The band of love – 7

“This I gotta see!” Tomine stated, and then slid out from beneath her sister, hotly curious as she came around to stand off to one side, watching my dick as it slowly eased the rest of the way inside that hot tight little passage of hers.

“Me too!” Mia declared, almost toppling poor June over backwards in her haste to come over and stand beside her mother.

“You know what…” Susan grinned, her breath nearly a whisper as she moved back to even more fully impale me inside. “If June’s up to it yet…” she said, letting the implication of what she was suggesting hang there for a moment.

“Are you serious?” He asked. “You mean me and dad?”

“Oh yeah, but only if you’re interested,” Susan challenged him. “It’s been so fucking long since I’ve actually done that, but I’d love to see what it feels like again, and having a father and son filling my holes…well, that would make it even extra special don’t you think?”

I stopped moving briefly, waiting patiently for June to slide beneath his Aunt there on the couch, letting them settle as he soon after entered his cock inside her dripping wet passage. It was an odd feeling, the sensation of my son’s cock resting next to mine, separated by only the thinnest of walls keeping us apart.

It took a moment to get our rhythm down, but once we did it was glorious! Each one of us sliding in and out, fucking Aunt Susan simultaneously, working her together. Tomine and Mia in the meantime standing beside the three of us, watching, fingering themselves in rapturous delight. I could see by the look in my wife’s eyes that she was now seriously considering trying this herself now upon seeing it.

Already I was looking forward now to fucking my own wife’s virgin little ass somewhere along the way. And if she continued to be more attentive as she had been lately, I might even decide to let June fuck her as I did so. In time anyway…

As horny as she was too, it was fun watching her get herself off as she stood there, so unashamedly fingering and toying with her cunt as she came. That triggered Susan’s release as well, groaning and moaning around June and I as each one of us soon began filling her passages with our own brand of hot sticky sauce.

It wasn’t long after we had all collapsed in a heap against one another, trying to collect our respective breaths.

“Excuse me,” Mia said moments later. “What’s wrong with this picture?” she asked.

I looked up at her, still half out of it. “What?”

“I STILL haven’t fucking cum yet! That’s what!” she said as she stood there with her hands on her hips looking down at the rest of us.


The days, and then weeks that soon followed were a blur of passionate delight for everyone. Though even then it was sometimes a little strange, walking into a room, seeing June’s mother sucking his cock, or going down on his sister. Very often I would stand there and watch for a moment, sometimes joining in myself, sometimes not.

Most of the time Susan would call before coming over, it wasn’t very often after that episode at her place that we wound up over there. I preferred it that way however, less chance for anything happening without my not being aware of it for one. But for another, I rather enjoyed just whipping out my cock the moment she walked in the door, and without having to say a word, seeing her come over and either suck it or fuck it for me waiting for the others to join in if they so wished to. Which they usually did of course.

It was two weeks before the Christmas holidays however when Tomine came into the bedroom and reminded me about my sister’s visit.

“Guess we’re going to have to put things on hold and behave for a while aren’t we?” She asked.

Kathy had been coming to visit and stay with us during that period for several years now, and this year was to be no exception.

“I’ll call her before she does,” I informed Tomine. “I think it’s time she and I had a little chat ourselves,” I told my wife. “I meant it when I said no more behind the back stuff…and I’m not going to start doing that with her being here either.”

“What are you planning on saying to her?” Tomine asked surprised that I’d even consider doing that.

“Everything…the truth! Better she hears about it now before getting here and finding out then.”

“How…how do you think she’ll react?” Tom asked a bit nervously.

“To be honest? I don’t know. But like I said Tom, this is our life now, it’s the way things are, and the way things are always going to be. Better she knows the truth rather than walk in and find one of us fooling around with another member of the family by accident don’t you think?”

“We could try and behave while she’s here,” Tom suggested.

“Oh yeah…like that’s going to happen. I know this bunch, like I know myself. Someone would slip up, get horny, think they could get away with a little quickie or something, which is about the time she’d walk in and discover it. No…better she knows the truth now beforehand.”

“Whatever you decide,” Tom said worriedly. “But let me know how it goes ok?”

“Yeah, I will. Maybe I’ll give her a call now while you’re out shopping. When you get back, I’ll tell you how it turned out.”

I waited for a moment until after I had seen Tomine drive away in her car before picking up the phone in order to call my sister.

“Hey Sis…it’s Brad,” I said upon reaching her.

“Bradley!” She responded excitedly upon hearing my voice, just as she always did. “I was just thinking about calling you, just finished booking my flight! So anxious to see you all again!” She told me.

“Yeah me too, but I thought I’d best give you a call before you get here,” I told my sister.

“Why? Is there a problem with me coming out this year?”

“Oh no, not at all…but before you do, there is something I need to talk to you about. Do you remember the Three R’s?” I asked.

“How could I forget? Mom and dad pounded them into us growing up…why?”

“Well, as you already know, Tomine and I have sort of raised the kids up using those too, though they’re slightly different from what mom and dad had us learn, anyway the last one is.”

“Yeah…they always told us, no regrets, no remorse, and always be reserved, especially while out and away from the family. Why do you ask?” Kathy wondered.

“Well, because that last one…about being reserved?”


“Well…you don’t have to worry about that one this time.”

“Oh really…does that mean you DIDN’T need to get us a room?”

“Not this time no,” I chuckled.

“Oh really…do tell. No…wait! Before you do that, let me get naked so I can get naughty on the bed here while you tell me about it!”

Once again I laughed, already unzipping my fly, fishing out my hard stiff cock. It was already wet and slippery with anticipation.

“Ok, all set…got a nice hot slick pussy that’s dying to feel my brother’s cock inside it again. You horny to see me too?” she asked.

“You better believe it is,” I said smiling. “Can’t wait to fuck you again, and taste that hot slick pussy of yours,” I said fisting my cock, listening to Kathy as she likewise fingered her wet cunt, holding it up next to the phone so I could.

“Ok Bradley, so tell me…what happened? And don’t leave any of the really naughty, juicy details out while you do either!”

I sat stroking my cock, letting her hear me as I did. “Well, it’s like this…” And then I began to tell her everything that had happened.

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