The broken hearts

“Interesting movie,” she said ignoring me as she now came the rest of the way in and settled down in her chair, looking at it, and then over towards me, though by now I had managed to sit my own chair upright again. And once again, crossing my legs in order to try and hide my very obvious aroused cock. “I see you discovered the adult channels. I was wondering if you would.”

I looked at her in shock. Obviously she already knew they existed, though I wasn’t about to ask her if she actually watched any of them herself. She turned back towards the TV, actually settling back into her own chair, speaking…though not looking at me.

“We couldn’t decide on a movie to see, so we made it an early night instead. Margaret had things she needed to do tomorrow anyway, so she brought me home early.”

Now I knew why I hadn’t been aware of her coming home. She hadn’t driven her own car, so the sounds of the garage door opening hadn’t alerted me. That, and coming in through the front door, instead of through the garage door, which I would have heard from down here was the other.

“Jesus sis!” I said again, flustered, and frustrated now…not to mention being embarrassed. “You ah…you can shut it off now,” I said meekly, certainly unable to do so myself, especially with the remote halfway across the room closer to the TV itself now than either one of us.

“Why? It does look sort of interesting,” she said. “I have watched a few Jacob…” she then added, only then looking back towards me.

“Yeah? Maybe so…but not with your own brother in attendance, and naked…”

“And with a hard on too you mean?” She giggled, though at least she stood up again, appearing as though she was finally going to retrieve the remote, which she did…but not to turn it off. Instead, she turned up the sound just a little. “My hearing is not quite as good as it once was,” she explained, walking back towards her chair, sitting down again.

“You’re kidding me right?” I now said looking at her, hands down in my lap, though my cock had at least partially softened a little with my nervous embarrassment.

“Oh for hells sakes Jacob, lighten up. We’re both adults, and if either one of us wants to watch a dirty movie, we’re certainly entitled to do that. Especially in our own home.”

“Maybe so. But…you are after all my own sister.”

“Yeah? So? And you’re my brother. But it’s not like…” she glanced at the TV once again, perhaps only then realizing what it was I was watching. She smiled. “It’s not like we’re young…like they are. We’re older now Jacob, we’re both in a different place now under different circumstances than back then.”

I know my mouth was hanging open (not to mention my dick still sticking out) after she said that, though no words came to mind just then. Though she did pause the movie, freezing it in place, the scene before me now seemed surreal as the young man in the closet inadvertently stumbled, dropping his video camera, and then crashing out into the floor of his sister’s bedroom. The look on the young man’s face was one of horror and shock. Similar to what mine must have looked like when Sophia came in.

“And don’t you dare do anything…I’ll be right back,” she said. And then I watched as she left the room heading upstairs once again. Taking the remote with her as she did that.


“Jesus,” I said again more to myself. Staring at the frozen screen…looking down at myself, growing hard again, almost unbelievably. Looking back up at the entry, almost expectantly, wondering. “She doesn’t mean…” I said talking to myself, feeling my cock twitch and grow even a bit stiffer perhaps. An eternity passing, and then footsteps coming back down again. Sophia walked back into the room, holding the remote, sitting back down in her own chair again. Wearing nothing more than a tight fitting tee shirt, her bare breasts boldly pressing against it, hard stiff nipples protruding. That…and a pair of bright red women’s briefs, and nothing else.

And then I noticed what she was carrying in her other hand.

“So…bring me up to date in the movie Jacob. What did I miss beyond the obvious?”

“You’re telling me you’re going to…”

“Yes Jacob. I am. I’m going to sit here and masturbate while watching a dirty movie with my own brother. Who hopefully will get over his own squeamishness, and begin doing the same. I mean after all Jacob, it’s not the first time you’ve ever watched me doing this, now is it?”

“You…you knew?” I said in disbelief. So many years now since I had. And never once had she ever mentioned it to me, that she’d known I’d been standing there. Though not in her closet, certainly peeking through the crack in her door for a bit. Seeing her there on her own bed, legs spread, bent at the knee. And though the toy she’d been using on herself back then wasn’t as elaborate as the one in the movie, the one she now held in her hand was.

