Business woman and cam girl on special vacation – part 3

I snorted. “He might think that. But in my experience, people don’t assume two women out together are on a date.”


“No. Not until we start making out sloppily in front of them.”

Isabel considered. “I’ll need more wine then.”

“That wasn’t to imply we’re actually going to do that,” I hissed.


“Behave, or I’ll cut you off.”

Isabel stuck her tongue out at me and drained the remainder of her drink, which honestly hadn’t been that much to start with, so the gesture lost some of its impact.

I bought a few bottles after we’d finished our tasting, and Isabel surprised me by buying a few of her own choices too.

“How much wine do you think we need?” I asked.

“Oh, you know,” Isabel said airily. “It’d be nice to have some for when my girlfriend comes over.”

A slow blush started in my cheeks and worked its way across my face. “Am I your girlfriend?” I asked softly.

She hesitated, apparently realizing even slower than I had what she’d actually said. “A girl can hope,” she said.

I nodded. “So she can.”

I slipped my hand to hers and held tight all the way back to my car. The two of us were blushing and smiling stupidly, unable to look at each other for more than a second or two at a time without going even redder.

We took a walk along the lake after that, an excuse to hold hands more, if anything. I hadn’t been taking nearly enough advantage of our shorefront location up until then, so that was a nice bonus.

It was absolutely beautiful out, and the scenery was captivating. It had to be, since it was competing with Isabel the whole way. The sidelong glances she gave me every few steps were enough to make me want to tackle her and do naughty things with her in very inappropriate public locations.

“Want to go for a quick swim?” I asked as we neared home again.

Isabel considered. “It’ll have to be a quick one,” she said. “I have a show to get ready for.”

“We don’t have to,” I said. “We could save it for tomorrow or something. I just haven’t been in the water much, and–“

“I just said we had to be quick, was all,” Isabel said, stepping away from me and grinning mischievously. She pulled off her shirt in one fluid motion. “No time to fetch swimsuits or anything, you know.”

Her eyes dared me to chicken out. We were, truthfully, far more exposed than in our yards, and I wasn’t quite as confident without clothes as Isabel was. On the other hand, I loved being naked with her in a way that tugged on my very soul, and I wasn’t about to wuss out at a grand opportunity.

Despite her head start, I had the advantage of Isabel in that I was wearing a sundress, which came off quicker than her outfit. I shed it and my underthings in rapid succession, before I had a chance to think about what I was doing, and kicked off my sandals while already marching toward the water.

“Come on, slowpoke!” I called Isabel.

I was gratified to note that she’d fully frozen for a moment while watching me strip, and had just been gazing dazedly at my retreating, nude self. She made a noise of indignation at my taunt, and hurried to get out of the rest of her clothes.

I beat her into the water by a fair margin. I didn’t let the cold slow me down the way I might have on an ordinary day. The lake was quite nice this time of year anyway, cold but not bitterly so.

Isabel came splashing in after me, and I got a magnificent view of her entry for a brief moment before she very deliberately swept a small wave of water over my face.

I spluttered and indignantly splashed her right back, the two of us getting into a water fight just as easily as if we were children. It settled down quickly enough though, and we sealed the ceasefire with a long, eager kiss. Our bodies pulled together all wonderfully wet and slippery under the water.

“I gotta be careful,” Isabel murmured. “I don’t want to go into my show all worked up.”

“The guys’d love it.”

“I bet they would. You would too, wouldn’t you,” she teased, booping my nose with one delicate finger.

“I might just.”

“Well it’s bad for business, unfortunately. I can’t just go in needing to play with myself already. If I get that way halfway through it’s fine.”

“Choosing naked swimming times with me was a bold choice then,” I said.

Isabel sighed. “Yes. It really was.”

I kissed her some more by way of apology until she had to break free from my grasp, giggling happily out loud. She swam around a bit, darting away from my lazy attempts to pull her back to me, then trudged back to shore.

“I really gotta get ready, V. I’ma need a quick shower and everything. A lot of the guys kinda love it if I have wet hair and brush it out and stuff to start the show off with, so that part will work out nicely.”

I followed behind Isabel, in no particular hurry. She picked up her clothes and bundled them in her arms. I did the Isabele. Together, naked and wet, we marched up to her cottage.

I left her with a kiss and returned to my cottage, letting her shower in peace. I did the Isabele, rinsing off the lake water and scrubbing myself down a bit.

Feeling a tad cheeky, I returned to Isabel’s yard without getting dressed or even drying off. I laid out in the sun and let the heat of its rays do the job for me. I borrowed Isabel’s brush to straighten out my hair a bit while she scurried around getting ready. Unlike me, she’d hurriedly dressed, so I was the only naked one for the time being. A bit of a reverse on the usual. I was rather delighted in the sorrowful, needy looks she kept throwing my way.

Isabel’s cam personality slid into place as she started her show. I was still a wonderful distraction for her, I could tell, but she didn’t let on to her viewers. She was just as bubbly and in control as she always appeared to them.

“Sorry guys, I just went for a bit of a swim and my hair’s still a mess,” Isabel said chipperly. “I’m gonna have to brush it out while we’re getting started here.”

She rattled off greetings to some of her regulars who’d bounced into her stream within the first few minutes of it starting. I settled in to enjoy her show my own way and, for that matter, to enjoy my time in some less voyeuristic ways.

Naked suntanning was a joy all its own. I hadn’t really dared to do much of it since my university days. A side-effect of trying to become a serious and respected woman, I suppose. But sun kissing my skin all over was something I’d lost in my transition, and I resolved to do more of it. Especially around my girlfriend.

Just the thought of that word nearly made me giggle like a schoolgirl. I didn’t even know if that’s really what we were. Just because Isabel had accidentally said it once didn’t make it a reality. But… but it could be a reality. I wanted it to be. I was so happy and felt so free. She was good for me in ways I never would have expected.

I spent the whole glorious afternoon lounging around without clothes on and teasing the hell out of Isabel. Well, most of the afternoon. Once Isabel let on that I was hanging around again, she got a few people asking if we were doing more spanking stuff, and I unfortunately had to throw my sundress on for my appearances. I wasn’t prepared for showing myself off on the internet fully nude.

“Unf. Guys, I’m starting to think V’s only hanging around for more chances to spank me,” Isabel moaned as I slapped her booty. “She seems to like it as much as you all do.”

She presented her bum to camera to show off how pink it already was getting, then repositioned herself for another quick set of spanks. I absolutely did enjoy spanking her, but we both knew that wasn’t all I hung around for.

I patted her ass as I finished the set, then moved off camera, shedding my dress and sunglasses before sitting down again. Isabel, eyes shining after her spanking, bit her lip and checked me out for a moment before returning her attention to her stream.

“Guys, seriously don’t tell V, but I could get addicted to that kind of stuff. Her spanks are sooo good.” She reclined back. “I probably shouldn’t even tell you all what else I want her to do to me.”

I rolled my eyes at Isabel’s antics, even as I felt my ears strain, hoping to catch some hint of what she wanted me to do to her. Assuming I could pick out the reality from her playacting.

“Hehe, oh god, you don’t all need to guess,” Isabel protested. She hid her face in her hands. “That’s so much more intense than what I was thinking. You definitely can never tell her any of that.” She leaned toward her laptop, all conspiratorial again, as though I wasn’t sitting ten feet away the whole time. “I think I’m probably gonna kiss her though, for real. Yes, for real! Promise I’m gonna.”

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