Stella made her desires true-1.0

This Story is part of Stella made her desires true Series

Waking up, Stella Holland didn’t need to glance at the alarm clock to know it was too early for her to get up. However, her bladder insisted, and the twenty-one year old sighed. Rolling out of the nice warm bed, she quietly padded to the bathroom, completely unconcerned that she was naked.

After relieving herself, she cupped a hand and drank a little from the tap, washing the aftertaste of sleep from her mouth, and studied herself in the mirror.

Shoulder-length auburn hair framing her oval face, complemented with a slender nose and thin lips, she was very pretty, not needing make-up to enhance her looks. Most people thought she was still in high school. As a redhead, going to the beach this summer hadn’t really changed her naturally pale skin any, aside from the slightly-noticeable tan lines from her bikini.

Obviously she inherited her fair skin from her mother, along with her aquamarine eyes. Going to a tanning salon was a thought, but there were still reports on the news making her fear of being bombarded by vast amounts of concentrated ultra-violet radiation. She didn’t need cancer, thank you very much.

Looking down at herself, she was proud of her athletic figure. Thanks to a love of dancing, soccer, and healthy, gourmet-quality meals Jack prepared every day, her slender build had just the right amount of feminine curves in her opinion. Because of it, she often looked taller than her five and a half feet.

She could almost cup her firm breasts completely in her hands, and in the sticky heat of the summer it was a blessing not needing a bra. Unlike other girls she showered alongside in her soccer team, her aureola and thick nipples were quite pale. At least the girls never teased her about her petite breasts.

What she was truly proud of was her bare pussy. It had been her own mother, during one of their mother-daughter talks entering puberty, who’d suggested keeping her vagina clean-shaven. Not for appearance sake, but it was easier to maintain when it came to hygiene, and felt better wearing briefs or thongs. As she was in most things, her mother was right. With its noticable dimple and well-defined cleft, it was easy to understand why some of her teammates were envious of her pussy.

Advice her mother had given her years ago came to mind. Never be anybody but yourself. If someone doesn’t like you for who you are, quirks and all, then they’re not worth being a friend. Smiling with renewed pride, she nodded at her reflection. Damn right, mom. Damn right. There were enough guys out there willing to get into her pants; she wasn’t going to debase herself just to lose her virginity.

Stepping from the bathroom, Stella paused. That was freshly-brewed coffee she smelled. Peering over the bannister, the kitchen light illuminated the gray carpeting of the hallway at the base of the stairs. Debating going back to bed, the aroma was too enticing to ignore. Returning to her room to struggle into a tight-fitting jersey, more to ward off chills than to conceal her nudity, she headed downstairs.

Entering the large kitchen, she tiptoed across the cold tiles and went straight to the young man sipping a coffee at the oak dining table. Leaning over to kiss him on the cheek, she got a warm smile in return.

“Good morning,” she greeted, feeling far more awake than her usual sluggish morning routine. Seeing it was six in the morning, she was grateful it was Saturday. “I hope I didn’t wake you up.”

Jack William shook his head. “Not at all. I just got down here when I heard you getting up. I made another coffee if you want.”

“Thank you.” Giving him another kiss, she padded to the counter to mix herself a mug. His coffee always tastes better than hers, and his cooking couldn’t be beat. Coffee in hand, she joined him at the table.

Wearing only a pair of black boxers, where most mornings he was fully dressed before coming downstairs, he was absently rubbing his scarred right shoulder, glancing through his college textbook.

Having been best friends since they were kids, they were sensitive to each other’s moods. Ever since the car accident eleven years ago that nearly claimed their lives, they were inseparable.

Losing his entire family four years ago, Jack had inherited the house and sizable inheritance. As he lived alone with no other relatives, Stella was more than happy to move in at his request before they enrolled in college together.

Because of their bond, she sensed something wasn’t right with her friend, and rubbed his forearm.

“Hey there,” she said gently, ducking her head to look in his eyes. “What’s wrong?”

Jack tried to shrug, but winced doing so, not going unnoticed by her. “Nothing, really. I think I just slept wrong. That’s all.”

Having cared deeply for each other for years, they knew warning signs of trouble, usually being able to help before problems got out of hand. Right now, she didn’t think something major was wrong, but nevertheless felt concerned.

Only a week younger than herself, Jack was still thin as he was as a teenager, but every now and then she noticed he was developing a muscular build playing hockey, especially on his hairless chest. He was definitely attractive with his square jaw, narrow nose, and hazel eyes. Masculine in almost a boyish way, he didn’t need to be a stereo-typical muscular hunk to be a man.

