The companion act – 3

“No…it doesn’t,” the sexy little blonde agreed, as I only then took my first real notice of her very small, but very sexy looking breasts. Twin little cones of delight with pink perky little nipples, especially when she stood, offering her hand to me and the girls. As did Pat, standing a bit awkwardly moments later. All three of us looked down at him as he did.

I was surprised when I spoke. “Now THAT’s what I’d call a BIG cock!” I said brazenly enough, speaking the words I now knew the girls must have been thinking.

I think he was blushing too, though frankly I was now glad to be wearing my trunks again, even though they were still tented considerably.

“Sorry about that,” he stated softly. “But admittedly, watching the three of you really was quite exciting.”

“Obviously,” Henry half whispered almost as though praying, still looking down at his magnificent specimen of a prick, once again making everyone laugh, putting us all at ease with one another.

“Hey, if you’re ever interested in dropping by and visiting,” the blonde said, turning. “That’s our place, down there around the bend, first one on the beach.”

I’d seen it before, it was the most talked about, most beautifully built place down there. And I knew then who he was. “You’re…Patrick James!” I exclaimed. A well known, much sought after architect. The company I worked for had a while back tried to get him to contract with us for a project we’d been working on, but he’d been too busy and unavailable at the time. I then told him that.

“Well then…you three really should come over and join us for a drink one evening,” he suggested, shaking my hand, though once again, it felt odd, doing so…especially with that amazingly large prick of his bobbing up and down so obscenely while I did so. I don’t think either Henry or Tom ever took their eyes off it as we stood there.

“We’ll ah…do that,” Henry half stammered.

“Please do,” the blonde said, finally introducing herself. “And by the way, since my horny husband is too preoccupied to remember to introduce me, I’m Sophia,” she stated. “Maybe next weekend perhaps? Or even during the week if you’re available,” she smiled demurely.

“We’ll be there,” I quickly agreed even before my wife could. If nothing else, my own boss would be delighted to hear that I’d managed to get my own foot in the door, so to speak. Though I’d leave out the part where I had stood there shaking the man’s hand, with his blood engorged cock sticking out nearly a foot while I did so, bobbing up and down as we did that.

Saying our goodbyes then, we slowly walked away, heading back towards our own place, and what I now knew was going to be one hell of a delightful evening.


I was sitting on the edge of the bed patiently waiting for the girls. They had jumped into the shower, and though I wouldn’t have minded joining them myself, they’d made it clear they wanted to save any more fun for the bedroom. I’d turned off all the lights save for a small bedside table lamp giving the room a nice soft sensual look and feel to it. We were still nervous, even as excited as we all were. About to embark on something I don’t think any of us realized might…or could, and now would happen, we were all still a little apprehensive about it. At least I was.

Henry was the first to emerge from the bathroom. “Tom’s still drying her hair, she’ll be out in a minute,” she began. “But that will give us a moment to chat.”


“About this, all of it,” she explained. “Obviously we’re moving into uncharted waters here.”

“You can say that again,” I said, smiling a little, still feeling the tingle of excitement, though my prick certainly wasn’t feeling very nervous at the moment, standing tall between my legs.

“The thing is…I think we need to be in agreement about something,” she said somewhat seriously. “Under the circumstances, especially now with what’s happened, and with what we’re obviously about to do…it probably won’t be the last time, at least while Tom’s here staying with us.”

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