shirts to bed.

Sometimes with, but sometimes without panties, depending on the mood she was in. I liked the without mornings the best, as that usually meant she was in the mood for a quickie before either one of us dressed for work. A rather nice way to start out the day. Thus…it was a silent, though obvious sign to me of what I could expect.

Tom was wearing a thin white tee shirt, obviously no bra as the cool morning air had already teased and caressed her nipples into hardness, poking and pressing against the material.

Once again kneeling down, spotting a weed I had missed in the small patch I was working, a quick glance her way as she stood there next to me revealed even more. At least she was wearing panties, the hem of the shirt not quite long enough to disguise the fact that she was, or might not have. Though I doubted I’d find her doing the latter, especially around me.

“So, what’s on the agenda for today?” She asked, looking back down towards me, causing me to once again refocus my attention on the weeds and flowers rather than on the simple cute, almost too girlish little rose etched within the upper crotch of her panties.

“We talked about going down to the beach later, maybe taking a picnic with us, spending some time at the ocean, unless of course there’s something else you’d rather do later?” I asked.

“No, no…I’d like that,” she said, bending over to gather up my coffee cup. “Sounds like fun in fact,” she added. “More coffee?”

“Yes, please.”

I wondered briefly if she’d done that on purpose, or hadn’t thought about it, not realizing her exposure to me as she leaned over picking up my cup, basically displaying herself, presenting to me that barely covered, likewise near perfect ass of hers. But even more so, the sudden appearance, the outline of her lips pressing against the material of the sheer panties she was wearing, clearly displaying her protruding lips, her “camel-toe” as was so vulgarly, somewhat jokingly referred to. She turned her head looking back towards me. My eyes tearing themselves away from the sight, though already too late.

“Be right back with it,” she said standing up, walking away. I had heard…distinctly heard her emphasize the word “it” when she said that, pausing for only a whispered breath of a moment, but enough that it made me wonder. She had to know I’d been looking at “it”. She’d virtually caught me red-handed. And so…had the “it” she’d referenced, emphasized.. been the “it” I’d been thinking about. Once again I shook my head in frustration, scorn and chastisement at myself. Having Tom around was going to be a lot harder than I thought.


Thankfully she didn’t stay or hover around me when she returned with my fresh cup of coffee, heading instead back inside the house. Even so, her nipples still protruded provocatively against the front of her almost too thin tee shirt for comfort. My comfort anyway, as I felt my cock stiffen, against my will, already pressing against the front of my now too tight cut off jeans.

“Hurry home baby,” I thought. “Daddy’s got a hard one for you,” I joked with myself, though I was also pretty sure she wouldn’t approve of who’d given it to me, even though I’d not wished for that. Didn’t make it any easier however, Tom was…admittedly was, a good looking, sexy, seductive woman. A constant reminder for me to mind my P’s and Q’s around her.

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