Business woman and cam girl on special vacation – part 2

Isabel grabbed a towel and swiped it between her legs. I watched in confusion for a moment until she blushed when she realized I was staring. “You got me pretty wet.”

“I did?”

“Yeah. Duh. What did you think was happening there?”

“You really like spanking, huh?”

Her eyes met mine. “Sometimes I do. With the right person.”

“Unf. You’re killing me, Isabel.”

She smiled brightly. “Am I?”


“Good. Now I gotta go pee real quick. When I–“

I grabbed her wrist as she turned to leave. She only got as far as giving me a questioning look before I pulled her closer, raised my hand to her cheek, and kissed her.

Isabel whimpered. “Oh that’s so not fair. I really do have to pee.”

“Guess you should go do that then,” I said.

She nodded, but hesitated. “Are you… are you enjoying this too?”

“You really have to ask?”

“It’s hard to read you! You put on that impassive domme look of yours, and you’re still all clothed, and–“

I kissed her again, savoring the brief moment of our connection. “I could drown you in my panties right now,” I said.

“Oh god.”

Isabel whimpered again, clearly thinking about staying right she was, then hurriedly fled to the bathroom. I’d never get tired of watching her flounce nakedly away from me.

I slumped into my seat, discarding my sunglasses and rubbing my forehead. I felt like I should be thinking more clearly. Like I needed to plan out what actually made sense. But that wasn’t at all the mood I was in. I didn’t care for consequences, or being rational. Isabel had me all wound up, and kissing her just now had felt so damn right to me.

My panties were soaked. My comment to her about them hadn’t even been much of an exaggeration. My tummy was all a-flutter, and even my fingers were shaking with horniness and adrenaline.

All by myself, at least for a moment, I felt a smile break wide and goofy on my face. I’d kissed her. I hadn’t thought about what I was doing, I’d just done it, and it had been glorious. Spanking her was fun and all, and turned me on immensely, but it was nothing compared to those two quick meetings of our lips, and the way she trembled soft and warm against me.

I wondered what Isabel felt about it. Whether the kisses were now blazing in her head the way they were in mine, or whether it was really the spankings that were mostly doing it for her.

Isabel patterned back out into the yard before too long. Her cheeks coloured slightly as soon as she laid eyes on me.

“I still got a whole rest of my show to do,” she said, sounding regretful about it.

“I know,” I said.

“Are you still… is it ok to do more spanks and stuff?”

I tilted my head. “The boys are tipping for them, aren’t they?”

Isabel smiled and nodded. “They sure are.”

She bounced back into her seat and unmuted herself. “Wow, ok, you little sneaks really want a sore, red booty on me today, huh? Well I’m still taking a break from that, but we’ll get to the rest, don’t worry. And I better bump that price up before you all actually wreck my butt.”

I leaned back and smiled as I watched Isabel work. She had a way with running the show that, if channeled differently, would have served her well in many other professions too. You kind of had to see beneath the surface to see what she was all about, and I felt like I had that glimpse of her now. It was possible, even, that I understood her better than any of her regulars who’d been watching her for years.

“Now let’s see, I’ve got some other stuff you guys have tipped for here, I better get through that backlog, huh,” Isabel said. “Thanks mods for keeping track of me,” she added, winking and blowing them a few kisses.

Isabel moved around gracefully for a time, efficiently delivering on things that had been tipped for. She showed off her feet to the camera for a bit, and allowed everyone a close up look at just how bright pink her bum was. Stuff like that.

“Yeah, you guys caught me,” Isabel admitted while showing off her pussy. “I was… pretty damn wet just before the break. Those spanks hurt! V’s harsh as it turns out. But, like, yeah, it was pretty fucking hot too. I know you guys think so,” she said with a wink. “Honestly, I think I better start letting you all tip for a cum show, ’cause I’m gonna need one.”

She typed quickly on her keyboard. “Right, that’s set up. What else do I need to do? Oh god, the dance? Who tipped for the dance? You know that’s only gonna embarrass me in front of my new friend. Buncha jerks.”

