The companion act – 7

Dinner was beyond good, even the Shark which I’d personally never tried, along with the perfectly roasted pig, crab legs, shrimp and even some traditional dishes like poi, though most everyone there still didn’t like it even though we all tried it. And secretly inside I had laughed…Patrick indeed had kept the

Mai-Tai’s coming, especially coming my wife’s way. By the time we’d all had a chance to relax a bit and digest our food, the girls were all giggly anxious to learn how to do it, and perform the hula for us in some real traditional attire. Sophia had been given the hopeful suggestion of maybe surprising us with none, or at least some of them not wearing the coconut shells as bras.

While the girls headed back up to the house to change, it gave me the opportunity to feel Antony out a bit, trying to see where his head was at.

“Glad you two decided to come and join us,” I began.

“Glad we were asked,” he replied a bit shyly, a bit nervously. “Ah…Deb mentioned something about a bit more adult entertainment afterwards though…” he left off saying.

“Ah yeah, there will be,” I freely said. “But…anyone not comfortable with being around while any of that’s happening, isn’t expected to have to stick around for that. No worries,” I said. “Just nice that you both came here for this much.”

He looked at me. “But that’s sort of why we decided to come after all,” he said, surprising me a little. “Though it might spice things up a bit at home, we’ve ah…well, we’ve not really had much of an adventurous life together if you get my meaning. We’ve talked about it at length…but to be honest, the opportunity to perhaps participate in doing something like that’s never really presented itself until now.”

“You sure that’s something you’re honestly willing to investigate?” I asked, though I didn’t dare tell him I was almost as much a novice to all this as he was, not to mention the fact I’d been finger-fucking his wife lately at work.

“Yes, we are…we both are,” he told me. “We’ve thought long and hard about this, or something like this for a long time before. Always wanted to see how we felt, how it went…give things an honest effort and see how we both felt about it afterwards. So once Mia filled me in on what could, and very possibly would take place here tonight, we both agreed, that for tonight at least, it was an “anything goes” sort of an evening.

And then we’d sit down and talk about it tomorrow after it was all said and done. After that, we’d then see if it was something we’d ever do again, or just chalk it up to an interesting experience, and leave it there.”

“Well, just try and keep an open mind about tonight,” I further cautioned him. “But also keep in mind, if either one of you becomes uncomfortable, it would be more polite and proper for you to just quietly leave rather than make any kind of a scene…get my drift?”

“No worries there either,” he laughed. “In for a penny…” he offered. “No matter what, for tonight at least, and then see how we both feel about it tomorrow, go from there.”

“Ok, cool then…just so we’re all on the same page here then.” Antony nodded his head assuredly.

“Now…can I ask you somewhat of a personal question?”

“Sure…feel free, ask whatever you’d like.”

“Tom’s your wife’s sister, yes?”

I was curious as to where this was going. “Yes she is…why do you ask?”

“Well, earlier this evening, Mia and I saw the two of them kissing, not like sister kissing…real hot, sexy tongue swapping kind of kissing. Mia said it turned her on…a lot, knowing that they were. Said if she was given the opportunity to see what it was like to be with another woman, those would be the two she’d enjoy doing that with.”

“So you’re wondering…”

He smiled without saying anything else.

“Let’s just say, the two of them would be very open to that. If you’d like, maybe I’ll even mention it to them, see what they think about that. Sounds like something you’d be interested in seeing as well?”

“Oh hell yes!” He grinned delightedly. “That’s been one of my biggest all time unfulfilled fantasies! And with sisters even!” He then added.

“I’ll see what I can do then,” I assured him. “No promises…but I’m willing to bet, a few more Mai-Tai’s down all of them, and we might just all get our wish.” Though once again, I didn’t bother telling him what my particular wish happened to be at the moment.

“Speaking of wishes,” Antony said, drawing my attention back towards the house, we saw a line of hula clad girls quickly approaching us, all but two of them bare breasted. Not too surprisingly one was Marsha, the other was Mia herself.

“Maybe you should convince your wife to join the others,” I suggested. “I have a feeling she will, once she knows if she does so, it’s ok with you.”

“I’ll do that,” he said standing up walking towards her, as the rest of us all began applauding the approach of our half naked, and very sexy looking hula dancers.


Peer pressure. Sometimes you’ve just gotta love it. The moment Antony spoke to Mia, she turned towards me, tossing her top in my direction, now bare breasted as well, much to everyone’s delight. The moment she did that, Marsha stood as the only one still wearing coconuts, except for the professional instructor who was there along with the drummers and caterer’s Patrick had hired for the event. Even she looked tempted to join the rest of them. But it was with another big round of applause, and somewhat of a surprise to Sophia even when Marsha finally shook her head, laughed and verbally said, “Oh what the fuck…why not?”

Now we had six gorgeous bare-breasted females standing side by side one another, no two of them alike, each of them slightly different in appearance, size and shape. It was another virtual smorgasbord of tantalizing, sexy titty flash, and each one of them with nice rock hard stiff little nipples.

With careful instruction, they performed several very exotic, and somewhat erotic hula dances, which were actually quite beautiful in their flow, made even more so by the brief exposure of their respective breasts here and there as the Leis they all wore moved about playing peek a boob with their breasts.

After they had finished, rather than retiring and heading back inside to change again, we all settled down for a few more drinks enjoying the cool night air, and the atmosphere, allowing everyone to now consider and begin looking forward to what was ahead. I quickly drew my wife and Tom off to one side, filling them both in.

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