One penny for your ideas

“But admittedly what I do miss, is that level of excitement, that sharing excitement that you can only get with another person. That’s what I miss Jack, more than anything. But just because I do miss it, it doesn’t mean I’m suddenly going to stop jerking off either. I know I will. It just won’t be nearly as much fun not having someone else to share that with.”

I almost smiled. I could already hear her thoughts even before she formed them into words.

“Let me ask you something Brian. Obviously, we both feel much the same way about things. Not wanting to make the kind of commitment with someone that we’re just not sure about yet. However…that being said, I…like you, also enjoy that “excitement” as you call it. Sharing things…doing things, without necessarily taking it to the next level. I guess what I’m proposing, and asking is this…how would you feel about you and I…maybe doing that, for each other. As long as we understand the boundaries, limitations, and accept the fact, we’re doing it just for those reasons?”

I was grinning from ear to ear…inside. Trying to look serious on the outside, weighing her offer, considering it. But I could sense the elation inside her own head, the sudden turn of events emotionally as now I sensed her hope…her excitement, and now…want.

“You’re sure? I mean…we’re talking about, hell Jack…getting nasty together,” I quipped, “Within reason of course,” I smiled. And of course she smiled. I was now picking up all kinds of wickedly erotic thoughts from her that seemed to be pouring out of her emotionally like a river jumping its banks. But I had sensed another side of her as well. One she was finally allowing herself to feel again. She loved that “nasty” edge, that naughty, dirty sensation. It excited her, aroused her, almost beyond reason.

“Let me show you just how sure I am,” she smiled almost devilishly. She reached up, and began slowly unbuttoning the blouse she was wearing. I sat transfixed, my eyes glued on her as she did that, one button at a time. I could still hear her thoughts as well as she did that.

“I’m so fucking Mike Brian, you have no idea. How long I have actually fantasized, imagined seeing that cock of yours, wanting to watch you play with it, me…play with it, even sucking it…and maybe one day…”

I’d run out of time, but it mattered not. No longer able to hear her thoughts anymore, my little experiment had been a rousing success. I knew I’d want to continue it with her, learn more, do more. But now was not the time. Right now, the two of us were simply going to enjoy a bit of wickedly naughty fun together.


Once Jack had unbuttoned her blouse, she leaned forward reaching around behind herself, unclasping her bra. It fell away, slithering down her arms like a sensual serpent. She then removed it, along with her blouse, now sitting there topless. Her breasts indeed weren’t overly large by any means, but certainly more than a simple handful. One thing I loved seeing almost immediately however, was just how large her nipples were.

Areolas are a nice rosy-color, sitting atop each breast like a small pancake. Nipples capping each, thick…invitingly hard and erect, just begging for attention. As much as I wanted to reach over and touch one, I refrained however. That may perhaps…come in time. Right now, I knew it was best to simply follow her lead.

She again paused only briefly, allowing me this intermittent look. I ensured that the look of surprise, and then pleasure on my face had registered with her as she then reached down unbuttoning her fly, unzipping her jeans.

“Well? Are you going to join me, or just sit there with your tongue hanging out?”

I grinned at her, trying hard not to leer, and then unbuckled my own jeans, slipping them down around my ankles, just as she did. The two of us now sitting there looking at one another, albeit a bit awkwardly, nervously at first. My hard cock throbbing however, dancing all on its own accord as she lowered her gaze away from my face, now focusing on that more directly. She sighed, a small moan escaping her lips.

One hand almost automatically came up to capture her breast, watching her do that, wishing it was my own as she began fingering it, toying with her nipple. Her other hand now down between her legs, the tip of one finger slowly drawing itself upwards through her hairless little groove. I fisted myself., squeezing, producing a nice fat dollop of precum smearing it about the head of my dick, thus further stimulating myself in doing so

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