Black Blackmailing in a beautiful way

I am a track coach at a prestigious college. I should explain I am black, 5’10 and have an athlete’s body. Small breasts, long firm legs and am perfectly fit. Anna, my new and upcoming track star, was as white as they come, with blonde hair, perky small breasts, long perfectly tanned legs and an ass so tight even straight people noticed it.

Anyhow, Anna was a great runner, but had major problems taking orders from me. I quickly realized it was a race issue and decided to do something about it. Now I should say that I have almost always kept my work life and my sex life separate, but when Anna gave me attitude day after day, I decided to do something about it.

Then I met her mother at our first track meet and it all came together. Anna finished 2nd, which is very good for a first year college student, but her mom implied to me that it was my coaching that prevented her from winning. Anna had never lost a track meet in high school and thus was not used to defeat. Anyways, I told her mother, Mary, to meet me in my office on Monday after practice and we could discuss this situation. She left in a huff, but told me she would be there. I called Anna into my office on Monday morning.

“Anna came in, wearing her tracksuit and usual ponytail, and sat down when I pointed to the chair.”

Ignoring any pleasantries I said in a rather aggressive tone, “Anna it seems you have a problem with me.”

Anna gave an over-the-top sigh.

I stood up, walked over to her and said, “It is obvious it is because I am black.”

Anna, her face not even attempting to hide her disdain for me, said, “Obviously.”

“Why do you hate blacks?” I asked.

In a superior tone Anna said, “Mommy and daddy taught me that the white race has always been superior and that the other minorities, you guys in particular, are trying to take away our power.”

“And you believe it?” I asked in a questioning tone.

Anna said, attitude dripping from every word, “Well look at you. 20 years ago, you would not be my coach.”

“Well that is true. It is called civil rights.” Anna sighed. I lingered before I said, “Well I think you are scared of me because you fear the truth.”

“What truth?” she asked, curious but annoyed.

“That we are the better race and that you will submit to us,” I said so matter-of-factly that it just seemed like common sense. Anna began to get up but I said forcefully, “Sit down.” Anna obeyed, slightly frightened by my tone. “Now it is time to retrain you. To put you in my place.”

“Excuse me,” she said, offended.

“You have made many enemies here in a short time,” I explained.

“How so?” she said in a prima donna tone.

I went to the door and opened it, letting Trevor in. Trevor was a 6 foot 2 black man who was also on the track team. “You know Trevor?”

“Unfortunately,” she responded, her face full of disdain.

“Well Trevor is going to fuck you with his big black cock while you eat my pussy,” I explained.

“What?” she asked, shocked by my words.

“Are you deaf and dumb? I said Trevor is going to fuck you with his big, hard, thick black cock while your white face is between my dark skinned legs.”

Anna stood up and said defiantly, “No fucking way.”

“You got the fucking part right. You do as I say or your scholarship is gone,” I said pushing her back down.

“You can not do that,” she said.

“I can do anything I want. Did you know that Trevor found cocaine in your locker today?”

” I don’t do drugs,” she said proudly.

“I know that and you know that, but who is the Dean going to believe, some 20 something track rookie or a tenured state champion coach?” I asked about setting up the plan.

Anna, just beginning to realize the problem she was in, “Um, you are blackmailing me.”

“You could call it that. I call it pro-active training. Not to mention fucking Trevor is a great workout for a white bitch like you.”

Anna, finally coming to grips with her situation, pleaded, “I’m sorry. I will be better.”

“Oh I know. When I am done with you, you will be a changed woman,” I said, as my hand trailed through her hair.

“Please,” she begged.

“Good, I like begging. Now beg Trevor to let him see his cock,” I toyed.

“No, please, I can’t,” she said, tears beginning to stream down her face.

” Trevor let her see what you have to offer,” I said.

Anna’s eyes went big as Trevor dropped his pants and presented a stiff nine inch cock.

“Impressive hey? Did you know that most black men have cocks at least an inch bigger than a white guy. Not to mention most black men are in better shape and thus have much greater stamina in bed,” I explained.

Anna sat in complete silence, although her eyes never left the big black hard cock.

“Trevor, go offer your cock to Anna,” I instructed. Trevor moved towards the white bitch.

“Please, I can’t. My daddy would kill me,” she explained, worried and nervous.

“Don’t worry girl, your mommy will be taking the same cock after school,” I explained announcing my entire plan.

“She would never,” Anna said confidently.

“Anna, have you not figured it out? All white women will submit to a black cock or pussy if given the chance. You have already decided you are going to fuck his stiff rod, you can’t wait. Thus this lame protesting is silly,” I said confidently, as my hand felt her cunt in her track pants, giving her pubic hair a yank and said, “Shave it, bitch, cunt hair is disgusting.”

Anna gave a loud yelp as I added, “You’re wet already Anna? Why is that?”

Anna’s wet cunt, giving her pubic hair a yank as she does it, and snaps “shave it, bitch, cunt hair is disgusting”.

“Please stop,” she weakly protested.

I leaned in and kissed her; as expected she didn’t break away. I broke the kiss and said, “Anna you are now mine. I own your pussy. Do you understand?” My hand pushed onto her pussy through her track pants as Anna gave a slight moan, but didn’t respond, her face red with embarrassment. I demanded in a dominant tone, “Take off your pants now.”

Anna looked at Trevor and back to me then silently took off her track pants.

“Everything else as well ,” I added. Anna obeyed nervously.

“So you do understand,” I said as my hand slowly moved to her breasts. “You are mine. Say it, say you are my slave.”

Anna, with a bit of her old attitude back, said, “Please let’s just get this over with.”

“Ok,” I said, as I sat up on my desk and hiked up my skirt showcasing my shaved pussy, “bend over.” Anna bent over and Trevor positioned himself behind her. I repeated the question, “Anna, are you ready to submit?”

Anna answered stubbornly, “I am not submitting to you. I am just doing this so I won’t lose my scholarship.”

“I see,” I said vaguely and then instructed, “Trevor, fuck her.” Trevor slid his cock into her pussy. After a couple minutes of pounding, Anna began moaning. I then said, “Trevor pull out.” Anna looked up at me annoyed and I asked, “What?”

Anna babbled, “Ummm…I…”

I teased, “Were you enjoying a black cock in your white pussy?”

Frustrated, Anna admitted, “Yes dammit. Fine, does that make you happy?”

I sarcastically said, “Thrilled. Now beg for Trevor to fuck you.”

Anna sighed and said, “Fine, Trevor please fuck me with your massive fucking cock.”

“Better, but if I recall you were not going to submit,” I toyed.

“Fine, what do you want from me? I love his cock in me. I don’t care if he is black, white or fucking Asian, I just want it back in me,” she said incredibly frustrated.

“So, you want his black cock back in you?” I asked for confirmation.

“Yes dammit, I want his black thick cock in me. Now just let him fuck me,” Anna said way past frustrated.

“Do you submit?” I asked again.

Defeated and way past horny she said, “Yes, I submit.”

“To my every command?” I went further.

“Yes, to your every command,” Anna said, exhausted by the game.

“You understand that means crawling over here and eating my pussy until I cum.,” I informed her, now sitting on my desk.

“Um…” Anna began unsure.

“That means becoming my personal sex toy,” I continued.

“I just…” Anna tried to say.

“Trevor, plug her cunt for a few more strokes,” I instructed.

“No, I , oh yes, Trevor, fuck me, fuck, you fill me up completely,” Anna moaned now focused on pleasure again.

“Pull out.”

Black Blackmailing in a beautiful way will continue in the next page.

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