Daniel’s new position demands him to do more – 05

Without thinking, Daniel reached out, grasping the man’s cock in his hand. Almost immediately Hayate Isamu looked at him with a somewhat surprised look in his eyes, though curious as well. Daniel leaned over further now drawing the man’s prick into his own mouth. He had barely even started sucking it when he felt the few small spurts of the man’s semen. There wasn’t much, but as he soon after pulled away, Iris was waiting for him. His lips met hers, and he too fed the little bit of what remained into his own wife’s mouth.


It had been another long night, but Daniel and Iris had another flight out to a new Island where they would again repeat the process of the previous day. They’d gone down to the hotel restaurant for a quick breakfast, and were sitting there when Daniel looked up just in time to see his boss approaching them.

He had a big fucking smile on his face.

“I don’t know what you did last night, but whatever it was, it must have been something. I spoke with Mr. Isamu this morning before they headed off to the airport. His wife told me, that regardless of any of the other bids that come in on these projects, that our firm will have his full support, and his vote…no matter what.”

“Wow,” Daniel said, sitting up even more in his chair. “That’s interesting.”

“No shit Daniel,” Rob said, slapping Daniel’s shoulder. “What’d you do? Suck his cock?”


They were scheduled to rendezvous with Don and his wife Amber. He was the director of the Blue team. Normally, Daniel wouldn’t really be involved in the particular property they’d be looking and scouting out today, however because of Daniel’s conceptual talents, he’d been asked to put a few things together as far as a luxury resort would go. There wouldn’t be any hotel or high-rises here however, strictly tropical, which was why Don was primary on this one.

Upon arriving, their luggage was ferried off to their new hotel. They however met Don and Amber on the helicopter pad where they were waiting for them.

“Ready to spend another day in paradise?” Don asked, shaking Daniel’s hand as the two women briefly embraced one another. After the Luau, and everything that had happened there, there was little cause or reason to be shy around one another at this point, and so they weren’t.

Both Iris as well as Amber were similarly attired, though it had been recommended that they dress this way in the first place. It would be a bit humid for one thing, but they’d also been made aware that they’d be able to spend some considerable time on the beach later that afternoon.

As such, they both wore bikini tops, and Hawaiian wraps, which could easily be removed from around their swimwear. Even the guys had worn swim trunks and casual shirts as well as they were again taken by helicopter into a hard to reach area of the Island landing down near the beach. And though they could have come in by boat, it would have taken far longer to have done so.

After setting down, they quickly disembarked, and discovered they’d be packing most of their own gear in by themselves.

“We’re heading in about a mile or so up the trail here,” Don informed everyone. “At the moment, it’s the only real access to this place.”

“Why so far away from the actual beach?” Iris questioned. though Daniel had been thinking along the same lines. “Especially if they’re thinking more along the lines of resort style bungalows, or something like that.”

“Well for one thing, you’ll see when we get there. For another, we’d only get at best, two or maybe three units here comfortably. And though it might be nice for the seclusion and all, we’d be hard pressed to make any real money off them in the long run.”

Gathering up what items they needed, the four soon began making their way up an only slightly steep trail. It was easy going enough, even with their somewhat bulky packs strapped to their backs.

“I’m assuming there would be some major improvements from the beach to wherever it is that we’re going,” Daniel questioned as they continued walking along, very often pushing lush growth and foliage out of the way.

“I am sure at some point there will be. A paved path, most likely battery operated golf carts, something like that.”

“Wish we had one of those now,” Amber complained bringing up the rear.

“It’s only a little further now,” Don assured them, checking out his GPS. “Just up ahead.”

Their slow gradual incline began to level off. Ahead a small rise, and then as they reached it, everyone could see the potential for something special to eventually exist here. The place below them was thick with some of the tallest, thickest palm tree’s Daniel had ever seen. But it was their spacing that was interesting, almost by design, so symmetrical without really looking like it.

It was as though the gods themselves had previously designed this place to look this way. Just off to one side, there was yet again another cascading waterfall. This one was slightly smaller than the one they’d seen yesterday, as was the pond it fell into. But the water here was incredibly clear, even more so…and the actual depth of the pool from this vantage point obvious. It was deeper than anything Daniel had ever seen before. The water changed into even darker blue colors the deeper it went.

“Oh my, this place is amazing!” Iris spoke breath-taken. To which Daniel agreed.

“So what’s the idea here? The concept?” Daniel asked. “What is it they’re actually looking for?”

“We’ll think about a dozen or so little bungalows in here, very exotic, all the amenities, along with a main cabin, or hunt down over there, well away from the pond and falls, but easy to get to.”

Daniel stood looking, trying to see it. “If they want it as nice as I think they do, I can only see maybe…four units in here, if that. No better than down by the beach.”

“But what if they sort of stacked them. You know, suspended a few of them…staggered, up amongst the palm trees.” It was obvious Don had already been given a suggestion of what their clients had been thinking here. It was now up to Daniel to see if it was actually conceptual to accomplish all that.

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