However, it wasn’t just his looks people noticed with his shirt off. Where she’d been lucky to escape the car accident when they were ten with a faint scar inside her left thigh, where she’d nearly bled to death, he hadn’t been so fortunate. His broad back was scarred. While others cringed seeing it, Stella found they were badges of honor.

The doctors said if he hadn’t used his own body as a shield to protect her when the dump truck broadsided them, some of the wreckage he took in the back would have killed her. She owed him her life, and had never forgotten that.

What the shirt didn’t hide was his hair. Wearing it long, most of it was brown. However, from the top of his head down to the tip of the bang that swept over his right eye, the long patch was pure white, a result from the accident. They said it came when the car’s roof had crumpled inward to pin them, a jagged piece slicing through his scalp where the white was now.

She vividly recalled being trapped, before the paramedics came, not knowing if her motionless friend was dead. His blood trickling onto her, she’d screamed over and over, not from pain, but thinking he was dead. Thankfully, she rarely relieved it in her nightmares. Personally, she loved the white patch of hair, and still teased him that he was part skunk.

Stella also knew him intimately too. Since they were little and continuing into this summer, they’d go skinny-dipping in the small river in the bush behind the subdivision. Seeing each other unclothed so much, it was no shock when they caught the other naked, especially going to and coming from showers and in the morning as they both slept in the nude.

Most of the time she saw his circumcised cock soft, the pubic hair over it and his scrotum thin, much like the hair on his limbs and stomach. She’d seen it erect quite a few times, too. Bending like a banana, the thick shaft was topped by a large head that reminded her of a fireman’s helmet.

They’d measured it erect before, and she’d been surprised to find it was only a little over six inches. Because it was so thick and well-formed, she’d guessed it was closer to eight inches, though guessing measurements was hard for her.

Despite being so-called average, she thought it was just the cutest thing, soft or hard, and loved the times she spied it. Over the years, many nights she masturbated thinking of Jack and his cock. Granted it was the only one she’d seen in the flesh, but it still heightened her lust when horny. Stella was sure he masturbated thinking of her too, and the thought always left her feeling warm and sexy.

Right now she wasn’t thinking of his cock. Her best friend didn’t look any different this morning, but she knew something at the very least was bothering him.

She covered his hand with hers. “It’s your back again, isn’t it?”

He looked like he was going to deny it, then thought better of it and simply nodded.

Damn, she thought. She should have known he wasn’t feeling well as he went to bed early last night. She’d sensed something then, but thought he was just tired.

“I almost forgot. You had that date last night,” Jack mentioned. “How was it?”

You sneaky skunk, Stella thought, amused at his skillful change of topic. He’d be by her side day and night if she needed him, but pretended his problems were minor things. He did it she suspected not to appear manly, but felt guilty when she looked after him, feeling he was a burden. She thought it was horseshit, and told him that more than once, yet he still down-played his problems.

“It was okay,” she replied, “until we left the restaurant. We were going to catch a movie, but getting in his car, suddenly he was a whole different guy.”

Jack’s expression darkened, a sign his protective streak was kicking in, but held his tongue, willing to hear the whole story before reacting.

“Yeah,” she agreed with his unspoken thoughts, “he was another one of those guys. I really thought this time it was going to be different, but it wasn’t. He didn’t even start the car before he was pawing at me, saying stupid things like, ‘C’mon baby, ya know ya want it’ and other crude things. Bring a girl out to dinner on the first date and she’s supposed to be your little love doll right afterwards. He even dangled a condom in front of me, as if we were going to do it right there and then.”

Seeing Jack’s expression darkening more, she held up her hand to forestall an outburst. “You know I wasn’t going to put up with that,” she continued, “so I got out of his car. He had the gall to get out too and grab my arm, telling me I owed him and I was going to sleep with him to pay it off.”

Suspecting what was coming, a small grin came to his lips. Stella on the other hand was grinning from ear to ear. “You guessed it. He’s not going to be pissing that well for at least a week, not with the kick I gave him. Guess he forgot soccer players are very good at kicking balls,” she laughed. “I hoofed it to the nearest bus stop and came home. You were asleep when I got back, so figured it could wait until morning.”

“I hope that bastard won’t be able to have kids now,” Jack said maliciously. While he knew she could take care of herself, he was still like a wolf protecting its mate when it came to her. “It’s guys like that who should not be allowed to pass on their genes, making another bastard to infect society with.”

Stella made her desires true-1.0 will continue in the next page.

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