What happens after school, stays after school – part 1

This is a story of Miss Iris’s after school hookups which happens after school. story comes in 3 parts, please read all the parts and enjoy.

I sat at my desk trying hard to focus on the book in front of me, but it was a losing battle. Although Rhyme of The Ancient Mariner may be an all time classic, it was nowhere near as interesting as Miss Iris’s amazing ass. Friday’s were dress down days for the teachers and I lived for them. Usually on these afternoons I was treated to the sight of my favorite teacher’s fine ass in a pair of fairly tight jeans.

Last week those jeans were accompanied by a pair of black boots the heels of which had to be four inches. They were fuck me boots if I’d ever seen a pair and I’d be more than willing to oblige them! As good as that look had been last week, today’s ensemble was nothing short of unfair!

The fuck me boots had been replaced by a pair of black heeled sandals which were accompanied by a short black skirt that could really only be referred to as a mini. Miss Iris’s skirt fell well short of her knees and as she stood in front of the class writing on the board the sight of the backs of her creamy thighs had me hard as a rock.

The biggest turn on of all for me was that she knew it! When she was writing on the board she’d made it a point to reach up several times to make notes above her original sentences.

Each time she did her skirt raised even higher. There was no way Miss Iris wasn’t aware of the effect a hot cougar like herself had on a room full of eighteen year old guys. She’d never worn anything this racy before, but more often than not her blouses showed a decent amount of cleavage and her skirts were tight enough to show off her well rounded ass.

At times I wondered if anyone had ever complained to the office about how she dressed, but then I figured, who the hell would? Hello my old man had been drooling when he’d met her at the open house earlier this year. Giving up on the depressing poetry and opting for a more pleasant distraction, I looked up to see Miss Iris was sitting on the edge of her desk looking over at the other side of the class.

Taking advantage of her head being turned, I stared at her long legs. She had them crossed and the skirt had ridden up the leg on top to the point I could see a hell of a lot of thigh. Miss Iris was slowly kicking her leg back and forth and was letting her sandal dangle from her toes.

That move screamed sex to me and staring at her deep red nail polish I swore I would suck on those toes if it would give me the chance to work my way up. My eyes wandered up and I sighed in appreciation as the top was hot as the bottom. Miss Iris was wearing a short sleeve black blouse that was unbuttoned to reveal a red shirt underneath that was so tight her full tits looked as if they were ready to fall out. I licked my lips at the tops of her tits and the little bit of black lace that was showing. I wondered if she were wearing some nice lacy black panties to match that bra.

Miss Iris reached up and with a flip of her hand sent her long black hair over her shoulder. Another hot fucking move! Damn straight she knew what she was doing. Her head started to turn and I quickly glanced the other way.

I smiled when I saw two other guys staring at her then quickly looked down when she turned their way. I looked back down and flipped the page in front of me, giving the illusion I was reading. After waiting a minute I looked back up to see Miss Iris had stood up and was walking along the front row away from me.

I watched the slow swing of her hips and admired the shape of her legs. I wondered how those long legs would feel draped over my shoulders while I tongued what I bet would be a completely shaved pussy. I jumped as a ball of paper landed on my desk. I unraveled it to see it was a note from Bony.

“Christ she’s hot today! Hey, you’re going to volunteer to lead the discussion group on this bucket of suck tomorrow, you ass kisser?

Crumbling up the note and shoving it in my pocket, I grabbed a piece of paper and scribbled, “Damn straight I’d kiss her ass, and lick it. Hell I’d spread it open and give her a fucking rimjob! I’d even suck her damn toes if she wanted me too! Fucking cocktease!”

I folded the note and reached out, flipped it onto Bony’s desk. He reached for it, but jerked back as Miss Iris who had apparently been standing behind us, picked it up from his desk. Holding it in her hand she walked to the front of my desk. I sat in the front-all the better to ogle her all year-and now standing in front of the entire class Miss Iris held up the note and said loudly.

“Well class, it appears that Toby is so excited about this poem that he’s sharing his notes about it with Bony.”

As the class laughed and waited expectantly for Miss Iris to further embarrass me, I felt a growing knot in my stomach. Looking up into those big brown eyes that I had envisioned looking up at me from her knees so many times, I swallowed hard and tried to look calm.

“So,” she said with a smile, “Shall we see what pearls of wisdom Toby has come up with?”

There was more laughing and some clapping from behind me and closing my eyes, I thought please just be kidding. If she read that note I was seriously fucked. I’d spent too much time screwing around senior year and because some of my other grades had dipped needed to pass this class top graduate. That note could get me flunked! Never mind the shit I’d catch from my parents when my stupid ass got suspended.

“Very well, let’s see what we got here!” Miss Iris nodded.

“Please Miss Iris,” I began softly, “Don’t”

“You don’t have to beg Toby,” She laughed, “I’ll be more than happy to read this for you!”

There was more laughter from behind me and the knot in my stomach turned into a sharp twisting sensation as she unfolded the note. Miss Iris gave me a wink and after making a show of clearing her throat, brought the note up before her eyes.

“So Toby says, Damn straight, I…” she trailed off and her eyes widened as she read the rest to herself. She lowered the note and no longer smiled, stared down at me. “Really Toby?” She asked, “That’s what you think?”

“I…I’m so sorry M…Miss Iris.” I stammered.

The class had now grown quiet and I felt like sliding down under my desk as her eyes bored into mine.

“No, not yet you’re not.” She said quietly.

Crumpling up the note she dropped it onto my desk and said, “You will stay in your seat when the bell rings Toby, you and I need to have a little talk.”

I could feel the heat in my face as I blushed furiously and slumping down in my seat managed to whisper. “Y…yes ma’am.”

I sat there with my head down staring at the book in front of me, but not seeing the words. Holy shit was I in trouble! The note was still on my desk in a ball and part of me wondered why she had given it back to me. I figured she would have wanted to show it to the principal or my parents.

I wanted to take it and shove it in my pocket, but was afraid of her seeing me. After a couple of minutes I risked a glance at her and froze when I saw her sitting on the edge of her desk again and staring directly at me. I put my head down and almost jumped out of my seat when the bell rang.

The other students all filed out of the classroom and leaning over to me, Bony whispered, “Good luck man!” and quickly headed out. When it was just the two of us, Miss Iris said quietly, “Go lock the door.”

“E…excuse me?” I asked.

“I said lock the door. I don’t want to be disturbed during this conversation.”

“Okay.” I answered softly and got up, walked over to the door and thumbed the button to lock it.

As I walked back towards my desk, I could feel my legs shaking.

“Don’t sit down Toby, come over here.”

I did as she asked and walking over to her desk stood in front of her. Miss Iris stared at me and unable to hold her gaze, I lowered my eyes and found myself staring at her impressive chest.

“Like what you see Toby?”

“Huh?” I snapped my head up, “I…”

“As much trouble as you’re in, and you’re still gawking at me?” She asked.

“No, I….”

“Well here, let me help you out.”

Grabbing her blouse, Miss Iris slid it off her shoulders and removed it. The shirt beneath was sleeveless and as I took in the smooth skin of her shoulders, she shoved her chest out at me.

“There you go, Toby, get a good long look at them.” She shook her head, “Is that what you do all during class? Stare and think about fucking me?”

“I…” hearing her say fucking stunned me and I resorted to shaking my head again.

“Really?” she cocked her eyebrows, “That note would indicate otherwise.”

“Well I…uh… I’m sorry.”

“Why?” she asked.

What happens after school, stays after school – part 1 will continue in the next page.

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