What happens after school, stays after school – part 2

Read What happens after school, stays after school – part 1 in this link.

“Well I have a little problem Toby.” She began. “I didn’t check my calendar and I have a family thing on Sunday I can’t get out of. But we need to have the last group so I was wondering if you can make it today?”

“Today?” I frowned trying to recall if I had to work.

“Yes, I called the other students and they all said they can make it, can you?”

As she spoke I had reached out and grabbed the paper I had jotted my schedule down on.

“Yeah sure, I don’t have work until eight tonight. What time are we meeting?” I looked longingly at my pillow hoping for a couple more hours of sleep.

“Oh, you have a couple of hours!” she laughed, “I know I woke you up and honestly, I’m still rolling around in bed.”

“You..you are?” I repeated like an idiot.

“Yup, still in my jammies,” she giggled into the phone like a little girl, “Just a pair of boy shorts and a little red cami top. Not very professional.”

“Umm…. No I guess not.” I answered weakly as my cock began growing, picturing her in a silky little top, her braless tits ready to fall out.

“Sorry Toby,” she laughed again, “I guess that was a little, how do you kids say it T&A?”

“I…I think you mean TMI.” I replied, thinking T and A was exactly what was lodged in my head right now.

“Oh, that’s right, too much information!” another cock stirring giggle. “The other one means tits and ass.”

“I…yeah it does.” I told her quietly, trying to keep my voice steady.

“Sorry, Toby I shouldn’t say that, I doubt a guy your age wants to hear that from someone almost old enough to be your mom.”

“You look a lot younger than my mom.” I said without thinking.

“Good answer!” she exclaimed, then lowering her voice too close to a whisper added, “Or are you just…” she paused, “Kissing my ass?”

I swallowed hard, recalling “After School Special” and managed to laugh, “No seriously, you look pretty young.”

“Aren’t you sweet, well you know what they say about flattery; anyway is noon okay for you?”

“Yeah uh…sure.”

“Good because like I said to you yesterday in class, I found your story very intriguing and can’t wait to talk about it!”


“Really Toby, I’m very excited to hear all about your motivation! See you at Noon!”

I started to reply, but she had hung up. I leaned back on my pillow and for a moment allowed my mind to wander over what Miss Iris would look like lying in bed in a pair of tight lace boy shorts, her little top riding up her stomach, up to just below the swelling of her tits. I shook my head to clear it. I was too tired even for that right now. Closing my eyes and waiting for sleep to return, I wondered what the hell had Miss Iris so interested in my story.

Granted I thought it had come out better than I expected, but saw nothing in it that would have her excited. Even yesterday at class she had come up to me and told me how impressed she was with my latest work. I thanked her and said it was a bit different for me. She’d smiled and said that not only was it different, but seemed truly inspired. She’d walked away at that point, leaving me to be truly inspired by her ass in a pair of tight black jeans.

I shrugged as I lied there and chalked it up to maybe she just felt this story was more up to my potential. Miss Iris had been telling me all year I was better than what I was turning in. Of course, I thought with a grin, she had never seen any of what I referred to as my ‘real’ work. Talk about inspiring.

Speaking of inspiring, her conversation with me had bordered on outright flirting. I knew it wasn’t, she was probably just in a good mood. I noticed at the meetings at her house she was much more relaxed and spoke quite differently and this was no different.

On a different note, that conversation would make a good beginning to a new story. I show up at her house, she’s the only one there and answers the door wearing some sexy lingerie and….I smiled as I felt my mind drifting back into sleep and wondered if shit like that ever happened outside of movies and stories.


I pulled up in front of Miss Iris’s house and glancing at my phone saw it was five to twelve. That was odd, I thought as I looked around. I didn’t see Tony or Ken’s cars or anyone else for that matter. I was usually the last one to arrive so this would be a first. I started to get out, but stopped and took a quick look in the mirror.

I’d spent more than a little time trying to get my hair just right and had shaved. I looked closely at my blue eyes, making sure they weren’t bloodshot from not a lot of sleep and after giving myself a big smile said, “You look good too Miss Iris, why yes I would love to see your…”

I laughed and sighed, “Knock it off Romeo.”

I grabbed my notebook and got out of the car, did a brief check to make sure my black polo shirt was tucked into the jeans I was wearing. The jeans were more than a little tight and the shirt showed off the arms I’d built up playing football the last two years.

All in all I thought I looked pretty good. Whether I was showing off for Ken or in some vain hope Miss Iris checked out young guys was up for debate, but one way or another I was happy with the result. I’d also sprayed on some Wings cologne for a little extra effect and after running my fingers through my hair, walked up to Miss Iris’s door and rang the bell.

