Business woman and cam girl on special vacation – part 1


“Bearing in mind you asked me first.”

“You… I don’t have to answer that.”

“No, you don’t. But it’s only fair.”

I frowned and picked at a few crumbs I’d left on the cushion next to me. “I’m thirty.”

“And you’re embarrassed about that?”

“Not usually.”

“Feeling old after watching me?”


Isabel shrugged. “Don’t. I know for a fact a lot of guys watching me regularly are way older than that. It’s no biggie.”

“I mean, you’re right,” I said. “Just… I don’t like feeling like I was perving on you and making things weird. Even though I definitely was.”

Isabel cocked her head. “You might have been perving on me, but it wasn’t weird.”

“Some strange older woman just stares at you while you’re naked and that’s not weird?”

“Hehe, no. I get stared at naked for a living. And I made extra tips today thanks to you.”

“I heard.”

“The guys like the idea of some sexy lady watching me while they’re watching me… well they like it, anyway. That’s the point.”

I examined Isabel carefully. “And what do you think about it?”

“Oh, that. Well… so here’s the thing. One of the trickiest parts of camping, and there are a few tricky parts to it.”

“I believe it.”

“One of the trickiest parts is that, like, it’s impossible to always be horny. I don’t always have the right mood to, like, play with myself, and stick things in me, and make myself cum, and all that. I spend a lot of time showing off in other ways when I can get away with it. But I do need to do horny things. Gotta give the fans their payoff and all.”

“I don’t think I see your point,” I said.

“My point is that you were quite helpful with that today.”

“… what?”

“Do you even know how intense it is to all of a sudden realize there’s this woman standing there watching me? Not even doing anything. Just standing, smoking, and staring intently.”

“Sorry. I didn’t mean to be intent.”

“It happens. I might have been more upset if it wasn’t intent, honestly. If you didn’t care at all. But like, I don’t know, this whole aura of like you’d found something you liked looking at, and were just enjoying it. Like a nice sunset or something. Do you know how hot that was?”

“I do not.”

Isabel threw her feet up over the arm of her chair, adopting an ever more carefree pose. Thank fuck she had clothes on, or I’d be in serious trouble again.

“It’s like meeting someone at a party. You ever eye-fuck someone across a room, knowing you both want each other, and that eye fucking is better than anything that happens once you actually hook up?”

I considered the question. “I think I kind of understand what you mean.”

“Right. Well it’s like that. This whole thing of like, ‘who is this woman and what is she thinking, and she definitely is into me right now, but also is she though, and is she thinking of doing stuff to me right now, or is she just like thinking about what she’s gonna have for supper and I’m just a pleasant backdrop to that’.”

I blinked at the sudden stream of words. “I–“

“I’ve never had someone domme the fuck out of me while eye fucking across a room,” Isabel said. “It was… it was kind of fun.”

“That was not my intent and you know it.”

“How would I know? We just met.” She grinned. “Were you actually thinking about supper? Or like… business stuff? You look like a serious, businessy person in your real life.”

I sighed heavily. “I know I do. I’ve… cultivated certain mannerisms. I’ve had to.”

“Hey, you think I haven’t? I feel like half my personality these days is just stuff I started doing to bring in the tips.”


“Anyway,” Isabel said, abruptly sitting up straight. “I really didn’t mean to come over and pry into your life. I really just wanted to introduce myself.”

“Boy do I feel introduced.”

“Ha, yeah, sorry about that. I also… you don’t mind if I do some more shows out in the yard, do you? When the weather’s nice?”

I gave Isabel a look. “What do you think?”

Her look was teasing, if not downright insolent. “I think you don’t mind,” she said.


I tried not to act like I cared one way or the other whether Isabel got naked in the backyard again. It wasn’t much of an act though. It didn’t fool either of us.

I spent way too much time over the next few days wandering to the back window, peering out to see if she was there yet, and once she was, forcing myself to wait a while longer so it didn’t seem like I was scheduling myself based on her presence.

At least I had smoking as an excuse to step out on the deck. I didn’t strictly need it, but it felt a tiny bit less embarrassing than just standing on the deck gaping into the next yard.

It helped tremendously after the first day or two of this game when I realized Isabel would glance over at my house every now and then, waiting for me to appear. It made me feel a lot less sketchy about what we were doing.

Honestly, I really didn’t know what we were doing. On a basic level, it was pretty clear. I was watching Isabel, and she was performing for her online audience as well as me. But deeper than that… were we sort of friends now? Or… or was this some weird sexual relationship that didn’t involve actual sex? Perhaps more importantly, what did I want it to be? I didn’t have a good answer for that.

Our interactions were limited. Isabel carried on using my presence to titillate her audience, and I got a little less shy about flashing a wave to her webcam. I often brought a pair of big sunglasses outside with me so I could hide half my face, enough to feel comfortable.

She’d yell things to me sometimes, asking me about my day, getting me to tie-break some playful arguments her chat was having, inviting me over to join her, that sort of thing. I didn’t think joining her show was a super serious offer, but I had a feeling she wouldn’t have kicked me out if I’d wandered over with no clothes on.

I broke the ice in my own subtler way. I knocked on her door after one of her shows with a bottle of wine. A good bottle, even, without knowing whether she would appreciate it, or even if she drank wine.



“You’re too slow. I got my clothes back on already.”

I lifted an eyebrow, not rising more to the bait than that. “Care for a drink?”

“Absolutely. Let me guess, that bottle is something fancy and expensive, but you wouldn’t say so unless I asked?”

At her beckon, I stepped inside. “Did camming make you jaded, or were you always that way?”

“A little of both. Am I right?”

“You’re basically right.”

“Then I shall be dutifully impressed. And also… I’m going to absolutely scandalize you by informing you that I don’t have any wine glasses around.”

“I can get some from–“

“We’ll drink out of regular glasses.”

I mimed extreme shock and tried to swoon, but Isabel rescued the bottle rather than me. I couldn’t pull off a good swoon anyway.

We ended up in Isabel’s backyard, a new and different perspective for me, sitting close to each other and sipping expensive, fancy wine from ordinary, clearly well used glasses.

“The problem is, you see,” Isabel said, “is this good. Like I don’t know wine, I don’t drink it much, but I can tell this is supposed to be good.”

“That’s a problem?”

“Yes. Because now you’ve ruined cheap wine for me. I can tell. I’ll drink some, and I’ll think, well this isn’t Juliana’s wine.”

“I see. What if I told you this is a ten dollar, cheap-ass bottle?”

“I don’t drink much wine, but I drink some. This is not, by any means, ten dollar wine.”


Isabel sipped a little more. “Besides, you don’t strike me as a woman who’d try to woo a girl with cheap booze.”

“I don’t woo girls at all.”

“Ah? Pity. You’d be good at it.”

I took a larger drink of my wine. Maybe I could blame the redness of my cheeks on the alcohol.



“Are we flirting?”

Series NavigationBusiness woman and cam girl on special vacation – part 2 >>

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