The companion act – 7

Henry laughed in that mischievously sexy sort of way she always did when she’d had just enough to drink to put her in that special place of hers. “Now we have two requests we need to try and fulfill tonight,” she giggled. “Though, maybe in doing that, we’ll accomplish both at once,” she ventured. “Obviously, Mia’s a no brainer, glad to see Antony would be up for seeing something like that. But the real hidden purpose behind all this, is seeing if we can get Marsha over there, a bit horny as well…and possibly, very possibly, joining in. Preferably with her very own sister.”

“You go tell Antony the fix is in,” Tom laughed. “Tell him, he’ll get his wish tonight if nothing else. We’ll mention the same thing to Mia, and then when the time is right, we’ll see about putting on a nice erotic little show for everyone. Hopefully, we’ll get Sophia, and Steve’s wife in on it as well. And then…maybe, just maybe, even Marsha might come around, join in along with the rest of us, pretty much the same way she finally did with the bare-breasted thing.”

“Great idea,” I told them both, noticing just then everyone was starting to head up towards the house. Sophia was already racing ahead with Steve’s wife right behind her, each of them too late in their sprint as Patrick and Steve both had robbed them of their grass skirts, now running bare-assed as well, up along the beach, towards the house.

“Oh yeah, this is about to get really interesting,” my wife observed.

“I certainly hope so,” I then added. “I certainly hope it does.”


Once inside the house however, the excited nervousness of outside seemed to be tapering off rapidly. If someone didn’t get up and do something soon to get things started again, the night was apt to become a major disappointment.

“So what do you expect us to do about that?” Henry asked me. “We can’t just start going down on one another in the middle of the room just like that,” she said.

“You never know…it might,” I said in return, but she was right. I still didn’t know where Steve’s wife stood in all this either. Nor did Marsha look too enthusiastic about doing much of anything, now having dressed again, no longer bare breasted as everyone else at least still was. “What you could do though…is dance. Tell Sophia you need some sexy, nice to move to beat music. Something to bump and grind against. After a couple of songs to heat things up a little, that’s when the two of you do a bit of provocative, stimulating, erotic sensual touching. See where that leads to,” I offered.

“Now that…sounds like a plan,” my wife said, moving off in order to do just that. I now felt it was time to go over and get better acquainted with Steve’s wife, only then remembering her name…Rose. Standing there chatting to her, admiring her rather impressive looking chest, and making no bones about the fact that I was either. She seemed not to mind too terribly much, the attention putting me at ease as she allowed one of her magnificent bare breasts to press gently and comfortably into my side.

“Sophia tells me that she and your wife and sister have gotten to know one another…shall we say, fairly intimately?”

“You…might say that, yes.” I confirmed for her. “And you? Sophia?”

“Not yet,” she said, winking at me. “But…hopefully after tonight,” she grinned. And then added, and hopefully a couple of you guys too,” she said with an evil wicked grin.

Yes…the prospects for the evening were starting to get better and better.


As we had hoped, it didn’t take long before watching my wife and Tom dancing so sexily together, eventually enticing most everyone else into likewise joining them, including Marsha as the last holdout, though she again was the only one doing so fully clothed. Once again peer pressure came into play however as every single one of the women began dancing with her, up and against her, and then began making a game out of stripping her clothes off while she did that. If nothing else, that at least showed us she wasn’t opposed to a little girl-girl playfulness at least. A good sign.

It was erotic as hell watching it. Ironically now though…it was like the first junior prom all over again. All the girls dancing, all the guys standing on the sideline…watching. We were again at a crossroads here. One, two more songs at best, and without further improvement on our part, we’d again reach a lull in the action.

It was my turn to man up. So I did. I simply took off the rest of my clothes, first to reveal a nice stiff cock, which immediately received a few whistles and catcalls from the ladies as they pulled me into their little group on the floor, now circling, and dancing around me as though this was some sort of erotic harvest festival or something. It worked though. With me now the only guy getting any attention, it didn’t take Pat long to likewise strip down, getting and receiving even more whistles than I did, though with good reason.

He too was rock hard solid, and I wondered briefly if that might be a little intimidating for the other guys…especially Antony. But with Mia now eyeing Pat’s prick, a lot…and sorely tempted to reach out and actually touch it, which she did sort of do with her ass on one or two occasions while we all danced, bumped and grinded against one another, Steve, and then finally Antony joined us now doing the same.

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