Now she was blushing. Perhaps for the first time as she confessed she had known. “I would have never said anything to you about it back then,” she stated easily enough. “But to be perfectly honest about it Jacob, when I realized you had been, when I saw shadows behind the door out in the hallway, and realized my door hadn’t closed all the way. I knew then you had. And the thought that you had, that you’d seen me playing with myself…well, it aroused me even more. I even did it again a few times after that, with a crack in the door. But never saw, or at least caught you peeking in on me again.”

“That’s because I never did,” I told her. “It was the one and only time.” I looked at her. “You ah…you ever catch me?” I asked curiously now. To which she laughed.

“Oh yes, more than once in fact,” she grinned. “Though I actually never got to see you cum. Once you were facing towards the old shed, while you were standing outside. The other time, well…you had a white hanky over it, so you obviously came in that.”

I had done that often enough, but I was trying to place or picture when it was she might have actually seen me, without my being aware of it.

“And when was that?” I asked curiously.

“Remember the year we flew out with mom and dad to Uncle George, and Aunt Diane’s place for Thanksgiving? And you ended up sleeping on the sofa down in their rec-room?”

“Yeah,” I said cautiously, trying to think…trying to remember.

“And how our cousin Betty was constantly teasing and flirting with you back then, even though she was our cousin?”

Betty was dead now too, sadly enough…but she’d been almost ten years older than I was back then, and had seemed to take a great deal of delight in teasing me, nearly exposing herself on several occasions as though on purpose. And back then, on a horny teenage boy with raging hormones, it hadn’t taken much to interest, or arouse me…even if she’d been my own cousin. I nodded my head, though still not sure when, or how, she had actually seen me. I’d honestly jerked off a number of times while we’d been there.

“So…but when,” I asked, still trying to visualize all this.

“It was late, everyone had gone to bed. You remember how close Betty and I were, even though she was a lot older than I was. Always felt like she was more of a sister to me than a cousin, and an older one at that. Took me into her confidence, shared things with me about herself. And I of course did the same.

So I did have a pretty good idea about what she was doing…teasing you, and why. We’d both seen the bulge in your jeans just before you disappeared downstairs to the rec room to sleep. I soon followed her outside, we snuck around the side of the house, peeked in through the window. And sure enough, there you were. Unfortunately, by the time we got there, you were already laying on the couch, jerking yourself off, with your hanky over the end of your cock. Saw you cum, well…saw the look on your face anyway when you did, but not much else.”

“Fuck…you mean to tell me?”

Sophia laughed. “Yeah…she saw you too,” she giggled. “But if this helps any Jacob. After that, after we came back inside and went back to her room? That’s when she showed me what a vibrator was used for.”

“No shit!”

“Yeah…really, no shit. My first one, was the one she actually gave to me, which is no doubt the same one you saw me using that one time. So…now you know.”

“And you two…”

Sophia laughed. “We’ll save that story for another time. Right now, I’m more interested in all this…back to the movie, and you,” she added. “So quit being so damn shy and reserved Jacob. Enjoy yourself…try forgetting that I’m your sister for once.”

“That’s not quite so easy,” I assured her, though after this little discussion, my prick had in fact firmed up once again.

“Then maybe this will help,” she said un-pausing the movie, though it was probably when she actually spread her legs, draping one of them over the arm of the chair she was sitting in, turning on her vibrator, and placing down between her legs that caused me to forget all about what the hell we were doing here.

Time for that discussion would no doubt come later. Right now, I was too fucking horny to give it any more thought than that, as I suddenly uncrossed my legs, allowing my recliner to settle back once again. The next thing I knew, I was sitting there stroking my prick in front of my own sister, while she in turn began masturbating herself in front of me.


It’s not like we were actually doing anything. Well…to one another anyway. At least that’s how I finally saw it, accepted it. Actually watching my sister playing with herself, while I did. Though the brother and sister in the movie certainly took it well beyond that as we sat there. I know I was thinking about that, wondering if she was.

