Christmas adventures made by my wife – 1

This is a story that happened in 12 days of Christmas. My wife is amazing. I have listened to man after man complain about their wives. I have heard that once she says ‘I do’, she no longer does the dirty nasty shit she did when she was trying to trap you.

Well, if that is the case, I guess you married the wrong woman. I, on the other hand, married the perfect woman. A woman whose beauty is second to none; a woman whose smile lights up a room; a woman whose eyes melt me on the spot; a woman whose sex drive pushes me to the point of exhaustion; a woman who is so incredible and yet so unpredictable, I never know when, where or how she will please me.

Case in point, last Christmas.

THE FIRST DAY OF SEXMAS…Wednesday December 14th, 2011

I woke up 12 days before Christmas with my wife, a third grade teacher, already in the shower. I rolled over and there was an envelope on the bed. The envelope said DAY ONE. Curious, I opened the envelope and there was a note inside.

Dear Charles,

If you dare, get ready for the 12 Days of Sexmas. Each day will be a whirlwind of sexual pleasure. You will never know when, you will never know how, and you will never know where you will come. But I promise you…you will come.

If you dare, check yes in the box below and leave the envelope on my dresser.

Be warned, I plan to devour you whole until you can no longer take it anymore.

____ Yes, I take the 12 Days of Sexmas challenge and commit to obeying every demand my beautiful and irresistible wife makes.

____ No, I am a complete pussy who can’t handle the sex drive of my perfect wife.


Your personal sex Goddess…


My cock fully erect, I stared at the letter. I got up, giddy with the anticipation of 12 Days of sex and found a pen on the night table. I quickly checked ‘yes’ and put the envelope on Sarah’ dresser as instructed.

My wife, wrapped only in a towel, emerged from the bathroom, acting oblivious to the letter she had just left me. She asked, “How was your sleep, baby?”

“Fine,” I replied, knowing two could play this game. “You?”

“Heavenly,” she replied, dropping her towel and revealing her glistening nakedness. Although I had seen her naked every day for the past three years, give or take the odd day, every time I saw her naked I felt like a child on Christmas morning. Her body was so tight, so perfect; I always wondered how I ever got lucky enough to marry someone so beautiful. She said it was my sense of humor and my adorable geekness (which I labeled nerd chic).

I watched like a dirty pervert as my wife got dressed. A pink thong, beige stay-up stockings, a long black skirt that hid her inner sexiness, a matching pink bra that held her 38C breasts perfectly and a purple flower print blouse that barely hid her voluptuous breasts. Once dressed, she turned to me and asked, “How do I look?”

“Good enough to fuck,” I replied, attempting to see what her plans were.

She walked over to me, dripping with sultry sweetness, and reached down and to grab my fully erect seven-inch cock. “Is this because of me?”

“Always,” I responded.

She dropped to her knees, opened her mouth, extended her tongue and licked my cock head. Her lips never touched my cock, as her tongue swirled around my mushroom head. I let out a soft moan and waited for her to give me one of her earth-shattering blowjobs. Instead, she stood back up, smiled and said, “You didn’t think it would be that easy, did you baby?”

I stammered, realizing she was leaving me high and hard, “I-I-I, um-really.”

She smiled, kissed me quickly and said, “Yes, really. All good things come to those that wait.” She gave me one quick tug before adding, “And don’t you dare jerk off, big boy. I have very elaborate plans for that cock.”

With that she returned to her dresser and did her make-up. Finally accepting I wasn’t going to get to come this morning, I wandered to the bathroom and hopped in the shower. A long cold shower calmed down Mr. Willy and I focused on the day ahead. I worked for a marketing firm and we had a few big contracts on the go. I was working on a big cola campaign and the presentation was tomorrow. And we sure as Hell were not ready. I got out of the shower and Sarah was gone. I noticed on the bed was another note.


Fuck I wanted to suck your cock whole and feel your hot seed slide down my throat. Alas, I will have to wait.

Do not wear any underwear today. I want your sweet meat swaying freely in your pants. A constant reminder of your wife…the owner of your cock.

Love, your wife…

P.S.-If you look at my dresser you will see that I too am going commando today.

My cock was stiff again. Fuck, my wife drove me crazy. I got dressed, sans my underwear, and went downstairs for breakfast. To my surprise, Sarah was gone already and another note was waiting for me…this time on the kitchen table.

My fuck-toy

I had to leave early. If I stayed, I don’t think I could have resisted bending over the kitchen table while you plowed me with your big hard cock.

Love, your fuck-toy too…

I sighed. If this was her plan for the next 12 days, to tease me, she was going to kill me. My cock was fully erect again. Relieving myself was becoming a growing temptation now, but I would keep playing my wife’s sick, yet hot, game. I had a quick breakfast and headed to work, happy for the distraction from the rise and fall of my penis this morning.

The day flew by as I worked frantically to finish the visual part of the presentation for tomorrow.

I texted Sarah. Sorry honey, but I have to work late. This project is killing me.

A minute later, I received a text from Sarah.

Sarah: You have to eat…Meet me at Corinne’s at 5. Don’t be late.

I texted back. Ok, but I can’t stay long. See you in an hour.

Corinne’s was a very nice restaurant two blocks from my office, a place that usually took two weeks to book. I worked my ass off for the next hour before saving my stuff and heading to the restaurant. I arrived a couple of minutes late and a pretty young hostess led me back to a secluded table at the back.

My wife was already there with a big smile on her face. She spoke to the hostess as if they were friends, “Thanks, Bethany.”

I thought it was odd, but let it go. As I sat, I realized we were completely secluded from any other patrons.

My beautiful wife asked, “Presentation not going well?”

“We have made headway, but are still missing the big WOW moment,” I sighed, no closer from finishing the project than I was this morning.

Sarah’ hand went on my leg and she purred, her facial expression dripping with sexual innuendo and promise, “I have a WOW moment for you.” With that, she slid under the table, in this 5-star restaurant. I sat there stunned as my wife unbuckled my belt and pulled on my pants.

I mindlessly lifted up my ass and felt my pants slide to my knees. A moment later I was indeed WOW’d when her lips wrapped around my cock. We had made love outside, in our car and so forth, but nothing even remotely as public or risky as this.

After a couple of minutes of slow sweet sucking, the waitress came, a pretty redhead, with bright green eyes and long, long legs and said, “Hi, I am Samantha and I will be your waitress tonight. What can I get you to drink, sir?”

Her smile told me she knew exactly where my wife currently was and I instantly wondered how my wife had set up such a moment. I stammered, trying to ignore the growing pleasure down below, “Um-um-a rum and coke, Samantha.”

“Sure thing, stud,” she replied with a wink. Any last wondering if she knew was now gone.

My wife took my cock out of her mouth and peeked from under the booth, “Could you make sure to order a couple of appetizers.”

“S-s-sure,” I responded and watched my wife disappear back under the tablecloth. She returned to my cock, continuing a slow burn. One would think she would be doing one of her famous quick blowjobs, the ones she often gave me to get my first load out of the way, before we would start a marathon session. But no, she was lavishly making love to my cock with her mouth. Usually, I come quick, but the slowness, as well as the consistent interruptions, made getting off quite difficult for me.

The waitress returned with my drink and asked, “Can we start you with some appetizers?”

“S-s-sure,” I replied, and quickly perused the menu. I chose two, the waitress took the order and disappeared.

“Can you hand me my wine,” my wife asked, extending her hand from under the table.

I handed her the glass of wine and her perfectly manicured hand, her bright red nails so sexy, disappeared again underneath the table.

Christmas adventures made by my wife – 1 will continue in the next page

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