Angela Martin made it to her breeding season – 02

If you have not read Angela Martin made it to her breeding season – 01 click here. Lets begin part 2. “No!” Angela glared back at him, trying her resolve not to oogle his growing cock. “Alright then, Angela. Have it your way,” The two men grabbed Angela’s shoulders. Angela […] Read More… from Angela Martin made it to her breeding season – 02

Angela Martin made it to her breeding season – 01

Angela Martin opened the door to her new apartment and breathed a sigh of relief. “Finally,” she thought, “Time to relax…” The room had the scent of freshness about it, a nice change from the heavier, musty smell of her old apartment. Angela held a cardboard box with all her […] Read More… from Angela Martin made it to her breeding season – 01

The trio in the college choose trio over anything – 02

If you have not read the first part of the story The trio in the college choose trio over anything – 01 please click here. Or click the author and take it. “That wasn’t very nice, or smart for that matter,” I said softly. “Why not?” Skylar asked. In answer, […] Read More… from The trio in the college choose trio over anything – 02

The trio in the college choose trio over anything – 01

This is a story about a trio in the college who engages in threesome. Its a great story in 2 parts please watch both to get the maximum orgasm. Let’s begin.. “Shit Jimbo!” I snapped in angry embarrassment. “How many times do I have to remind you to put a […] Read More… from The trio in the college choose trio over anything – 01