I had turned partway at the sound of a car coming around the corner to see if it was one of the other kids, but it wasn’t. I heard the door open and Miss Iris said, “Hi Toby, thank you so much for coming today!”

“Hi Miss,” I began as I turned towards her, “I….”

I stopped in mid sentence when I saw her. She was wearing a red sundress which was so low cut not only could I see the top half of her tits, but right down between them. In fact I could see far enough down to notice that what I wasn’t seeing is any type of bra. I forced my eyes from her chest and noticed the dress tied around her neck leaving her smooth creamy shoulders bare. Well not completely bare, Miss Iris’s long curly black hair was down and draped over her right shoulder.

“You okay Toby?” she asked.

“I…” I snapped myself out of it and hoped to hell I hadn’t been gawking. “Sorry, I thought I umm…heard my cell ringing. Anyway, uh…no problem, glad to be here.”

“And I’m very glad to have you here.” She gave me a smile that caused my heart to flutter.

Not only because it seemed more than a bit playful, but her lips were painted a deep red, making them more luscious than ever and as I looked into her big expressive brown eyes, she winked.

“Well come on in, you know the way.”

She turned and when she headed down the hallway in front of me, I felt my mouth drop open. The dress was as short as the damn skirt I’d pictured her in my story. The red material wasn’t reaching more than a few inches below the cheeks of her ass and while I stared at the backs of her long smooth thighs, I wondered if she could even bend over in it. Following her into her living room my eyes wandered down her long shapely legs and with a start I noticed she was barefoot.

Miss Iris entered her living room and I saw that where she had usually pulled all the chairs into a circle, they were spread out around the room. Walking over to the love seat in front of the window, she paused to pick up a glass of wine and a folder I assumed had our stories in it. That was different, I’d never seen her drink at these things, usually we had soda or iced tea. I stood in the middle of the room, unsure of where to sit and watched while she pulled the shade down that was over the loveseat.

Turning she sat down in the corner of the love seat and when I started to sit in the armchair, she shook her head and pointed to the other side of the love seat.

“Come sit over here Toby.”

I started over then stopped when she raised her right leg and crossed it over the left. She’d raised her leg high enough that I had gotten a glimpse of red lace between her legs. I felt my face begin to flush and lowered my gaze to the floor in hopes she didn’t notice.

“Well?” she asked. I raised my head to see her pat the cushion next to her, “Come on over, are you afraid I’ll bite?”

“No, I just…” I shrugged and made my way over, as I did she continued,

“I’ve been known to nibble from time to time, but not bite.”


“Sorry,” she laughed, “I’m in a really good mood and think maybe I’ve had a glass too many,” she indicated the wine glass, “But hey it is the weekend. Want some?”

“No thanks I’m uh…too young to drink.”

“That’s right you are, aren’t you?” she smiled at me, “Just a pup, or is the word,” she winked. “Cub?”

“Cub?” I frowned.

“Oh, come on now Toby, I know you know what a cougar is and cougars like cubs don’t they?”

“Sure I guess so,” I mumbled as I felt my face getting hot again.

She was staring at me, her eyes locked onto mine and I wondered what was going on, I had the strange feeling I was in one of my own stories. She was drinking, dressed to kill and…

“Where’s everyone else?” I asked.

“They’re coming tomorrow like always.”

“What? I thought you said….”

“I lied.” She said with a shrug. “I wanted to talk to you about your story in person Toby.”

“W…why?” I asked, beginning to get nervous. “What’s so special about that story?”

She looked at me and her eyes narrowed. After an uncomfortable silence, she smiled again, “You don’t know do you?”

“Uh…no not really, it was just a Vampire story. I did try to humanize him, but still I don’t think….”

I stopped as she clapped her hands together, “Oh, this might be even more fun than I thought!”

“Miss Iris, I don’t know what you’re talking about.” I told her.

“I guess not,” she laughed as she reached into the folder and removed several stapled together pages. “But you will soon enough.”


“First off, sit back and relax Toby, you’re on the edge of your seat like you’re ready to run.”

I slid backwards and as she had done turned so that I was angled into the corner of the loveseat facing her. Miss Iris gave me a sly smile and lifted the papers as if getting ready to read them. She shifted in her seat and uncIrising her legs, winced. “Damn.”

“You okay?” I asked.

“I went running this morning and my legs are killing me.” She looked over at me and asked, “Do you mind if I stretch them out?”

I shrugged, “It’s your house.”

“Thank you!”

What happens after school, stays after school – part 2 will continue in the next page

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