Daniel’s new position demands him to do more – 06

Daniel was quite looking forward to that. Though he was well aware of the term, he too had actually never seen a true Hermaphrodite before. He’d seen a few “fake” ones as he believed them to be in magazines, but never, ever, before had he actually seen one up close and personal, as he was hoping to do now.

They soon after ordered dinner, and spent the next little while chatting and getting to know one another a bit better. Randy eventually began to share in greater detail as to what a true Hermaphrodite really was, and why. Her explanation certainly made sense, though it was obviously a really rare occurrence of this actually happening. Randy and Candy had in fact met through an online support group, and had been intimate partners ever since. And even more interesting, though Randy and Candy were indeed nicknames of a sort, Randy’s real name was Randeen, and Candy’s had been Candice.

“I’m sorry…but I have to ask, so your breasts are real then?”

“Daniel!” Iris scolded, though both Randy and Candy were laughing at that.

“Don’t worry honey, we get asked that a lot in fact. And yes, they really are. Though we know a few others in our group that have either had implants, or reductions. But to answer your question again, we are what we are.” And with that, Randy actually reached up, pulling the front of her dress down. She was wearing a peasant blouse with a wide, somewhat low cut neck anyway.

The fact she hadn’t been wearing a bra made it much easier for her to do so. In seconds, she was sitting there with her tits clearly revealed, both breasts actually resting now on the table. Like the rest of her skin tone, her breasts were olive in complexion, her nipples a dark tan color that was just a little darker than the surrounding skin. They were also thick and fat as well, and appeared to be growing even stiffer right before their very eyes. “Go ahead, touch them if you’d like to.”

Daniel was tempted, as was Iris, but neither one of them made a move to do so, though Amber however, did.

“Well if neither one of you are, I sure as hell am,” she giggled, and then took a moment to run her thumb back and forth over Randy’s right nipple. Randy moaned delightedly.

“Candy can tell you. She and I both have very, very sensitive nipples. She’s even been known to climax just by having hers sucked,” she shared suddenly.

“Hell baby, I’ve been known to climax just having them looked at,” she laughed, now reaching over to likewise fondle Randy’s left nipple as Amber continued teasing and fondling the right one.

Even the approach of their waiter with the check didn’t cause them to desist in their public frolicking, a look that didn’t go ungratefully noticed by him either as he stood there, and as Don signed off on the bill for their room.

“Ah, ah thanks,” he stated, only then tearing his eyes away as he reluctantly forced himself to do so.

“Maybe we should go up to the room now before we get any more curious onlookers,” Candy suggested, to which everyone agreed.

The six of them soon headed up to Don and Amber’s suite. Shortly after arriving, Don headed over to the well stocked bar, and prepared to make everyone a drink.

“Make yourselves at home,” he stated, as Randy and Candy quickly took the couch. Everyone else found single chairs to sit, forming a half circle about the two women in a way. Almost as quickly as they had sat down, they had stood again however.

“I know you’re all dying to see,” Candy spoke as she faced everyone. “So we might just as well show you now, and get all that out of the way.”

No one was about to object to that either as the women began removing their clothing, minutes later standing there entirely naked before them. Randy’s breasts, so unencumbered, were approximately the same size and shape as Iris’s. And though Candy’s were somewhat smaller, hers too were obviously quite natural, each capped with light pink nipples, having small areola, and small tiny little nipples though they were indeed stiff and hard as they stood off her breasts.

But the real story of course, was both women had cocks, and though currently flaccid, these two looked every bit as natural and normal as any man’s might have been. Randy’s hung longer, again still flaccid, but not too far above average in size perhaps. At the moment at least, Candy’s prick was actually quite small, and it was also noticeable that she wasn’t circumcised, her foreskin currently covering the head of her prick entirely. It was then that they sat down on the couch again, actually spreading themselves and inviting a much closer look. As though hypnotically drawn, Daniel actually slid off his chair onto the floor and found himself looking at them only a foot or so away.

“As you can see, in addition to having a cock, we also have cunts,” Randy half purred, actually sounding as though she was becoming aroused by all this. She had simultaneously spread herself, revealing that she, as well as Candy, also had clits, and what appeared to be a quite normal looking pussy, with a prick (which was now growing to some extent) sitting just above all that. But it was also then that everyone realized, neither woman had any balls!”

“I know. To some, they find it a bit freaky or weird, especially not knowing or understanding the facts. But yes, both organs are fully functional, and we can both have a male climax, as well as a female one. So in a sense I guess, we enjoy the best of both worlds.”

“No shit!” Daniel exclaimed, actually becoming aroused himself now. Randy’s prick now quite firm if not fully erect, and sitting a good seven inches at least as she sat there holding onto it with one hand, and the other still slowly toying with her mostly exposed clit.

Series Navigation<< Daniel’s new position demands him to do more – 05Daniel’s new position demands him to do more – 07 >>

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