The companion act – 5

I arrived at work with plenty of time to spare, Robert nodding his head appreciatively from his office as I walked by heading towards mine. Mia, my administrative assistant, brought me a fresh morning cup of coffee, something I’d never asked or required her to do, something she just did for me almost from the very beginning. She had poured herself one as well, part of our early morning ritual now as we sat down to plan out the day. As she very often did, closing the door so we’d have some privacy to work and discuss things over that first cup.

In the three years now that Mia had been working for me, I had never not once made any untoward advances against her. Ours was, and would remain a professional relationship. Having said that however, it was also a friendly and pleasant one as well. We often joked, flirted a little without crossing any major lines in the sand. It kept things light and easy between us, and the fact she had a nice looking body, without showing too much of it off, was an added bonus. And today was no exception to that either. Mia had dark shoulder length hair,

a nice full bosom, breasts somewhere in between my wife’s and Tom’s, though I of course had never actually seen them. Just the occasional unintentional glimpse down the front of her blouse a few times. Sexy bras, lace bras mostly, a hint of well defined sculptured flesh with a small sprinkling of freckles, which I frankly found quite stimulating for some odd reason. In addition to all that, Mia had long curvy legs,

a tight form fitting ass that looked damn good in jeans, which she usually always wore on casual Fridays. Today was Tuesday however, so she wore her usual business fare, which today consisted of a short black skirt, showing off those long legs of hers, and a nice somewhat see-through white blouse, though she most usually wore a camisole beneath that whenever she did.

“You look tired,” she began. “Late night?”

I couldn’t help but laugh at that. “You have NO idea!” I told her, grinning wickedly. She knew the look.

“Lucky woman…wish my husband was as, well…adventurous as the two of you seem to be,” she told me.

“If she only knew,” I thought to myself, taking a moment to glance down at her chest as she seemed to sigh wishfully, causing her chest to heave, enough so that that one extra undone button on her blouse, which probably shouldn’t have been, gapped just a little.

The mere glimpse of a few sprinkled freckles caused my prick to stir inside my pants. “Yeah…it’s been interesting to say the least, my wife’s sister’s staying over with us for a couple of weeks, so we’ve sort of been working around that,” I said, lying a little, not wanting to hint at anything that would raise any eyebrows.

She laughed at that. “Yeah, been there, done that myself. Late night in the bathroom, not always the best place to enjoy oneself…at least, not all the time,” she confided in me.

Images of her now getting fucked in her bathroom filling my head, though I had never met her husband.

“So…what’s on the agenda for today?” I asked, deciding I’d best change the subject and get back to business before I allowed my cock to “dick-tate” otherwise.

Taking my cue, Mia opened the schedule book for today glancing at it just as my phone rang. I answered.

“Samuel Stevens,” I said, answering.

“Hi honey,” my wife said, slurring her words a little. “Guess what we’re doing?”

I felt my cock suddenly stir once again. Normally I might have been slightly irritated with a personal call, especially so early in the day, just having gotten to work after having so recently seen her. But now…with the too recent memory of walking out the door, seeing the two of them rubbing their cum-splashed tits against one another, Mia’s freckled tits…and those damn sexy long legs of hers, I decided to indulge myself, listening in.

“Should I come back?” Mia asked. I put my hand over the receiver.

“No, stay put. I’ve been expecting this call, but it shouldn’t take too terribly long,” I assured her, returning to my wife. “Thanks for calling me,” I then said, trying to sound professional, letting Henry know as I did…I wasn’t alone.

She laughed. “You have company then?” She asked snickering.

“Yes…I do in fact.”

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