Flings with neighbor’s attractive daughter – 01

Hello Everyone, today I’m here with a story called flings with neighbor’s daughter. This is a group sex story comes in 3 parts. Enjoy.

I leaned against the bar watching the action out on the dance floor and couldn’t help licking my lips. God bless summer! Everywhere my eyes wandered, I spotted exactly what Tom and I had come here to find: plenty of hot young things. Even better, the first heat wave of the season had inspired the club to open up its beachfront a week early.

We’d caught wind of the opening last night, and after our usual Saturday-night dinner date, we’d taken a ride to the under 21 club and spent over an hour sitting out on a deck that overlooked the beach.

The girls were out there wearing next to nothing, and as much as I knew Tom was enjoying the view, I was sure I was more worked up than he was. It had been awhile since we’d had some company, as we referred to it. Watching the scantily clad young girls dance by the large bonfire was making me more than aware that it was high time we did something about that.

After a while, we decided to enter the club itself where to my chagrin I discovered the dress code banned bikinis, so if any of the young lovelies from the beach wanted in they would have to get dressed. My disappointment was short-lived as once inside it was apparent the club didn’t require a lot of clothing, just not bathing suits.

Right now, I felt like a kid in a candy store! Not only was the club packed with our chosen prey, but what a selection! Every type of pretty young lady was on display before me; not only blondes, brunettes, and redheads, but also some slender, some with a little curve to them. Many of the girls were chesty and flaunting their large, soft breasts, while some had perky little tits that were equally well-displayed in their tight tops and dresses.

I could feel my pussy heating up between my thighs at the sight of a pretty little brunette in a skirt so short I could make out the curve of her ass as she bent over and shoved it back into the crotch of her lucky boyfriend. Damn, she was sweet; they all were. That’s what I loved about girls in their late teens and early twenties, that sweet look.

Those soft features, those big eyes and trembling lips, even the ones who weren’t so sweet had that look to them. I shifted as I turned to face the other side of the dance floor and sighed when the material of my lace bra rubbed across my stiff nipples.

When we first entered the club, Tom, who must have been as worked up as I was, suggested we try picking up a girl here rather than go home and look through the local personals or an escort service as we had in the past. At first I’d been skeptical. Yes, I understood his point about the added thrill and the air of risk it involved, but how the hell did we approach someone?

We’d done it previously at special parties thrown by local swingers, but everyone at these parties, even the younger men and women, knew what was going on and were eager to participate. Here, it would be hard to find someone willing to go along with our favorite hobby of being an early-forties couple playing with young women.

Now that we were here, however, I was horny as hell and ready to go for it. We’d been at the bar for about a half hour and the two Captain and Cokes I’d had on the beach along with a couple of shots of good ole Cuervo had helped loosen me up. The bevy of young beauties was certainly heating me up.

“Like a goddamn buffet, isn’t it?” Tom asked, pressing a fresh C&C into my hand.

“An all-you-can-eat buffet!” I responded, laughing before taking a sip of my drink.

“So, is anyone standing out to you?”

I shook my head. “I don’t know. Couldn’t go wrong with any of them.”

“Okay, so now what?” He slid his arm around my waist.

I turned to look at him and rolled my eyes. “You tell me. This was your idea, oh mighty hunter!”

Tom laughed. Squeezing me closer to him, he took a sip from his Heineken. As always, his laugh was loud and genuine, and a few people glanced over at him and smiled. I did as well. Tom was one of those people whose smile and laughter and almost annoyingly at times, upbeat personality, spread to those around him. I tended to be more on the serious side and was the one who worried about everything so we balanced each other out well.

Still looking at him, I appreciated the gleam in his big blue eyes and the smile on his face. Even when he wasn’t laughing or joking, Tom looked as if he were about to. Between his carefree expression, the blue eyes, and his dirty blond hair, Tom possessed a boyish charm that belied his forty-two years and made me fall in love with him again every time I looked at him.

From the neck down, however, there was nothing boyish about my handsome hubby. He wasn’t tall at just under six feet, but he carried a solid hundred and ninety pounds, none of which was fat.

Tom had worked as a personal trainer since just out of college and led by example. His shoulders were broad and his arms and chest were a testament to a lifetime of working out as was his still perfect thirty two waist. Slipping my arm around that waist, I sighed. “So, you really have no idea how to do this?”

“Well,” he said, giving me a sly smile, “I kind of figure you’re going to have to be our ice breaker.”

“What do you mean to me? This was your idea!”

“Yup, and part of the fun is watching you get us started.” He shrugged. “Think about it, Elsa. If I approach one of these girls, I might get slapped for being a creepy old guy and—”

“You don’t look old or creepy,” I told him, leaning over and kissing his cheek. “You’re a good-looking guy, and damn, do you fill those jeans out!” I gave his ass a good hard squeeze for emphasis.

“Well, to you, maybe, but some of these girls will think, eww, he’s my dad’s age. But even if they are receptive to me, how do we know they would be into you?”

I frowned. “Well, you have to—”

“So,” he went on, “I figure if you approach them and they seem into you, that’s half the battle. And it would be less creepy if you start talking to them, then point me out and go from there.”

“You could have discussed this before,” I pointed out, scowling.

“But then we wouldn’t be here!” He laughed again. Lowering his face to mine, he gave me a soft kiss. “Come on, baby, cast the line and reel in a hot one.”

“Like they won’t think, eww, she’s my mom’s age?”

“Hell no, baby. You just look like their hot older sister!” he told me with a perfectly straight face.

“You’re full of shit!” I smiled though. “But you are smooth!” I turned back to look at the crowd and shook my head.

“Thing is, the ones with boyfriends are off limits and the rest are all here with a bunch of friends.” I tapped him on the chest as I continued. “You know, Tom, that’s a problem. I strike out and one of these little blabbermouths tells their friends and it’s all over the club.”

“Well, don’t strike out.” For the first time, he looked serious. “Okay, well keep looking and see if either one’s alone or maybe just with a friend.”

“This would be so much easier if we were looking for a boy.” I made a show of cupping my full breasts, pushing them further up in my already low-cut red dress. “Just show them these and say, ‘hey, let’s go’. Hell, they wouldn’t even care if you were there as long as they got a piece.” “You want a guy?” He shrugged. “It’s been a long time since we have, but you know, if you want to—”

Flings with neighbor’s attractive daughter – 01 will continue in the next page.

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