Madam’s crazy notebook

as well as my cousin Mia, so alike in many ways, and yet different in their own rights. Aunt Sue as I called her was about the same height as mom at just under five and a half feet. Mia on the other hand was much taller, only an inch or two shorter than I was at nearly six feet. Both Mia as well as my Aunt had long dark hair,

moms a bit lighter in color, and shoulder length whereas both Mia and my aunt kept theirs in very similar pony-tails most of the time. All three of them had green eyes, though I think Mia’s could turn blue depending upon what clothes she was wearing.

But that was where the similarities basically ended. Mia had much smaller breasts than either my mother or aunt had, though I wondered if in time she might continue to grow there as well. I’d seen photos of my mother around Mia’s age, and she didn’t appear then to have quite as full, or as large of breasts as she did now. Mia was quite naturally a bit slimmer too, not too surprisingly as she’d been on the gymnastics team during high school.

And not that either mom or my aunt were totally out of shape, because they weren’t. But to describe either one of them, I’d have to include the term voluptuous, as they had a bit more meat on their bones so to speak. Though sitting there looking at the two of them as they conversed while making breakfast, I could only admire and secretly harbor a few indecent thoughts regarding the two of them.

Thoughts I might indeed entertain, but thoughts I would never openly act upon.

Mia however, was something else entirely.

Growing up together, again closer than most kids back then, we’d gone through several “curious” phases together as I called them. One of which mom and my aunt had caught us doing. What I recalled from that, was that neither of them made as big of a deal out of it as some might have.

We were indeed “counseled” about it to be sure, and told that it wasn’t proper for cousins to be engaged in such activities, especially at our age. But beyond that, neither one of us had received any punishments. For a time, we did indeed behave ourselves, but only for a time.

Mia was the first girl I had ever kissed. Mia was also the first girl who had ever let me feel her up, which is what we’d done now each and every time we had come for a visit after that. Each time lasting a bit longer, getting a bit more exciting every time we did. It was because of that, because we had finally done far more than we ever had before, that I wondered if she…like me, had overcome our previous guilty feelings about all that. I was more than curious to find out, and didn’t have long to wait.

Even with our expected early arrival, Mia as she always usually did, slept in. She never had been an early morning person, definitely more of a night owl, very often not even going to bed until well after midnight. Something, which during my last visit had suited our purposes perfectly. Eventually we could all hear her finally stirring as the bathroom door opened and then closed up the stairs. Minutes later the sound of her coming down the stairs in order to join us all, reached our ears.

Like I said, seeing my Aunt still wearing her sleeping gown wasn’t any real surprise, especially as she for the most part kept herself well hidden enough beneath the thin robe she wore over it. Mia on the other hand left very little to the imagination, which my aunt briefly commented on, though making more of a joke about it, rather than admonishing my cousin for her somewhat inappropriate attire.

All she was wearing was what they call a “wife beater” for a top, which she slept in, and a pair of short, men’s boxers. I thought she looked sexy as hell in them, especially as her small breasts could be so easily seen pressing against the tight white tee shirt.

“Good morning sleepy-head,” my aunt had said. “Was just about to send George here to wake you, though it’s probably good I didn’t,” she said, giving her daughter an obvious look at her appearance.

Mia had walked around the kitchen table giving mom an affectionate hug, and then a kiss on the cheek, likewise moving back around behind me, doing the same, though I think her lips lingered a bit longer than usual on the back of my neck as she kissed me there.

“Good thing you didn’t send him up, I might not have gotten up, or let him come back!” She stated, surprising everyone by the implication.

“Mia!” Sue turned to admonish her, though I noticed a slight smile on her face as she did that. Mia laughed, as did my mom, though a bit nervously as I recalled. Something that now had greater implications and meaning behind it now that I thought about it. Though at the time…

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