The companion act – 2

“Well…I’d arrived just in time for her bachelorette party, remember? I mean…after all, I was the one throwing it.”

“Yeah, I remember,” I said, enjoying the feel of her hand on me, though it slowed somewhat as she lost herself in thought. “You’re going to tell me something happened at the party I maybe shouldn’t know about? Don’t know about it?” I quickly amended it.

Already I was imagining some male stripper, and though there had been one, and though I was reasonably sure nothing much had happened, it wouldn’t surprise me, nor really upset me either, to find out my wife, along with every other woman there, had done a bit of fondling, and perhaps a bit more in fact. Short of Henry actually fucking him however, it wasn’t anything I’d have been upset in hearing. In fact…just the opposite, but she already knew that, because she knew me.

“You know better than that,” she informed me. “And besides, I already told you what happened, you already know I fondled the guys dick, same as everyone there, including Tom, who did a bit more than that, but…that’s for her to tell you about, not me. No samuel…what I have to tell you about, happened later, after we all got home.”

“Ok, so tell me…what happened after you got home that night that you haven’t told me about?”

For a moment, Henry quit stroking my dick, telling me in an instant, that this was sort of serious. Not serious enough that I needed to be necessarily worried about it, obviously…but serious enough that she was nervous about telling me, in fear of my reaction perhaps. And that did worry me just a little. Though she then smiled and went back to stroking my slippery cock, putting me at ease a little.

“Not sure how you’re going to take this, but…here it is. I finger-fucked Tom that night.”

To be honest, I’m not sure I heard her right. “Say that again? You did what?”

“I fingered my sister. Finger-fucked her cunt. Thought you should know.”

“Jesus! Henry? Isn’t that…”

“Incest? What are you thinking? I don’t know…maybe it is, a little anyway, but even if it is, even if that’s what you want to call it…that’s all I did…all we did.”

“We? You mean…she finger-fucked you too?”

“Yeah…she did. We did.”

“And why is it I’m only hearing about this now?” I asked, though the sudden realization of where this was going and why…suddenly hit me.

“Because I’m considering doing it for her again, and wanted to ask you about it before I do that, that’s why. And because I wanted you to hear the whole story before I did, why I did it the first time, and why I’m considering doing it again for her now.”

“Yeah, maybe you should start at the beginning and tell me why you did that in the first place, maybe then I’ll have a better understanding as to why you’d want to even consider doing that again in the second place.”

“Before or after you cum?” She asked.

“Better make it before…at least that way I’ll still be a little horny here, and a bit more open-minded to the suggestion. Not so sure how I’d feel about it after the lustiness in my balls went away.”

“Good point,” she said, removing her hand.

“Hey! Didn’t tell you to quit stroking it, just don’t make me cum yet while you fill me in,” I half pleaded with her. At least she laughed at that, soaping up my dick once again.

“Ok, here it is. I think during the party, and especially after she’d you know…fondled…”

“What else?”

Henry gave me an eyebrow, but then nodded her head just a little. “After she had fondled the guy’s dick…as we all did,” she openly confirmed once again for me, “she did suck it off a little. As did a few of the other women there, though not all of us…and certainly not me.”

“Ok, I believe you…so, she sucked him off…a while.”

“A little,” she corrected.

“Did he cum?”

Henry hesitated, but shook her head again.

“A lot,” I re-corrected her.

“Ok, she did a lot…for a little while.”

“Whatever…where are you going with all this?”

“Point being. After the party we came home, she was having second thoughts…”

“About what she’d done?”

“No…about what she was about to do. As did everyone else for that matter. Hell Samuel, you know as well as I did, we were all second guessing her marriage to Mat in the first place. Needless to say, as much as she wouldn’t admit to it, it was making her rethink things as well, especially after she caved in so easily in sucking that guy off…some guy she’d never met until that night. Using the excuse of the party as her last fling if you will.”

Suddenly another unshared observation came to mind, though I sort of figured that now was not the time to bring that one up with my wife at the moment. “Go on…and then what?”

“She was scared…nervous, had almost decided to back out of the wedding that very night, and probably would have, had it not been for mom and dad pressuring her to go through with it. After all, they’d spent a lot of money on it…on her, the dress, invitations and what not. The list went on and on.”

I could see it in my mind, the pressure from my wife’s parents would have been enormous to carry through with the wedding, regardless.

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