The companion act – 4

Once again…the girls proved to me they could shock me even when I was half expecting it. Henry was laying down on the kitchen table, legs draped over the edge, Tom standing between them, wearing what appeared to be some sort of strap on dildo, that looked real as hell.

“Oh my god!” I exclaimed seeing the two of them. I remembered a while back, once again watching a video, seeing that. Henry had expressed an interest, though at the time, neither one of us knew anyone, or had felt comfortable with anyone we did know…who might be willing to do that with her. Now we obviously did.

I stood there watching Tom fucking her sister for a while longer, and then Henry glanced at the clock on the wall. “As much as I’d like to continue this,” she said, forcing her sister to step back. “Dinner’s almost ready. And this…we must save for later.”

As though on cue, the doorbell rang. I glanced down at myself somewhat alarmed, even more so looking at the girls, neither one of which seemed to be in any big panic to dress or cover themselves up. “That would be…our guests,” she said.

“Guests? Guests? What guests?” I asked realizing, that like it or not, I was the one now expected to answer the door…dressed, or rather undressed as I was. “Who?”

“Answer the door!” Henry spat pointing towards it just as the doorbell rang again.

“Women!” I said, shaking my head walking towards it. “Can’t live with them…”

I opened the door, and my jaw just about dropped.

Patrick and Sophia stood there in the doorway holding a bottle of wine. “Hope we’re not too early!” Sophia stated as I stepped back inviting them both in. “Hmmm, smells good in here too,” she added as Pat once again took my hand shaking it. At least this time he didn’t seem or appear to have an erection when he did. Though I now noticed, both of them wore nothing more than a pair of similar robes to the one I was wearing.

Henry and Tom soon after came walking into the entry room greeting them both. Still naked, much to Pat’s delight, and his wife’s from what I could see. At least Tom wasn’t wearing the strap on, though as I stood there thinking about it, I wouldn’t have been too surprised if she had, nor might the two of them been either.

“I feel…overdressed,” Sophia stated, and then slipped out of her robe, revealing the fact that she too was naked beneath it.

“Surprise,” Henry told me, winking at me. “Met Sophia while we were out shopping today,” she then informed me. “Thought we’d invite them over to dinner tonight…told them what we had been planning for you, thought it sounded like fun, so we decided to include our new friends. Didn’t think you’d mind that too much.”

“Not at all!” I said grinning from ear to ear. “Not at all!”


As the girls had set the dining room table, we all slipped back into our robes at least when we sat down to eat. Patrick’s selection of wine was one of the finest we’d ever had, and enjoyed all three bottles he’d brought with him in no time. Once again, my head was swimming already, but even more importantly, so was Henry’s, and that usually meant only one thing. Horny as she’d been earlier, she was even more so now.

Patrick and I sat back in the living room digesting our meal, now sharing a glass of Brandy I had. The girls had shooed us out of the way as they hurriedly cleaned up carrying out the dinner dishes, though I had a pretty good idea, it was also so they could chat, giggle, and share things with one another.

No doubt…many of which would include whatever it was they had on their minds for this evening. An unexpected, though very welcome twist to what was becoming a rather naughty way of life. One in which I’d never have expected to find myself enjoying as much as I had been, and no doubt would later on. Though the idea of now including another man was a rather unexpected twist, and one I still wasn’t too sure about.

But, I was willing to keep an open-mind about such things, and play it by ear, see how it went. I knew from past discussions with Henry, we’d long ago agreed, and assured one another, we would never ever do anything we both weren’t one hundred percent in agreement with. As we hadn’t really discussed it at length here, I had to imagine we either would shortly, or that the situation wouldn’t present itself yet…where we had to.

Needless to say I wasn’t too surprised when Henry called me into the kitchen as Sophia and Tom both joined Patrick in the sitting room with a brandy of their own.


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