She is my time – 2

This Story is part of She Is Me Series

I had actually had dinner with my neighbors before. And Thomas was a damn fine cook. She’d even gone to Julliard in training to be a chef, so I knew what she was capable of.

“Dinner will be a while yet,” she said in greeting. “So come on, sit down…have a glass or two of wine while we’re waiting.”

By now of course, Mila had changed clothes, strolling into their small, cozy little sitting room. She now wore a simple, though very short pair of shorts, half of her ass cheeks showing, along with a white, wife-beater tank top. No bra. And though her breasts weren’t nearly as large as mine or Thomas’s were, they were more than a handful. And clearly evident in appearance as they strained against the confines of the tight fitting shirt.

Especially her nipples, which I noticed were hard, poking out like twin little thimbles against the material, and just dark enough in color that I could easily see the size and shape of her areolas. Frankly, in all the time I had lived next door to them, I had never seen her dressed quite this brazenly before, at least not around me…not until now anyway.

We sat sipping our wine waiting for dinner getting to know one another better. I found myself admiring their easy going way, their banter back and forth with one another. Flirtatious, teasing…even including me in it on occasion.

“Have to tell you Maria,” Mila said as she refilled my glass, bending over just enough to whisper into my ear as she did that. “You have great looking tits, wish mine were as pretty as yours are.”

“Ah…thank you,” I responded in kind, a bit flustered, already beginning to feel the effects of the alcohol as I started in on my third glass of wine. Dinner couldn’t come fast enough. Much more, and I’d be too drunk to enjoy it. “But I think your…tits…are equally as nice,” I stammered a bit, using the same word she had, hearing it said, feeling a bit of a naughty pleasure in actually saying that to her. Thomas had come over to stand behind Mila upon hearing that.

“She just wants to see them again,” she laughed, reaching around to actually fondle one of Mila’s through her top as she stood there. “I swear, she’s worse than a lot of men I know…including your cousin Howard. He’s a bit of a meme too. Always ogling ours whenever he thinks he’s getting away with it. Kind of fun teasing him in that way, especially knowing he’ll never actually get to see,” she laughed at that.

I was laughing too. Inside.

“And speaking of which, how do you know I have nice boobs anyway? You’ve not really seen them, not like Thomas’s,” she added to that, now reaching over to likewise fondle one of her boobs.

If I had had a dick…it would have been rock hard by now. But, I did feel like I had a “clit-on” if there even was such a thing. All this sultry talk, and now adding to that this open fondling of one another as they stood there in front of me was making me even more dizzy and aroused than I already was.

“Maybe she doesn’t want to see your boobs,” Thomas said, jumping in before I could answer. “Maybe…she’s hungry and would rather eat. I think dinner should be just about ready.”

It was as though Maria was actually speaking and not me. Surprised as the words more or less fell out of my mouth. “Yes…I am, and would…like to see your…tits,” I said, liking the sound of the more vulgar word, which again made me tingle excitedly between my legs. The emergence of additional moisture, something I could feel as well as sense, so foreign to me, but so pleasurable as well. Both girls turned looking at me, grinning.

“How about we eat first? And then we’ll ALL show our tits, how’s that sound?” Thomas laughed, reaching out, taking my hand and then pulling me up off the couch. “Something tells me we should really get some food into you, or no one will be showing anyone anything.”

I hardly even remember eating dinner as delicious as it was. But the food did help. I still had a bit of a buzz, but I was no longer feeling dizzy or lightheaded either. Just aroused, uninhibited…and once again very, very horny. I was hoping of course their erotic amusing banter hadn’t been some sort of a joking tease. Though I got hints of more to come throughout dinner, seeing their periodic eye contact as though sending signals back and forth to one another. Occasionally feeding one another, and then me…making that even sensual and erotic as we fed one another, laughing, giggling, and making a game of it.

I was wet beyond words by the time we had finished eating, feeling the seepage of my arousal wetting my jeans slightly. Mila grabbed another bottle of wine, opening that, and then took it with her back into the sitting room.

I helped to clear away the dishes, and then Thomas and I went back out into the sitting room where Mila had already disappeared a few moments ago. By the time we arrived, there was soft music playing. She stood in the middle of the room, swaying to it seductively. More importantly, she had removed her top. Her cute pert breasts are now fully exposed. It was almost hypnotic watching her as she danced, finally looking towards the two of us. “Well? You two joined me or what?”

Thomas was already reaching down preparing to pull off her own top. Once again I felt shy, uncertain…a bit confused. Here I was again, in a place I had no right to be, doing what I damn well knew, and had they known, they’d have scalped me in a heartbeat for doing. I reached down pulling my own top over my still bra-clad breasts. I reached back, prepared to fumble once more with the clasp, but Thomas beat me to it.

“Here, let me help you with that,” she said softly. “I know you’re still a bit stiff and sore.” In moments she had freed my breasts, the three of us now swaying and standing together in the middle of the room. It was sensual, erotic…no one touched, talked, or did anything but look and dance as we moved about one another, until the music stopped. When it did, Thomas and I happened to be facing one another with Mila standing between us. Suddenly she reached out, one hand clasping my left breast, the other hand doing the same thing to Thomas’s right one.

“Hmm,” she mused. “Hard to tell who’s bigger, pretty close to the same, but you certainly do have thick nipples Maria. Are they very sensitive?” She then asked, now running the edge of her thumbnail over the top of it. I shivered involuntarily.

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