The two of us periodically glanced over at one another, especially when Sophia lifted the tee shirt she was wearing up and over her amazing breasts, and began toying with her rock-hard nipples. That almost did it for me, and I found myself having to ease up a bit, or I’d be shooting off everywhere. The fact I hadn’t worried about…or brought a hanky with me in the beginning only then dawned on me.

Finally she actually looked over towards me again, lust-filled eyes and an expression on her face I’d never seen before. Not to mention the lusty tone of voice she now used when she spoke, further confirming the fact she was now sitting there hovering on the edge herself.

“You ah…you getting close Jacob? Because I sure as hell am!”

It was obvious she was, just by the look on her face, but then I was too, and even more so now perhaps, just hanging on. Though idiotically enough, I was still wondering what I was going to do about it. I mean…I just couldn’t sit there and simply cum, squirt…spray, now could I? The only thing I did do…was nod my head, looking at her, once again feasting on my sister’s tits as she sat there pinching the nipple on her left breast.

“That’s the one thing I never got to see you do, Jacob,” she said with that same lusty catch in her tone of voice, teetering on the edge now, looking at me, her face flushed, her breath coming in clips between words. “I watch to watch you Jacob. See you squirt…watch you cum,” she moaned.

I was speechless, just sitting there looking at her, looking at my hot, very horny sister as she openly touched herself sliding the vibrator in and out of her obviously wet pussy.

“Come on Jacob, cum for me. Let me see you cum, while you watch me cum. I want to cum for you Jacob. Your horny, naughty little sister wants to cum for you while she watches her equally horny older brother shoot his wad.”

“Fuck!” I finally spat, and then threw caution to the wind, too far gone to care or let anything matter at this point. All I wanted to do was finish Coopering myself off, and if my sister wanted to see me doing that, while I in turn watched her actually climax, I was suddenly all for it. Three firm up and down strokes of my cock after that was all it took.

I suddenly grimaced, not able to help it any longer. Felt the first intensely pleasurable surge racing up the length of my cock, and then the inevitable eruption as my seed suddenly exploded from the tip of my prick, surprising even me when it did. I had obviously come hard before, and a lot too from time to time.

But it had been a while since I’d actually seen myself come quite this much. Not only was that first massive ejaculate a sight to see as it skyrocketed up in the air with a massive launch, not only in volume, but in length. But this was quickly followed by several more, each one just as copious, just as intense, as my prick continued to pump out streamer after streamer of hot cum cream. Each one of which began to land, splashing haphazardly all over everywhere, and almost everything, not including myself.

“Oh fuck! Yes Jacob yes!” Sophia cried out, watching enthralled, and then shoving that vibrator so deep inside herself, where she held it now, thrashing and bucking about wildly, uncontrollably, once more crying out her own delirious pleasure, through her eyes somehow remained open, focused and locked on to my still discharging prick. I had slowed stroking it, more milking it now.

And though the half dozen or more spurts that felt like they’d take the end of my cock off with it when I came had diminished now, there was still a sizeable oozing of cum-cream that continued to run down the length of my shaft, now coating and saturating my balls, not to mention my chair. Drained, collapsing back now, and only then closing her eyes, Sophia shuddered, groaned once more, and then smiled at me.

“Stay where you are…I’ll get you something,” she said and then stood up and walked past me, glancing down at my now spent prick. Her breasts still fully bare, her tee shirt still pulled up above them as she sauntered by, but not before placing yet another kiss on my forehead before she left again. “Thank you Jacob…thank you.”

I could only sit there, slick and covered with my own cum, still trying to sort out how all this had happened, mixed emotions especially now coursing through me as I waited for my sister to return with something I could use to wipe myself up with. She returned moments later carrying a nice hot damp towel, expecting her to hand it to me. But instead, she reached out, lifting my somewhat limp cock up herself, and proceeded to clean me up like she’d been doing it for years.

All I could do was sit there and let her.

To be continued…

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