I didn’t understand what Isabel was talking about until she stood up with a sigh and started doing… Well, the dance was roughly accurate. I didn’t really understand the moves, and it wasn’t overtly sexy, except that she was naked for it. I assumed it was some meme special to this particular group.

“There,” Isabel said, sitting down again. “Now she thinks I’m a loony, hope you’re all happy.”

She did a couple more tip requests before getting to an interesting one.

“Oh, gag time, huh? For, what, two minutes?” Her eyes widened. “Ten minutes! You frickin’ pervs! You want me to get spanked while gagged, don’t you?” She paused for a moment. “You’re all just lucky that sounds kinda hot. What ya think, V?”

“… what kind of gag are we talking about?”

Isabel grinned, knowing she had me hooked.

She had me help her put the gag on, though I knew she didn’t really need assistance. It was just a regular ball gag, but with some fairly comfortable straps to secure it in place. Isabel started the ten minute timer as soon as it was in her mouth, then without prompting I took my time snuggling it into place.

I didn’t mind that it gave me some time to play with her hair, moving it out of the way, running my fingers through it, petting her after her gag was firmly attached like she was a good girl. Her chat ate it all up.

“I could get used to this,” I whispered in Isabel’s ear, just barely restraining myself from a nibble while I was there. I want to maintain some decorum, after all.

“Hmmm mmpphh?” she asked through her gag.

“Sorry,” I said cheerfully. “Can’t understand you.”


That one I got. I ignored her though.

Isabel pouted a bit, for effect of course. The gag somehow didn’t get in the way, and if anything intensified the pout.

Soon enough she turned around and positioned herself so her camera could pick up her ass and her gagged face at the Isabele time. She looked at me, raised an eyebrow, and wiggled her hips. A clear invitation if ever there was one.

Isabel’s booty had had a break, but it was still pink, and very clearly still sensitive from previous spanks. Her yelps and moans came out muffled through her gag, and she was probably deliberately making them louder so they’d carry through to our audience.

Her pussy couldn’t exaggerate anything, though, and it didn’t need to. Now that I knew to look for arousal in the area, I could very easily see her thighs getting wet all over again. Plus Isabel was leaking from the other end too as drool slipped past her gag and down her chin.

I was in a bit of a trance, and despite my hand being quite tired by that point, I actually managed to deliver a few too many slaps to Isabel’s butt. Luckily I’d taken to glancing at the chat every now and then, and was clued in by them.

“I think that’s it,” I said. “For now, at least.”

Isabel whimpered and lay down flat on her tummy. She rubbed her bottom with one hand and looked at me with big, aroused, pleading eyes.

“Hmm mmhh unn uhh mmm?”

“Um… about thirty seconds left on your gag timer, if that was the question.”

Isabel nodded and settled down to wait out the last little bit. She turned her puppy eyes on her audience, as though they’d feel ever so sorry for tipping for so many spanks.

In the interim, I rubbed her bum for her. A blatant excuse to feel her up some more.

Isabel removed her ball gag, making sure to stick her tongue out and let some more excess drool dribble onto the toy before putting it aside. She patted her face with a towel–I was beginning to see the need to always have one handy–then once again pouted at her audience.

“Well I hope you guys enjoyed that, ’cause that’s gonna have to be it for my tushy today. If anyone else really needs more spanks, we’ll have to bank ’em for the next show or something.” Isabel slowly, languorously, stood up and presented her pussy to the camera. “Speaking of which… I don’t see that cum show filled yet. Are you guys not seeing how wet I am right now?”

I sighed just loudly enough for Isabel to hear. She flicked me an amused gaze. “Yeah, I know you can see,” she whispered to me before raising her voice again. “I really need to cum, guys. And I want to do it for all of you. I bet I’ll squirt super hard.”

