The balanced stay was life changing – 01

“Riley!” I was warned seriously. Seeing mom…and dad, was one thing. Thinking about anything else was something else…entirely.

“I’m just teasing you,” she half pouted, “I didn’t mean it,” she added, taking it back. “But I bet you wouldn’t mind slipping this hard prick of yours,” as she grabbed it. “Inside Hannah’s pussy, now would you?”

At least that one I could admit to, which I did. And to which Riley then lifted one leg, balancing herself on the railing, allowing me perfect height and access to her pussy, which I easily slipped into. “Imagine that I’m Hannah,” she told me. “And then fuck me like I was her,” she panted hotly.

So I did.


It was hot, fucking my wife out in the open like that, there on the deck with all the world to see if they wanted to. Though in hindsight, I was willing to bet that anyone who could have, was most likely otherwise engaged down at the private club. We could hear the faint sound of music from time to time coming from that direction, though it was a good distance away.

And once or twice we even thought we’d heard the sound of laughter coming up from somewhere near the water, though nothing we could make out clearly enough to determine who it was coming from. Enough to guess at perhaps, and even now imagine at…especially after what we’d discovered. Even after I had spurted a fairly healthy load inside my wife’s cunt…feeling her climax as well, we were soon at it again a short time later.

Enjoying a nice long blow job as I stood there looking out and over the rail, and then craning my neck just a little, trying to imagine what was actually going on down there as my wife sucked me off. I swear, it was one of the best blowjobs Riley had ever given me as aroused as she was. And then I reciprocate in kind a short time after that. Even as Riley cried out into the night, I didn’t get too worried by any of that, wondering if anyone else was doing the same thing. Admittedly, one person in particular.


Finally exhausted, Riley and I had retired to bed, though I noticed as we did so, it was just after one in the morning. Falling asleep soon after, neither Riley nor I had any idea what time it was when mom and dad came home. As usual however, it was the smell of coffee fresh brewed that woke me. I rolled over glancing at the clock, it was just then around seven thirty.

“Mom’s up,” I said stretching, now sitting as Riley rolled over onto her side, not quite ready to get up yet. “Pretty bad when mom and dad stay up later, and get up earlier than us!” I told my wife, giving her still bare, pretty ass a playful slap.

“Ouch!” She complained, even though I’d spanked that sweet ass of hers a lot harder than that on occasion.

“Yeah right,” I said finally standing, now scratching, surprised to feel a morning woody just then making an appearance.

“You best do something about that before you go wandering off into the kitchen,” Riley teased, finally sitting up in bed now. It didn’t help that her full perky breasts were clearly revealed as she sat there. Even her nipples were hard, though the cool early morning breeze coming through the window might have had something to do with that. Or not…

I slid into a pair of day shorts and headed into the kitchen area. As usual, mom was up reading the paper enjoying her first cup of coffee.


“Where do you think?” She smiled. It was Sunday. And dad had a standing foursome with some friends he’d made. I poured myself a cup and sat down at the table. “Riley up yet?” She asked.

“Just. Or getting anyway,” I smiled.

Mom stood up. “Good, I need to ask her something,” mom smiled at me again and then turned towards our room before I could ask her what. I didn’t think anything of it however and began perusing through the paper, only noticing when I had read most of it, along with finishing a second cup of coffee, that neither mom, or Riley had come back yet. Curious, I stood and headed back towards the bedroom where I could hear mom and Riley talking.

I almost turned away, figuring they were having a “private” chat, which wouldn’t have been the first time, until I heard what sounded like my mother whimpering. That did it for me. Though I still knocked lightly, hesitating before trying the door knob.

“You might as well come in,” I heard mom say. “Guess you should be a part of this too.”

I opened the door and stepped in. Mom and Riley sitting next to one another at the edge of the bed.

My wife looked at me and said simply. “She knows that we know.” I almost played dumb, but seeing the look on my mother’s face told me that there was no way to bluff anything out of this. Somehow she had found out, though for the life of me, I couldn’t see how. I should have known better.

“How’d you find out?” I heard myself asking, not yet confirming the obvious.

“Because there was a photo lying on the floor of my closet,” she said. “I saw it sitting there after your father left this morning. I knew then, you had stumbled across our album.”

Go figure. And here I thought we had been so careful. There was no hiding it or denying it now however. I opened my mouth to say something…though I had no idea when Riley did.

“She thought it might be easier to ask me first,” she began. “She was really worried about what we might be thinking of them.” I again opened my mouth to speak, but Riley quickly squelched that idea. “So I told her about us,” Riley finished actually smiling at me. “I figured since we knew…that they should.”

“You mean, does dad…?”

“Not yet…but figured it might be easier coming from me when he gets home,” Riley stated. “No sense embarrassing your dad if he’s uncomfortable with us knowing any of this, any more than he has too.”

I nodded my head in agreement, once more looking towards mom. “You don’t think I’m some kind of a whore or anything do you honey?” She asked worriedly.

“Of course not!” I exclaimed. “No more than Riley is, or even me for that matter. It’s not like you get paid money to go to those parties now do you?”

“Well no…but, you saw the pictures.”

I certainly couldn’t deny that, once more nodding my head. “Mom, listen. Think about it. Riley told you about us too, right?” Now it was mom’s turn to nod. “Well? We’re not exactly in a position to be casting judgment on you then are we? To be honest mom, we didn’t see anything in those photos that we haven’t participated in ourselves.” Seeing the look on mom’s face at that moment told me I’d just painted her a pretty vivid picture. She seemed to be looking far off for a moment, so I could only imagine.

“So you’d be ok if we…”

“Continued?” Riley finished for her. “Of course we would be mom!” She half laughed, pulling mom close to her for a welcoming, reassuring hug. “Obviously things have changed since the two of you moved here. And by the looks of it, for the better too. Caleb and I can both see that you’re both happier, even healthier, and doing better. So if having a little naughty decadent fun from time to time is causing that, we’re certainly all for it? Aren’t we honey?”

I think I was grinning like a Cheshire cat, but I wasn’t about to explain why. Up until that very moment, I hadn’t noticed that the robe Riley had on had parted in front, so that now most of her left breast was exposed. It was in fact resting against mom’s arm, though she either didn’t seem to notice it, or care that it was.

“Yeah…of course,” I finally managed. Feeling my prick starting to stiffen a little was a good indication it was time for me to make a departure here. The last thing I wanted to do was try and explain why it was…to either one of them. “Listen, I’ll leave the two of you to finish talking about things here. I’ll go out and make a fresh pot of coffee,” I offered.

“Good idea,” Riley told me. “You do that. And close the door behind you on your way out. We still have one or two things we probably need to discuss, so it could be a while,” Riley stated. And with that, I left the room, closing the door behind.


It was kind of a long, somewhat silent afternoon. Sure we chatted, like always, but there was a bit of nervousness in the air. Dad was due back any time now, and I think all three of us sat looking at the clock expectantly.

“You’re sure about this?” I asked.

“Very sure. It might be easier if we do it my way,” she said once again. Though I was surprised that mom had gone along with it, allowing Riley to tell dad the whole story herself. Maybe it would be easier. Certainly for me anyway. Maybe afterwards it might be awkward for a while, but eventually…

Dad got home a short time later, though I had made myself scarce, long enough for Riley to convince him to take her on a short boat ride. He was a little surprised to learn that it would just be the two of them going, but then figured that since I never had been all that comfortable in the water, it just wasn’t my particular thing. And mom had begged out, stating that she’d stay home and keep company with me. So with that, the two of them set off to spend the rest of the late afternoon together. I could only sit and wonder what dad would be thinking about everything soon after that.

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