The companion act

“Yes, well…” I said stepping back, breaking the warm affectionate hug that had just then begun to make me feel a little uncomfortable. “Can I fix you guys something to eat? To drink?”

It was already promising to be another hot somewhat windy day with the Santa Ana winds blowing through the valley.

“A drink would be nice, yes,” they both announced, “Out by the pool perhaps,” Henry suggested then, though I had figured it wouldn’t be long before they would be out there. Though I myself had no intention of joining them. Not today anyway. With them both still having blood-shot eyes, I figured they’d still have lots and lots of shoulder crying to do, and the last thing I wanted to do at the moment, was be a part of that.

“Alcoholic? Or none?” I asked.

“Mix us a batch of Long Island Iced teas,” Henry informed me with a look that said they indeed still had a lot to talk about. I was more than happy to do just that as they both headed off to change while I began mixing….purposely mind you, a rather strong batch of the drink. If anything, it might help her sister to get a good night’s sleep. Though I also had my own ulterior motives. Henry always got exceptionally horny after she’d had a few drinks, provided she didn’t have too many of course and passed out instead.

Something I reminded her quickly about overdoing when she finally came downstairs once again minutes later. She was wearing my favorite bikini too, looking damn good in it as I immediately reached out, tweaking one of her already hardened little nipples through the thin white material of her bikini top.

“Hey buster…watch it!” She teased spinning away from me. “Mind your manners…or you won’t be getting any later,” she added with a wink.

“Mind your drinking,” I challenged him. “Or neither one of us will be,” I admonished her myself. Taking her drink along with her sisters, she soon strolled outside, leaving me to stand there looking at her through the window as she made her way over towards one of the lounge chairs out by the pool. Bending over to place their drinks down on the table, I was lost in the vision of my wife’s near perfect ass when Robin came up from behind me quite unexpectedly.

“Are you joining us?” She asked pleasantly enough. I had jumped. Knowing now that she had startled me a little, giggling then…looking out the window to see what it was that had so captured my attention. Henry had already settled down into her lounge chair, but even then it was hard not to notice her beautiful tan body against the stark contrast of the skimpy white bikini she was wearing.

“Maybe later on this evening,” I informed her, only then turning, getting my first really good look at my sister-in-law. I nearly bit my tongue off. If I thought Henry’s bikini was skimpy and daring, it was nothing in comparison to the little bit of black nothingness she was wearing. Most, if not all of her beautiful full breasts were exposed, save for a thin triangle of material just barely covering her nipples.

That, and the thinnest of strips running up between her obviously shaved pubic mound. When she turned heading outside, her twin ass cheeks were even more exposed than her breasts had been. Had it not been for the sliver of material around her waist, and a similar one across her back, I’d have sworn she wasn’t wearing anything.

I could only stand there gawking at her as she went outside, though she did appear to turn her head looking back in my direction…smiling at me when she did.

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