She sat down again, teasing her pussy just a little with her fingers before closing her legs up again. “Hehe, yeah I bet you all liked V spanking me too, huh? Don’t tell her, but I’m gonna try and trick into helping with the shows more. I’m really liking it too.”

“Do I even need to mention I can hear you?” I asked.

“Oops! Don’t mind me. Nothing to do with you.” Isabel fluttered her fingers at me and winked at her chat.

I got back to my seat off camera. I donned my sunglasses, as usual, but took it a step further this time. Isabel wasn’t the only one who needed to cum badly.

I hesitated over actually removing any clothes, but I had some very compelling reasons for doing it, and only some minor sense of propriety and shame.

Isabel’s eyes bugged out rather comically when she noticed me in the middle of slipping my shorts and panties off. Her unflappable camgirl persona faltered dead for a moment before she rebooted.

“Sorry guys,” she said. “Just… got distracted there for a second. There’s a… an unexpected kitty in the yard.”

I snorted at that. I was a little shy about playing with myself right there, but horny enough and, as it turned out, comfortable enough that I went through with it anyway.

“Yeah, it’s a pretty cute one,” Isabel went on, slipping back into character and managing to act far more nonchalant, through her eyes flicking my way every few seconds. “Sorry, I don’t think I can get a shot of it for you.”

I kept rubbing myself, openly getting off while Isabel tried to keep focusing on her show. It was weirdly liberating. I hadn’t done something like this in quite a while. In point of fact, I had never actually masturbated in front of someone who I hadn’t already had sex with previously, so technically it was probably a first for me.

I hoped for Isabel’s sake that her cum show goal would be met soon. She’d been worked up already, and I could practically watch her horny gauge crank itself up past safety limits.

It was a bit of a power trip watching her squirm and knowing how much I was the cause of it. Not to mention how much happier I felt with both of us turning each other on, rather than thinking I was only just perving on her.

I wondered if her audience could tell the difference between her playing horny and really, genuinely being desperately horny. To me, it was obvious, and made rubbing myself all the sweeter.

“It’s honestly bad, guys,” Isabel said, squeezing her thighs together for a moment, an action she’d been repeating semi-rhythmically. “Spanking doesn’t even usually do this to me. Not like this. I mean, it turns me on, but… haha, yeah. Kinda, huh?”

I frowned slightly. I was missing part of the conversation there, but I could fill it in by the way Isabel kept giving me fuck-me eyes at sporadic little intervals. Her chat knew I was a big part of what was turning her on, and she wasn’t trying to hide it.

“Guys, behave. V’s still watching,” Isabel hissed. “And no, we’re not gonna fuck. It’s not that kind of show. Yeah, I know you’d like it to be.” She leaned in closer and lowered her voice, but not so much that I couldn’t hear. “I’d kind of like it to be too.”

I moaned and rubbed my clit a little faster. She shouldn’t say things like that. She knew what it would do to me.

Isabel was actually blushing though, so her comments were backfiring on her at least as bad as they were hitting me.

“Unf, guys, stop. I’m not doing that. No I’m not! You bunch of friggin’ pervs! I know I give you all shit about being horny little fucks, but I swear, bring another woman in and all of a sudden you’ve got nothing else left in your heads.” Isabel pouted gorgeously. “Maybe I made a mistake. I used to be enough for you all by myself.”

I watched her steer her audience, leading them gently in the direction she wanted. A small cascade of tips rolled in, and I assumed the messages they sent were quite flattering judging by Isabel’s reaction to them.

Isabel leaned toward her camera, squeezing her boobs with her arms, and wiggled a little. “That’s better,” she cooed. “I knew you still loved me. You want me to cum for all of you, don’t you?” She flashed her big puppy eyes. “‘Cause you know I need to cum.” She read chat for a moment, then snorted. “Yeah, I think I might be able to convince V to watch too. Buncha friggin’ pervs you all are.”

Series Navigation<< Business woman and cam girl on special vacation – part 1Business woman and cam girl on special vacation – part 3 >>

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