The companion act – 5


“Yes.” I responded even nodding my head as though lost in thought. Henry knew my routine in the morning as we’d often discussed it. She also knew of my somewhat friendly, only slightly flirtatious relationship with her. We held no secrets from one another.

“Way cool,” she responded back, “this could be fun,” she then stated, though it sounded more like she was addressing her sister than she was me in saying that.

“Go on…” I urged her to hurry things up just a little, smiling at Mia, even winking at her as she sat there trying not to look as though she was listening in on my conversation, even though she obviously was.

“Well, after you left…Tom titty-fucked me. And then I titty-fucked her too!”

“That sounds interesting,” I said over the phone trying to hide the fact I was rapidly growing erect and aroused on my end. “How’s that working?” I now asked.

“You want specifics?”


“Not until you take your cock out.”

“Here? Now?” I asked, realizing maybe I was saying something I shouldn’t be, raising suspicion, glancing at Mia again though she sat patiently in her seat, still smiling at me.

“Yes…unless you don’t want to hear about it until you get home,” Henry told me.

I unzipped beneath my desk, fishing my cock out carefully, Mia sitting across from me, making the whole thing dangerously thrilling.

“Ok, I can do that,” I said, having already done so.

“Promise? You’re not just saying that to get me to tell you? You did? You are?”

“Yes.” I said simply.

“Well, with our tits still nice and messy after you came all over them, Tom had me lay down on the kitchen table, and then proceeded to mash her breast against my pussy, fucking and teasing my clit with it, until I came. And then I did the same thing to her. It was really naughty…really horny. Really hot!”

“I can only imagine,” I responded, stroking my dick.

“You hard? Wet? Slippery?”

“Very,” I said again. “Yes…very much so.”

“Are you playing with it now? Stroking it up and down, rubbing the head for me? For us?” She added.

“Yes, I am,” I said, still trying very hard to sound professional here on my end, though I was doing exactly that.

“Want to see us do that for you again tonight after you get home?”

“I would yes…I’d enjoy ah…I’d enjoy that very much, it would be much appreciated.”

Henry laughed. “Ok baby, I’ll let you get back to work now then. “Enjoy your cock,” she added. “Come for me.”

“I will…that, I can assure you. I will. And thanks for calling,” I finished finally hanging up. “Sorry about that,” I said, speaking to Mia, cock still in hand, though I had every intention now of putting it away once she’d left rather than finishing myself off here in my office.

To my surprise however, she stood up grabbing my cup and hers. “I’ll get us some fresh coffee,” she said. “And I need to make a pit-stop into the ladies room first before I do that,” she added, surprising me just a little. She stepped towards the door, hand on the door-knob, not yet turning it, turning back towards me. “Oh…and tell your wife hi for me next time she calls.”

I sat there looking at her. She laughed.

“You might also want to consider the fact that I have really acute hearing,” she grinned a bit wickedly, and then glanced downwards in fact as though having x-ray vision or something as she looked towards my desk. “After that…I’m going to need a few moments too,” she finished only then turning the knob on the door, stepping out.

“Well I’ll be damned!” I said, feeling my face redden considerably. “I’ll go to hell!”


A few minutes later Mia returned with two fresh steaming hot cups of coffee. She closed the door, this time locking it before taking her seat, sliding one of the cups over towards me. As she did, I noticed something else. She was no longer wearing the camisole she’d had on beneath her white blouse.

She still had a bra on, that I could clearly see, a rather sexy looking one in fact with obvious lace patterns and designs in it clearly showing through. Another thing, there was a third button on her blouse now open as well. Daring, if not a bit too daring for the office, without being totally obscene, just on the edge of being inappropriate. I liked the look. I took a sip of my coffee, though damn near spurting it out across the desk moments later.

“So…you still have it out? Or did you put it away?”

Like I said.

Mia shifted in her seat, slid back a little away from the desk. The chair had rollers. She put one leg up on the edge of my desk. I didn’t mind. She didn’t have any panties on now either.

“That was horny,” she offered. “Your wife and her sister huh?” She then stated matter of factly.

There was no point in denying it…she’d heard, obviously. I grinned, though answering her previous question rather than this one.

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